Determining the character of a person by his handwriting


How to find out the character of a person with the first communication? It is enough to ask him to write something from hand on a pure sheet of paper. When admitting work, I often spend a small test with potential employees to learn the main features of its character and inclination. This is helped by the basic parameters of the analysis of graphology. In this article, I will tell you how to recognize the handwriting of a good worker, a reliable friend, stupid or emotionally unstable individual.

Hand writing and character

What is graphology?

Each person has a special and unique handwriting. Even when attempting to copy someone's calligraphy, its own style is viewed. The beginning of the formation of the handwriting is for the period of 8-10 years, and only by 20 years he finds the final form. But it should be noted that a person, if desired, can several convert his letter style. In addition, the handwriting changes depending on the psychological and physical condition of people.

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According to the style of writing, you can learn a lot about the character, the inclinations and abilities of the person. This relationship was discovered by scientists in the middle of the XIX, and it was then that the science graphology appeared. Today it is used in completely different areas:

  • psychodiagnostics;
  • recruitment;
  • criminalistics;
  • business;
  • military service;
  • career guidance, etc.

Graphology is based on a wide list of handwriting parameters, a combination of which makes it possible to learn about the personal characteristics of its owner.

Basic analysis parameters

Specialist of graphology, i.e. A grief, it is impossible to deceive. Any attempt to change your handwriting will certainly be detected. This is explained by the fact that a person will be automatically returning to the familiar style of calligraphy, and it is especially noticeable when writing text under dictation.

To make a psychological characteristic of the individual, when analyzing handwritten text, pay attention to several basic parameters:

  1. Pressure. Energetic, enduring and self-confident individuals when writing words, they hisery on the handle or pencil. As a rule, they are optimistic, purposeful and possess high performance. While romantic, sensitive and dreamy natures are writing with a slight pressure. Such people are characteristic of accuracy, responsibility, slowness and weakness. They are mostly concentrated in their own inner world.
  2. Tilt letters. Most often people write with a small slope to the right. The owners of this type of handwriting are balanced, calm, sociable and open. Persons who write with a large inclination right, persistent, purposeful, jealous and in love. They are inherent in maximalism and desire to be first. Strong tilt letters to the left may indicate self-sufficiency and independence of the person. But people writing with a slight inclination to the left are individualists. They have selfish behavior and critical thinking. As for the smooth vertical handwriting, its owners are distinguished by internal harmony, rational and emotional stability. They are very stubborn, never take hasty decisions and actions, and carefully analyze the situation.
  3. The value of letters. A large handwriting indicates openness, sociability and good nature. Such nature are leaders and soul of any company. Those who write small letters, the size of which does not exceed 3 mm, are distinguished by closed, calculating, secrecy and restraint. They responsibly approach any cause and accurately fulfill the tasks. Holders are wide, squeezed calligraphy have creative talents, and narrow - shelter and rational.

    The outlines of letters. Good and responsive people, ready to compromise, usually give the letters rounded shape. While selfish and independent people prefer angled outlines. They can acutely react not only to criticism, but also on tips.

  4. Location lines. Exactly written lines indicate equilibrium, prudence and calm. If the strings are uneven, then this may indicate the impassiveness and instability of the mental state of the individual. In addition, at optimistic confused natures, the end of the rows usually slightly raised upwards, and pessimists are lowered down. You should also pay attention to the interval between the lines. The small gap is usually left by those who do not know how to dispose of their own time, and large - indicates the systematicness and adherence to the permanent boundaries.
  5. Connection of letters. If a person, when writing text, connects all letters in words, then this suggests that it is not inclined to take hasty decisions, as well as the presence of developed logical thinking. No compounds indicate developed intuition and intelligence.

Types of handwriting

Definition of character traits

By paying attention to the features of the handwriting, it is possible to accurately determine some features of the character of a person and make a brief psychological portrait.
  • Intellectually developed people with an analytical warehouse of the mind have a smooth handwriting, while letters are often located vertically, occasionally with a slope, do not have any curls, and are interconnected. The handwriting is broken, rounded shape, some letters look unfinished. The same gaps between the words and the arreary gaps.
  • On the trick, the calculation and composure of nature indicates a deliberately smooth style of writing. The letters are written in a punk, sometimes a little stretched, and the spaces between the words of unequal. The main feature is that words almost never have transfer and do not go beyond the fields, a person tries to fit them in one line by stretching or decreasing letters.
  • The stupid and ignorant nature give out elongated and "decorated" letters, which are often widely placed and do not have connections. The capital letter often has an artistic style - volume, rounded, with elegant curls. Almost always the distance between the letters and words varies. Also on stupidity and dream of a person may indicate excessive diligence when writing text.
  • On anxiety, vulnerability and vulnerability of the individual says the handwriting with a small or unequal pressure. For example, words may look unfinished due to the lack of pressure at the end of their writing. Letters have uneven outlines, slightly inclined to the right.
  • Emotionally unstable, aggressive and hot-tempered people are written by large letters who often go beyond the borders of the battered lines. Pressure is quite strong, which is especially noticeable at the end of words. Letters are written abruptly, and their tails and hooks have a large size than it should be.
  • About irresponsibility, impermanence and contradictory testifies the small handwriting. The letters are written sharply, with torn hooks, and there is practically no distance between them. Strokes in the letter have a strictly direction.
  • Lingerie and criminal nature gives himself a small bitter handwriting. Letters look flattened, arcuate, there are also emphasis and hooks. The owner of such a style of writing diligently prescribes words using strong push, why they look rude.
  • If a person is depressed or in confusion, he will write with the middle pressure. Sometimes lines are often encountered. The letters are rounded and abrupt, may have separation and additional elements in the form of jewelry. In general, the handwriting looks beautiful, but deliberately diligently.
  • A calm, balanced person with an analytic warehouse of the mind can be recognized on a uniform, woven handwriting. He writes with the same pressure and almost always connects the letters. Sometimes his text looks unintelligible, and the impression is created that the man wrote a hurry.
  • Talented, creative personality is the owner of the sophisticated and graceful calligraphy. Strits are smooth, letters sometimes go out of the line. Words do not always be understandable, and sometimes they are smeared.

Interrelation of temperament and handwriting

As you know, there are 4 types of temperament, each of which has certain features of character. But few people know that it is possible to determine what type of person or another can, without conducting special tests, it is enough to draw attention to the features of his handwriting. This methodology successfully uses a large number of companies when receiving people to work.

  1. Sanguine has a beautiful, swallow handwriting. Letters are usually curved, in words there are intermittent strokes. The lines in the text are usually smooth, but under certain circumstances can slightly "crawl" up.
  2. Castled or twisted strokes, small, closed letters point to a choler. People with such temperament write with a strong pressure, with a slope to the right, letters usually do not have connections, but it is very close.
  3. Letter melancholic is often difficult to read and understand. He writes with a weak pressure, the words "dance" and there are elongated strokes. When transferring words to the boxes, a long distance can remain.
  4. Phlegmatics inherent calligraphic, elongated handwriting decorated with curls. It is used uneven pressure, so some letters look "fat", and others are practically imperceptible. Despite the fusion writing words, a large distance remains between the letters.

The presented parameters for determining the character of a person by its handwriting are superficial. For more detailed information, graphologists conduct a deep analysis of handwritten texts. But using the examples given, it is quite possible to make a brief description of a person to understand who you are dealing with.

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