Learn why women love rumors and gossip so much


Perhaps it will sound a little strange, but all girls will agree with me that gossip are an integral part of our lives. And with all, it doesn't matter, about the com (or what) we are gossiping - about the new fight-Friend of their friend of athletic addition, noisy neighbors, ever making repairs, or about their boss, who again arranged exhausting, but a completely meaningless meeting ...

Why women like rumors and gossip . I am sure that many men are ready to sell the soul to the devil, just to get an answer to the question. Let's try to do this in this article.

Why do girls adore gossip?

What is gossip

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According to the intelligent dictionary of Ushakov, gossip It is an unfriendly or disruption of hearing about someone who extends on the basis of inaccurate, incorrect information.

And the transfer process itself is woven, as well as faith to them, is considered to be a very shameful.

But what actually motivate people to gossip? Let's find out further.

How do gossip and rumors arise?

I like this information or not, but the fact remains a fact - all women just adore gossip. And at the same time does not play a big role to their age, social layer, country of residence. This is happening throughout the globe and happened since the distant antiquity.

And then, when our men, as a rule, spend 24 hours a day on fairly productive classes, we can completely passionate about the conversation and lose it with a lot of time. Why is that?

Psychologists say that the strong floor is puzzled by more global life problems than fair sex. Men carry on their shoulders the burden of anxiety for the whole world: they are actively interested in politics, disturbing the fate of people who died in Syria, or children who remained orphans in Afghanistan ...

Our female head fill down more prosaic tasks: the health of the kids, from which you can quickly cook a delicious dinner, how to find a common language with my mother-in-law and so on. We do not strive for the salvation of the world, which means that we always find a minute, another to chat about something.

Gossip arise due to evolution?

It is possible to talk with all the confidence about the fact that the process of transferring rumors and gossip is an evolutionary model of behavior. The initial goal of the gossip was the transfer of the necessary information that helped primitive people to survive. It is due to the exchange of news that the basis for coordinating the efforts and improvement of the objectives of the collective was created. If we talk more straight, then rumors and gossip is an integral part of civilization.

Gossip begins to arise with the advent of large tribes. After all, the more inhabitants of the tribe, the greater the chance to join someone in a conversation. The gossip acquired a function of a kind of filter, the use of which gave information about a particular person or incident, but without boring and banal details.

With the help of such an effective methodology for transferring information in the Great Team, time and strength and strength. What do you think, who else participated in this process of transferring information? Of course, those who are less than others were not in their native cave.

In men who had great physical strength were their tasks - the hunt for Mammoth or on a saber-toothed tiger, takes away a lot of time and effort. Energy on empty conversations they simply did not have. But the primitive ladies spent time in courtship over the offspring and maintaining fire in the focus, in conversations with their tribesmen found real entertainment.

The situation since the times and to this day did not change too much - the men still perform serious affairs, and girls with great pleasure are always ready to suck. But for what purpose do they do it?

Why do we need gossip today?

Of course, today there are no need to distribute information to survive. Then why so far many women love a mix, consisting of rumors and gossip? Even the most honest, decent and serious girls from time to time do not miss the opportunity to alternate someone bones.

For girls, gossip is the need

Psychologists became interested in this issue and decided to find out for which reasons the girls and women do not refuse themselves to discuss other people. Their results will be interesting to you:

  • With the help of woven, women receive unity with the surrounding. Remember yourself - when you tell anyone your secret secret, you automatically demonstrate that man your personal trust. So, when you are gossiping, you set the contact, the basis of which is confidence.
  • The spread of gossip and rumors helps to go! Here also traced the principle of trust, since it is precisely it has to establish a closer contact than an ordinary acquaintance. The same one who is already in friendly relations, gossip and rumors help support a conversation when interesting topics end and an awkward pause occurs.
  • In addition, people are twisted with each other bones in order to reduce stress levels. Empty chatter often relaxes like a glass of good wine. This is similar to the passion of men to video games.

The human brain is designed in such a way that when he receives not very positive information about others, we experience a feeling of moral calm, comparing our lives with the life of others. Of course, it does not mean that people are rejoicing someone else's unfortunate, "there is no way, we simply feel happiness, if we see that everything in our life moves on the right scenario in comparison with the situation of other people.

