Horoscope compatibility by date of birth: why is needed and how it works


The horoscope compatibility by the date of birth of partners is a very interesting and informative way, which allows you to find out how well you are with your beloved person come to each other, as well as the prospect for the further development of your relationship. Let's deal with this issue right now in this material.

Why do you need to calculate compatibility in a pair?

Did you ever think about the characteristics of the combination of people's characters, and also about what you need to create a happy and harmonious union? Astrologers put forward their position on this issue.

Using a personal birthday card compiled by a specialist for two different individuals, you can get an idea about psychological compatibility between partners. For example, it often happens that quiet and calm people after a long stay with people opposite in nature and themselves begin to adopt their behavior to the manner and turn into more quick-tempered and coarse.

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And quite the opposite - many other examples are known when people who have clearly pronounced pathological inclinations change the most radical way and become fitful and calm. All this happens not just like that, but is the result of a long energy interaction between two individuals.

Learn your horoscope compatibility and date of birth.

In the process of analyzing Natal maps, men and women apply certain conditions. First of all, astrologists are engaged in analyzing the nature of the zodiac, and also study the elements to which he belongs. Then, by analogy, the horoscope of the second partner is being studied.

Did you ever visit your head about what reason is we starting to be friends with those or other people? True friendship is always based on complete openness and selflessness between friends. Therefore, astrologers confidently argue that most of friends have the main planets in their natal map form harmonious connections with each other. And with the help of a partnership compatibility horoscope, the vapor's strengths and weaknesses are detected in general and each individuals separately.

After such an analysis, you can already say for sure whether these two personalities will be able to interact with each other harmoniously or it is unreal for them. In addition, according to the map, we learn about the conflict of the parties, as, getting acquainted, people always show the most positive aspects of their character.

Of course, it is impossible to miss such a moment that a person produces more personal volitional qualities for his life. For example, if a tendency towards multiple is traced on a horoscope for a horoscope, but he has brought up in a family with infancy, in which family bonds were very highly appreciated, then the chance that his life would be different and he would get rid of a detrimental inclination, quite high.

Plus, it is possible to adjust the natal map using a potential partner map. And people can exist too strong in touch, which eliminates negative manifestations of a particular partner.

There is very close interaction between all people, some more affect others, and others are less. With the weak aspect of the personal planets of two individuals, you can talk about the briefness of such a union. But the situation with synastries with conflict began even more complicated.

However, the mistake will assume that the presence of malicious aspects is motivation to finish such relationships. Not at all.

Astrologers are in a hurry to calm the fact that in the world there is a specific type of personalities, whose natal cards are singing with solid stress aspects. In most cases, such people can lead a normal life, an increased activity is vital for them. It is important for them to get rid of their energy to prevent it out. And if they begin to lazy and stop performing active actions, immediately face negative consequences.

In the case when they meet a partner with the same stress horoscope, their joint life will be filled with passion and active time, but also conflict situations with a rapid clarification of relations.

On the other hand, understand that the perfect harmonious union is utopia and illusion, and if he could still exist, then probably his participants would just die of boredom. In such pairs there is no growth, and each of us should always have some stimulus for your personal self-improvement.

As for compatibility on zodiac constellations, it is based on a detailed analysis of all the elements of the horoscope. It is important to know not just an accurate birth date, but also exact time, since even minor errors seriously change the result of the work. Using all the data of both partners, the astrologer gives his conclusion about the perspective of the pair.

Review of love compatibility by date of birth

If you want to know how much you come to each other with your beloved person, you need to make an assessment for the astrologer. Only on a personal session, a specialist will be able to draw a reliable forecast, taking the full dates and the time of birth of both partners.

At the exact forecast - go to the astrologer

Make it on the Internet independently unreal, although now there is a huge number of sites offering such a service. Yes, you can get an approximate "plan" of what you need, on the Internet, but it will not be the truth that you can trust.

Therefore, not to deceive you with false expectations, I suggest further in this article to consider alternative ways to calculate your compatibility with a partner. This is an analysis of compatibility in the elements, as well as on the signs of the zodiac.

