Why the new year traditionally put the tree


The new year is a mystical holiday, when all people are waiting for a miracle and positive changes. Different traditions are connected with it - for example, install a Christmas tree in the housing, decorate your home toys, write a desire on a leaflet and burn it when the clock beat twelve ... All traditions have their own origins, and if you want to know why the new year is the Christmas tree , then I suggest you read this article.

why the new year is set

Why is Christmas tree set for the new year?

To date, we can greatly imagine the new year devoid of traditional forest beauty - ate. Not everyone knows that in history the tradition of dressing the Christmas tree to this celebration has arisen in the times of the pagan faith, that is, very and a long time ago.

Our ancestors were taken to attribute a certain magical force to various trees and plants. At the same time, the trees of a coniferous rock were allocated to a separate category, as Slavs believed that they most like Yaril (or the Sun), who spent the main pagan deities. The increased love of God was due to the fact that this tree retains its appearance regardless of the time of year, which means that spirits responsible for strength and longevity live in his branches.

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The reverence of ate continued and much later, when paganism as a religion went from the world arena. The Christmas tree symbolized fertility and eternal life, as a result of which the custom arose to decorate her twigs with all sorts of gifts . The first to speak by the Rodonarchists of this custom became Germanic peoples, and after some time he was borrowed by the British and Dutch.

As for Russia, here the New Year tradition was officially established thanks to the efforts of Peter I. Surprisingly, but before that the celebration of the New Year had not for the winter, but for the spring: people believed that when nature was updated, a new life stage occurs. Then the festive actions also involved a tree, but not spruce, but birch. But in 1700 everything changed after the release of the famous Decree of Peter the Great, which was called "about the celebration of the New Year".

According to the last, noble people, as well as the spiritual and worldly chin, were obliged to install different decorations from their gates that were made of pine twigs, ate, juniper. Also, the shooting of guns and guns was satisfied. The same, to whom his financial situation did not allow to acquire a whole tree, should have to buy at least a branch or a small trees and put next to his housing.

Petr Great introduced the tradition to put a Christmas tree

The initially designated innovations of Peter did not follow the population (which, however, happened to all his reforms), but after all of several years, the ritual to decorate the New Year's fir became the mandatory attribute of the holiday.

By the beginning of the twentieth century, an ancient custom fell into disgrace due to the fault of the Bolsheviks. Therefore, until 1935, for Soviet people, the new year has ceased to be a holiday. But still, the people could not forget magic and the magic atmosphere of this amazing winter celebration, and the evergreen beauty was again returned to the "commission." And in 1949, the official level of the non-working day was obtained at the official level, which continues until today.

How they decorate ate at different times

Now, having broken down with the history of the tradition of setting the New Year's fir, I suggest you talk about the features of the decoration of this evergreen tree.

  • Initially, when the Christmas tree began to appear as a mandatory element for the new year, it was decorated with a variety of delicacies: nuts, which put on a bright enclosure dried fruit.
  • Over time, you can trace more fantasy and diversity in the subject of Christmas tree toys. Then the coniferous tree began to decorating with sweets, which were cut out of cardboard, figures of people and living beings, angels and bells. And the Bethlehem star began to place the top tip.
  • A slightly late European glass windows begin to produce special Christmas balls. And on the change of wax candles, used to be used to illuminate the room, the modern versions of the electric garlands began to come.
  • As for the Soviet Union, here Christmas decorations traditionally performed the symbol of the spirit of the time. Therefore, cute angels and bells were replaced with glass soldiers, cosmonauts and parachutists. And instead of the biblical Bethlehem star began to use the Soviet alternative - the red five-pointed one.
  • To date, thanks to the diversity of Christmas accessories, it is realistic to satisfy even the most demanding and capricious taste. Handmade, diverse texture, as well as very interesting options, differing in their form and style. The decoration of the New Year's Christmas tree is now becoming the most real art, in which everyone gets the opportunity to implement their creative abilities.
  • At the moment, artificial versions of New Year's Christmas trees are quite popular. The latter differ in their height, the volume, the material from which they are manufactured. The obvious dignity of the unfulfilled Christmas trees and pines in front of their natural fellows is the maximum manifestation of all the strength of the designer thought. And besides this, it is thus solving the problem of the illicit destruction of the forest, that is, natural resources are preserved. And this is a significant savings - after all, by purchasing an artificial beauty once, you will not have to acquire it at least a few years. So you are the easiest to get rid of yourself and from additional trouble on the eve of New Year holidays!

Choosing Christmas tree toys today is very large

At the end of the topic

At the end, you can summarize that:

  1. Initially, the custom of the decorations of firs for the new year arose in paganism. Then the holiday of the New Year was noted in winter, but in the spring. Then this tradition gradually spread throughout the world.
  2. In Russia, decorate their dwelling with Christmas trees and pines of people motivated Peter the Great as its respective decree. Subsequently, the custom briefly disappeared into Soviet Russia, but since 1949 returned again and was fixed at the official level.
  3. As decorative elements for firs, you can use candy, Christmas tree toys, nuts, dried fruits, bells, stars, and the like.

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