Conspiracies for the love of women and men - how to read at home


Love occupies one of the principal positions in a person's life, is its basis. Everyone dreams of meeting his true love. Someone will be ready to wait for the meeting with the second half, and someone wants everything immediately. Just this impatient can help white magic.


The witchcraft conspiracies for love were popular at all times, and it is not surprising that they have survived to the present day. Many people, they helped to meet their true love, bring the fateful meeting with narrowed or narrowed, to tying the desired relationship. Your in demand, these magic spells have not lost now.

General rules for applying conspiracies for love at home

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Conspiracies for love are aimed at creating a new one, namely, the birth of new feelings and new relations. Consequently, the best period for their pronouncement is the growing phase of the moon. As for the day of the ritual, it is necessary to choose it on the basis of its sexuality. For girls and women are preferred are women's days - Wednesday, Friday, Saturday; For representatives of a strong half - Men's (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday).

Magical words should be pronounced in a calm, peaceful state. Try to pre-establish relationships with everyone who you have previously conflicted - a positive aura around you will only benefit the ritual. It is also recommended to prepare well for reading the cherished words: for 3 days to completely abandon the use of alcohol, observe the post. Remember that the conspiracy to love should be read in complete loneliness.

If you do not have experience in using magic in practice, I advise you to choose the conspiracies that belong to the White Magic. They are pretty simple and characterized by a mild effect. And also white conspiracies for love (including the methods below) are considered absolutely safe. Nevertheless, they are not suitable for all cases. The result from the use of magical words will be only when there is no sympathy between both participants in the ritual.

Conspiracy on love

If a person in respect of which you want to apply a conspiracy to love, only dislike for you, the positive results wait is useless, since the plot does not work. Alas, but here you will most likely have to think about the use of stronger, black, magic that suppresses the will of the victims and imposes to it the necessary performer (or customer) of the ritual of feelings.

I do not advise you to engage in dark witchcraft yourself - black magic is very dangerous and unpredictable. The best solution in this case will appeal to the help of a practitioner specialist.

How to make love in your life: conspiracies for reading at home

Strong conspiracy attracting love (way for girls)

The method is suitable for girls who want to tie relationships with the guy's heart. It is necessary to purchase a new tablecloth and 3 church candles in advance, prepare a thread of red light and flap of fabric (or napkin). The rite is made in complete loneliness, on a growing month.

Low on the table tablecloth, put 3 candles on it and burn them burn. Say the following magic words:

"Lord, my God, Most High Lord, I, Your Slave (own name) , I think and pray for you. God's slave (guy's name) To bring me. High wall, deep pit, an irresistible fence around us create. Entrances and exits around us close to be only together and rejoiced life. So that he remembered me, and his soul was filled away away from me. Lord, on strong and reliable locks all fences close. While God's slave (guy's name) I will love me, no one will open the castle. The only way. Amen".

After reading the plot, extinguish one of the candles. Then the second time they say the magic words and put out the second candle, and saying the third time, extinguish the third candle. Candle's grinds tie together with a red thread, wrap into a cloth or a napkin and hide out in an inaccessible place.

Conspiracy for love Girls (way for guys)

Conspiracy for guys

Conspiracy is pronounced on a silver cutlery (spoon, fork or knife), which then the guy must throw to the house of the girl who wants to achieve. Text Next:

"Sprouts - to sponsors, leaves - to leaves, flowers - to flowers, hearts - to hearts. The juice and blood of the Earth, mutual love is presented. Day, from night, leave, slave of God (girl name) I love me, as I love you, while there is a strength. The devils will take place, the angels will bring. Amen".

See another way of a love conspiracy in this video:

Conspiracy for love and peace in the family

The conspiracy given below helps to restore the world in the family, harmony, love and consent, especially if the husband and his wife became often conflict with each other. The cherished words on the new moon should pronounce a wife. Conspiracy is read on a glass with water, in which a tea spoon of honey is dissolved. Text Next:

"I close the slave of God (Name of the spouse) For all sorts of quarrels, gossip and disagreement, at all sorts of their offense and Hulu. Castles reliable closure, closing strong chains. No break my plot no one will drink all the water in the ocean. Nobody to hear my speeches and do not hurt me. What is said, will come true. Amen".

Honey water must be bought both spouses. The wife can imperceptibly misconfigure her husband in tea.

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