Once again I draw your attention to the fact that this information should in no way change your opinion about your beloved person or motivate to discontinue relations. You can just familiarize yourself with it for general development, but no more.

Wanting to get some more specific information, go to the astrologer, and even better listen to your heart and your inner voice. Only he knows what you really need.

Well, now I will deal with the analysis of compatibility in the elements.

Characteristic of love compatibility in four elements

All 12 zodiac constellations are divided into four groups and four elements, and even three groups for qualities (differently known as crosses).

The element in which a specific constellation enters, will tell about sustainable qualities and temperament, and in the crosses you can learn about the dynamics of the manifestation and type of individual behavior.

Each of the crosses has all four spontaneous characteristics, and each element has its own representation in all three crosses. Ultimately it turns out that each constellation is a unique combination of a certain element and quality.

The ratio of zodiac signs with elements the following:

  • Fire element - represented by the constellations of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.
  • Earth element - the signs of Capricorn, Taurus and Virgin are included in it.
  • Air element - consists of signs of scales, aquarius and twins.
  • Water element - represented by the constellations of cancer, scorpion and fish.

And now let's talk in more detail about each of the elements.

Characteristics of fiery element

Distinctive features of this element - heat and dryness, accompanied by metaphysical energy, life and its strength. The trigon of fire is a creative trigon based on the principle of action, activity and energy.

The fire acts as the main control force of instincts, souls, mind and thoughts, which motivates people to action, to promotion, faith, hope, defending their position. The main driving force of fire is ambition.

The element of the fire makes his wards seeking new, impatient, careless, self-confined, quick-hearted, gusty, unceremonious, brave, courageous and militant. In the body, the fire contributes to the maintenance of life, controls the state of the temperature regime, enhances the metabolism.

Representatives of the fiery element are always choleric. They never remain in the shade, always getting a calling, especially in the area that attracts them. They possess the creative spirit, unshakable will, inexhaustible "Martian" energy and incredibly powerful punchy force. The fire gives people organizational abilities, as well as the thirst for entrepreneurial activity. Very stubborn, persistent, wayward and unsupimal, always adhere to their behavior line.

Characteristic of the earthly element

Distinctive features of this element are cold and dryness, metaphysical matter, hardness and density. The basic principle: stability.

Representatives of earthly elements are distinguished by melancholic temperament. This sober-minded personality, for whom the calculation, practicality and business vein are characteristic. Always put real and achievable goals, and the road to them is still in youth.

Earth is stability and stability

Successful people of this trigon become due to the manifestation of their perseverance, perseverance, excerpt, endurance, purposefulness and unshakable. Those who in the horoscope prevailing earthly elements are stably standing on Earth, giving their preference to stability, moderation and sequences.

Characteristic of air element

Distinctive features of this element are heat with humidity, flexibility, separation and adaptability. The main principles are: Principles of interchange, contact.

Air element is responsible for establishing various relationships. She makes its representatives moving, active, alive, changeable, flexible, agricultural, susceptible, omnipresent, endless and very inquisitive. In addition, the air is distinguished by independence and free. It is he who is responsible for maintaining all the main processes on our planet, and without him there would be no movement, no reproduction - the transfer of life would cease.

Those personalities that relate to air elements have a sanguine temperament. They make an impression on other people. They differ in speed in making decisions and affairs, with ease absorbs new information, and then transmit it to others, but only a few transformed. "Air" people do not scare changes and change, because they know that they will instantly adapt to them.

Characterized by spiritual flexibility, mental lability, mobility of mind and tirelessness, if something is fascinated. At the same time, they suffer greatly from boredom and monotony.

Of the negative points - there is no foundation and depth of thinking in the sensual and business spheres of life.

Characteristic Water Element

From the distinguishing features of this trigon, a cold with humidity, metaphysical sensitivity and feeling with perception can be called. Based on The principle of internal stability when external changes occur.

Water element correlates with emotionality, inner world, preservation, memory. Differs plasticity, variability, secrecy. Moves its representatives with uncertainty, dreaming, figurative thinking, softness in manifestations. In the body, water contributes to the slowdown in metabolism, controls various liquids and the functioning of the domestic secretion glands.

