What features is a divination for christmas holidays


Christmas, our ancestors have always been revered as a significant event. But in front of him, people were engaged not only by the compilation of the festive menu and the cleaning of their homes - fortune-telling were very popular for Christmas holidays. I propose in this article to familiarize yourself with the history of the appearance and many interesting details of ghostas for Christmas.

Features of christmas gadas

Historical excursion to christmas fortune telling

Although the clergymen always talked about the dangers of ghosts for the soul of man, various techniques to find out that he prepared you fate from this did not become less popular.

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When Christmas on the 10th century began to be celebrated in Russia, many Slavic-pagan rituals and superstitions, which were relevant for a long period before that time were closely included.

It was for the indicated reason before Merry christmas followed a long preparation. This is generally not surprising - the times of the Soviet Union Christmas, just as Easter represented the most important solemn event in the year. But the new year in those days was paid at all not much attention as now.

Traditionally, the date of celebration of Christmas is considered seventh of January (Catholics this number performs the twenty-fifth of December). Followed by him Sky (sinic days).

If you consider the shitty of the days of a simple Russian folk entertainment, then you are deeply mistaken. In fact, they constitute the festive days set by the Church. But due to the course of time, the initial meaning of the inacid days was somewhat lost.

The duration of the shield is 2 weeks, before baptism, which falls on January 19. Our ancestors were convinced that this is such a certain period of time when everything in life turns off his legs on the head, so it is allowed to do what is usually prohibited. In Russia, you could easily meet in the streets on the streets in the streets, the youth, executing carols, and it was these days that it was best to offer the veil of the future.

The perfect sometimes for fortune telling was at midnight and night. And the most popular topics were: love, children, material well-being and harvest.

Features of christmas gadas

Our rapids adhered to certain rules when they resorted to fortune telling after Christmas. What were they?

  • girls to divination had to get rid of any amulets (rings, earrings, belts, and so on);
  • should dissolve hair - because it believed that women's tresses attract evil spirits due to its mystical properties;
  • as often in the course of the predictions used special attributes, which believed, is the mysterious power: thimbles, mirrors, needles, ring, shoe, skirt, belt, socks, combs and, of course, candles;
  • and wishing to protect themselves from the negative influence of evil spirits at the divination should outline around them a circle with candles, poker or Lucino circle;
  • if the group performed divination, the girls stand in a circle, holding his little fingers.

What are the ways of predicting the future, our ancestors often treated with? In fact, the options were vast. And then in this article I will introduce you to the most popular of them.

Christmas divination, there are many

Taking into account the information that throw the boots out of the gate, or sprinkle the seeds before the rooster, or pacing back to the trough-kneading trough today is not too important (after all, very few people has in its stock the chicken coop or real boots), I offer you a more modern version, which uses most of the available attributes.

Varieties divination describing their performance

Guessing with water

For his conduct Cover the table a white cloth on which place the small mirror settings. Set on top of a transparent glass filled with water, and the lower ring to it.

Now your task - to scrutinize the state of water, who knows, maybe you're lucky and there will arise the face of her spouse? (Unless, of course, this issue is relevant for you now).

Divination using wax

Venue - darkroom. You need to melt the candle in the cold water. Water is poured into any improvised container - it can be a cup, a saucer or a glass. Wait until the wax hardens, and then be engaged in the study received on the surface of the water of figures:

  • Flower - point to the marriage;
  • animal - symbolizes some sort of pathology;
  • Strips - denotes the length of the road;
  • home - this figure tells you about the acquisition in the near future new properties. But if wondering young girl, then her house mean a quick wedding;
  • the appearance of water shapeless ruins - is not a positive sign, which is designed to tell you about a variety of adverse events in the future;
  • Yama, cave either the grotto - acts as the most unwanted figure, as it is associated with the grave and is designed to foresee the protracted pathology or even the death of a person;
  • Trees - can be interpreted in various ways: so if their branches are sent up - they will become a sign of happy events, and if, on the contrary, the book goes down - perform a symbol of sadness, longing and boredom;
  • Ring or candle - the specified characters are unconditionally refer to signs pointing to a rapid marriage;
  • Damn on the bottom, in contrast to the previous figure, will tell about the long stay of the female parties "in girls".

Fortune telling with the mirror and month

This version of divination is not original Russian, as it was brought from abroad together with mirrors. And for a long time, it was the opinion that the mirror serves as a window in the otherworldly worlds. It was used in various magical rituals - to call "to the conversation" of the dead man or to withdraw information about his future.

To fulfill the Christmas fortune telling with a mirror, you need to take a reflective object in any sickness, go to the window and send it to watch the face of the month in it. The greater the number of the moons you will see in the mirror, the biggest family and offspring will receive in the future.

Fortune telling at the intersection

Crossroads from the time of distant antiquity was a place of accumulation of unclean strength, and therefore enjoyed bad glory. It was believed that in such a place to really hear the voice of fate, as the intersection protrudes the line of intersection of the borders of the two worlds.

Those who wish to pay in dots on the occurrence of midnight went to the intersection and listened to what is happening around:

  • If heard the sounds of cheerful laughter or singing, it was possible to count soon to marry, or simply expected a fun time;
  • And if the cry sounded, they were preparing for parting or not very positive news.

Fortune telling with king

For this method, you need to stockday card with a card deck, from which 4 king is extracted and with the words "narrowed-oh, dreamed of me in a dream!" Put under the pillow. According to the allegations of experienced fortune-law, after such actions, you must imagine your future lover in a dream, and he will look like a king!

Card kings fortune telling

Fortune telling by name

In this case, the girl follows the street in the later evening, go to the first met man and find out what his name is. According to an old reference, this is how your future husband will call.

Interestingly, in a similar way, not only the representatives of the weak gender - guys were also very interested to know how their future afternoon would call.