  • Gossips are peculiar "forbidden fruit." We all well know that the peres do not carry absolutely nothing good, especially if we talk about someone bad. But even despite this, we periodically give yourself a slack and succumb to this forbidden pleasure. It is just like, sitting on a diet, you suddenly decide to squeeze a piece of delicious cake. Of course, you subsequently feel a little guilt, but this feeling will be pleasantly ticked by nerves.
  • But there is gossip and positive aspects - so, they contribute to the "processing" of various events, which allows people to acquire a new experience. All girls (and sometimes not only girls) feel the need to tell another person something important for themselves. And the goal of this is to analyze and get an assessment of the result of another person.
  • Also, with the help of woven, women analyze their relationship with others. And then, as representatives of strong sex, in principle, anyway, what other people show to them, the ladies are very puzzled by this issue. And using gossip, they receive a maximum of information about the relationship of people with each other.
  • Another motive for gossip is the strength of their feelings and experiences. The situation is very relevant when the girls begin to seek, staying in an emotionally unstable psychological state. That is, when their mind is agreed with something. It is no secret that we are all girls, are very emotional creatures and exchange emotions for us are simply vital.
  • Thanks to the gossip, we tell each other our secrets. Male may not inspire confidence in the following information, but girls are capable of sincere friendly relations, however, under one condition - the complete maximum trust friend of friend. And then they are ready to tell one other even the most "terrible" secrets. But the representatives of the strong floor are unlikely to fully trust their friends. And absolutely vain, because they remain without an excellent source of information.

Scientists have learned why women adore gossip!

And the women of young, and more adults dismiss gossip about possible competitors in the process of rivalry for the attention of men. Such a conclusion was made by American psychologists after the relevant study. With its results, you can find in the journal "Journal of Experimental Social Psychology".

According to research conducted earlier, in which one hundred and thirty-seven different cultures of the world were considered, found that rivalry between women for romantic relationships with men takes place in ninety-one percentage of cases.

The main author of this study is Tanya Reynolds. expresses its position on this:

"Since ancient times it happened, so that the family will be, a female partner affects. Nowadays, this is no longer so significant, because women opened the opportunity to receive education and work. But when one of the sources of the family income is lost, there is a reduction in the number of resources necessary to educate the offspring.

And the marriage process is a very stressful event. Therefore, it is very important to hold the partner for the life of the keeper of the home focus and its family.

Plus, it does not lose its importance and the reputation of girls and women, because it depends largely, it will be able to create a happy relationship, make friendship or achieve success in the career.

According to the study, it was found that the breeding of gossip is very affected by how a woman is perceived in society. We, as a rule, are inclined to emphasizing negative information about a particular person, because it will tell much more about the nature of the individual than a lot of hearing positive facts about him. "

Reynolds held 5 studies, based on the results of which it was established that young female parties, as well as the ladies of more mature age, have an inclination to the separation of gossip about their "tribesmen".

Moreover, it is noteworthy that the sprinkling reputation information will be distributed much stronger if the person discussed is attractive externally, dresses defiantly or flirting with their partner.

Women more often love about beautiful women

The first study consisted of one hundred eleven participants - forty-eight men and sixty-three women in the age category from 19 to 65 years. All of them showed a photo of the ladies of an attractive form, which was called Francesca. And offered to visualize, as if she appears in their surroundings. The task of the studied was to raise an assessment on a seven-piece scale concerning the moral image of FarNI, their intentions to tie a friendship with her, to have sex, go on a date or call married (Women could estimate exceptionally the first two points).

And then they had to appreciate their intentions again, but on the basis of ten "facts" about the studied person. The facts affected the identity of France and her life style. According to the first category of allegations, Francesca was described as A very frivolous person, inclined to join disorderly sexual contacts, changing his boyfriend with overweight and assumes that it is pregnant.

And the rest of the facts talked about the fact that she Engaged in charity, knows 4 languages, loves to travel and has good vocal data.