G Ancient with threads

This option of divination is suitable for girls who are constantly being controversial about the one who is the first wedding dress. And the threads will help them understand the dispute.

Follow the threads having the same length, and then each girl needs to take one of the threads with his left hand, and the right hand is setting it out. Further, everything is simple - whose thread will burn the very first, of the one and destined to get married. With a rapid swelling of the thread or combustion, less than half, - this year the wedding is not foreseen.

Divination with notes

Before you go to bed, prepare 2 leaves. On one write the word "happiness", and on the second - "misfortune". Twist them, mix and hide them.

Outwarm Remove the first leaflengths, which will lead about your future for a year.

Advice! If you wish, you can use more leaves with a large number of words.

Divination by shadow

For the next method, stock newspaper sheet and how to doubt it (but you do not need to roll to the state of the dense ball). After that, crumpled paper is put on the dish and is set on fire.

When paper burns, put a candle to the dish and consider the shadow that is discarded by a burnt newspaper on the wall.

divination by shadow

At the same time, the value of the resulting figures will be similar to that it has a fortune-telling with wax.

Fortune telling "Bridge with a Well"

Take an ordinary home broom and remove a couple of twigs from it. Of these, build a bridge and put it up to the morning dawn under the bed. When you put, you say the following words: "Who is my narrowed, who is my muddy, will translate me across the bridge."

It is believed that now you have to contemplate this night in a dream of your future spouse.

If you wish, the rod can be replaced by ordinary matches. Everything else in fortune telling remains unchanged: you just put the bridge under the bed, but only now speak a little other words:

"Dailed, rude, come the water to get drunk"


At the time of our ancestors, the Bible traditionally became a book for predictions. Today, you can, of course, somewhat modify the prediction of the future and take advantage of any other edition of free topics.

So, if you wish to get an answer to the disturbing your soul, in thoughts to clearly formulate it, then think about the number of the line, it will be the bottom or top line and at random open the publication. By interrupting the response received, pay attention not just on the planned line itself, but also the entire page as a whole and the semantic composition.

In the event that the response is not possible to interpret logically, we can reinstate divination.

Divination for christmas using a mirror

The method of predicting the coming in duplicate days with the use of a mirror at the same time has a high accuracy, but also pays a certain danger. According to some stories, girls and women performing it, sometimes in the process lose consciousness. Therefore, it is worth thinking once again before being taken for such a risky event.

The danger of divination is due to the fact that, according to the ancient beliefs, the mirror is a kind of border that separates reality from the other world. Here are the variety of signs and customs.

  1. For example, one of the believes says that the crashed mirror is the harbinger of unhappy events.
  2. It is also considered that it is impossible to look at yourself in the mirror when the street is thunderstorm.
  3. It is noteworthy that mostly all bad signs concern that it is reflections in a mirror surface. So, the woman should not have looked into the mirror when she risked to break the boundaries of our and the "of the world", that is, during pregnancy, when the kid just appeared on the light, and throughout the postpartum period. People thought she was now "unclean."

fortune telling with a mirror - the most interesting, but the most dangerous

Of course, today many changes occurred - first of all, another technology for the manufacture of mirror items is used. Today, the silver coating of the mirrors has long been replaced by lead, and the last one is inherent shorter "memory" - respectively, modern mirrors are not so dangerous as those in which our grandmothers looked.

But even despite this, and now they do not advise to show a newborn mirror, as they fear that his faster soul risks to divide into two parts and the child will be filled with negative energy.

Although we have now paid attention to the negative side of the mirrors, in reality they have both faithful abilities. So, for example, if some unclean essence is reflected in the mirror, then it immediately loses its magical abilities and can no longer harm anyone.

But let's return to the Christmas fortune of the mirror. It is performed on such instructions:

  1. An ideal place for divination is any "unclean", best, if it is a bath. In time - of course, the night, or rather, at midnight - the time of the greatest permeability of the border, which the mirror indicates.
  2. It is important that the girl was in the room in full solitude. Hair blooms, you need to remove the belt.
  3. Two table appliances with a mirror and a candle are put on the table.
  4. After that, the girl is sitting next to the mirror and pronounces such words: "Durable, rich, come to me dinner."
  5. Then her task is to sit and wait until a man appears in the mirror who will look over her shoulder.
  6. When you consider his face, you need to immediately speak protective words: "Chur of place!". Then the image immediately disappears, and nothing threatens the girl anymore.

Note! Dangerously peeled in the face of a potential "spouse", as it is fraught with unpredictable consequences. Still, you are not a real person, but unclean.

Exists Another variation of this fortune telling - It uses two mirrors, arranged one opposite the other in such a way that they reflect each other. One mirror is placed on the table, on which two candles are placed around the sides.

When the clock is trying twelve nights, you must remove clothes from yourself, sit down in the chair in the middle of the mirror items and start peppering in your face in the mirror. With the correct placement of mirrors on their reflections, a long gallery is created - a kind of mirror corridor. It is in it that the image of the future husband of the girl should appear.

As in the previous version of divination with mirrors, it is necessary to remember about your safety and use protective words in time.

At the end of the topic

You can summarize that:

  • In Russia, fortune telling has long been greatly popular, despite any church prohibitions and superstitions associated with them.
  • The traditional time of gadas on Christmas holidays is considered a week after the Nativity of Christ and before baptism. This time interval between January 7 and 19 is the so-called soda days or a sick week.
  • It is believed that the border between the worlds is erased on the shinties, and therefore really get information from the "that world."
  • There is a lot of softy fortunes, you can choose anyone that you will like most. The main thing is, in the process, always remember personal security and stick to all the rules mentioned.

We wish you a pleasant fortune telling in a holish evening, which will tell only about good!

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