  • For scientists, there was no surprise that those types of statements that were characterized by Francescu negatively began to push men from her, similarly to thoughts about pregnancy.
  • At the same time, the existence of excess weight did not have any influence on the interest in her strong sex and suddenly added her more sympathy from the weak half. The probability of pregnancy also helped the subject to get the location of women.
  • It is noteworthy that the desire to start friendly relations with France, which travels around the world, men were rated in 5.58 points (it became the highest indicator of all ten facts). But the desire to take care of her sex was awarded only 3.85 points.
  • The desire to call her married, if it may be pregnant, was assessed by men in 2.17 points. But if it was not pregnant at the same time, and suffered from venereal diseases or in her past was treason, men were not more than 1.5 points.
  • The presence of an active intimate life did not very badly affect the desire of men to start friendship with France - on this item they put almost four points.
  • The probabilities of marriage helped a high test test indicator for intelligence - four points. He was leading and on the column about the desire to start with a fan relationship.
  • To do with sex men most wanted with the version of the studied, which owned four languages.
  • As for the weak half, here Francesca put the highest points, if she was a traveler, was engaged in charity and had a high intelligence. Accordingly, a random sexual life was added to her the greatest hostility from women, the presence of venereal pathologies and betrayed in the past.

an easily accessible girl causes antipathy from other women

Scientists thought that in the case when there was a competition for relations with a specific representative of a strong sex, it should increase if the relationship already occurs, but suddenly an opponent appears on the horizon.

And they decided to hold another study with the participation of two hundred and fourteen women. They were demonstrated by a photo of a girl from the first experiment (but now it was already told by Veronica) and asked 50% of the investigated to assume that she was Flirts with their partners.

After that, the participants got acquainted with the list of facts from the first part of the study and asked for the same scale to evaluate on the subject of whether they would agree Discretion about Veronica various allegations.

Of course, those ladies whose unions rose to suffer because of flirting on the fault of Veronica, showed advantage of the dissemination of rational information about her even obvious positive parties.

Then, scientists absolutely randomly offered the same participants a photo of two female sex floor, the first of which previously received a higher estimate in appearance from men than the second. Participants were proposed to assume that the girl from the photograph suddenly finds himself in their environment, and they needed to raise the assessment as much as they were ready to gossip about it, knowing the information of previous studies.

Ladies are much with great zeal We grew up about a more attractive competitor with the silence of its positive characteristics. On how much women wanted to harm the reputation of the beauty, had an impact and exposure to the rivalry studied.

The researchers have achieved the same results, and conducting the following steps of the experiment, which gave an assessment of the inclination of the ladies to harm the reputation of their tribesmen, based on how attractive it appears or how endless outfit will be on it. The better the girl looked in the photo or the more sexy clothes was hopefully, the stronger the risk increased from the gossip.

The final stage of the experiment involved one hundred four students in the age category from eighteen to thirty nine years. All of them were to come to the laboratory, where they found themselves in the company of two stacked participants, the first had a conservative outfit, and the second was dressed quite frankly. Participants were confident that the purpose of the study was to understand the work of people in groups.

In the process of experiment, the male researcher invited three girls to himself and gave them tasks to logic. Then the first submarine participant had to go to another room, the researcher also leaving, and Francesca (or Veronica), working, in secret told his colleague, that last night I turned a little and she had sex with two men.

Starting after that, the researcher was supposed to return and say that Francesca fulfilled the task. Then the first participant was followed by tasks with the second passing party. The latter as if the inclous asked how work was done with the previous girl. At the end, the researcher asked the participant's questions about her impressions of working with the first and second partner.

And only at the very end of the studied learned, whatever the essence of the experiment. According to his results, it turned out that:

  • The girls are more willingly gossipped about a sexually dressed member;
  • And if Francesca was found in a conservative dress, the participants did not actively told about her spicy details.

Reynolds summed up that women have no targeted desire to succeed Most likely, they resort to this at an unconscious level when a possible threat arises for their relationship.

Women are ready to struggle with competitors

And on earlier studies, it was found that beautiful female professionals are much more likely in the role of victims of gossip than attractive men.

"Based on the data obtained, it is realistic to assume that it is representatives of weak gender that initiators are the initiators. In the future, they are prone to dissolving the discharge of information in the working team, "the research believes.

In addition, Reynolds believes that the conclusions of its research will be able to increase the level of awareness of the ladies, which should have favorably affect the relationship between them and it is designed to motivate once again to think so much they wish to retell someone the next gossip.

Final conclusions on the topic

  • Gossips have a very long story and to some extent act as a consequence of the evolution and development of society.
  • Representatives of the strong gender are less prone to the separation of woven due to the fact that they are disturbing more serious vital problems.
  • Gossip allows you to establish a trusting relationship between those who seek, plus they to some extent contribute to the removal of stress.
  • According to the results of studies of scientists, women are inclined to spread gossip about more attractive tribesmen, or if they feel a potential danger to their relationship.

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