People of water trigon are distinguished by phlegmatic temperament. Such personalities have greater sensitivity, susceptibility and impressionability. They are characterized by the predominance of the inner world over the external.

Also, "aquatic" people characterizes spiritual soulfulness, courtesy, politeness, courtesy, cute and attractiveness. As a rule, they are not prone to aggression, the exception is only a sign of the Zodiac Scorpio.

Omes Compatibility Review

Having understood with the description of the features of each of the elements, let's get to the analysis of love compatibility on them.

Compatibility in elements

Compatibility of the element of fire

Suitable elements for fire are fire and air. At the same time, the fire can achieve complete harmony with fire, but as for air - here the outcome of the relationship depends on the air.

When the air is interested in feeling fiery support, the relationship continues.

If the air is too overheated (rolls), the connection may stop instantly. But the fire is in full dependence on air energy, because precisely oxygen provides the process of burning.

Element of water gave way to the power of fire, so it brings him harm and is not recommended.

The land is also capable of repaying the fire, and therefore is also contraindicated.

Compatibility of water element

Water needs fire exclusively in order to be slightly warmed, but if it boats, the outcome of the relationship becomes immediately understandable.

The water element is well combined with its own elements, as the liquid, as a rule, is mixed well and needs a fresh jet.

In the air water vital needs. It is very important that the water is saturated with oxygen in sufficient quantities, because, otherwise, it will turn over and donate.

Earth in water provokes a mud with gradual capsification. But it is possible enough to productive cooperation of representatives of these elements, especially if the water is strong - it will turn the earth like marine pebbles.

Compatibility of air element

In general, the fire hurts the air, devouring it. However, if the air has enough power and its energy a lot, then it can sacrifice part of himself, raving to a high temperature and becoming new quality.

The air needs water to maintain the correct humidity, since when it has a lack of drying and cries. But too much water in the air is discharged by rain.

Two airs are able to get along with each other, but each of them has its own destiny, their personal interests and its independence. Such a division will continue exactly so far as two airs do not mix their goals in such a way that they will become joint, and it will be excellent.

The air as a whole does not need too much in the ground - dusty bore, tornado. But in order to increase its strength, the air can enter into connection with the earth. At the same time, the outcome of the relationship is under air control, and the Union continues such a period of time as air wishes.

Aerial element

Compatibility of the Earth Element

Earth energy fire is not always pleasant. On the one hand, the Earth needs heat for the growth of gear and harvest. On the other hand, when the Earth rolls, the desert is formed.

The earth vitally needs water, because it is the water fertures it.

The land needs air, because thanks to him she breathes.

As for the Union of Earth from Earth, it is difficult to say something unequivocal here. After all, if one land is fertile, and the second is not, then for the second land the union will increase its fertility, but the first will lose part of its fertility. But there will be an increase in the total volume of the Earth (material goods, finance).

Now let's talk in more detail about compatibility in groups of zodiac constellations.

Zodiac Compatibility Compatibility Review

In general, I would like to note that the Zodiacal constellation itself cannot have a decisive role in the question of love compatibility, but still every sign of the zodiac and its group is characterized by their peculiarities. And not all constellations are equally interested in burdening themselves with marriage bonds.

For example, typical Aries, strong twins, self-sufficient maids, developed Capricorn and independent aquaries, as a rule, are not inclined to suffer from the lack of personal life.

But for Aries, crayfish, Capricors, Aquarius and fish are characterized by harmony in relations with people of their own constellation. Between them often concluded very happy marriages.

The lions and calves, on the contrary, are hard to find compromises with their "companions" on the zodiacal circle. Lions for this are too selfish, and Tales are too stubborn.

As for the marriages between people entering one element, there is not a very positive trend here. Very often such unions disintegrate. But the pairs from neighboring zodiac constellations are usually very harmonious.

Consider compatibility in cristes.

Cardinal cross (represented by authentic, cancer, weights and ibex). Such personalities are interested in an independent partner who will help embody their life goals with dreams and will be readily divided by family responsibilities equally.

Fixed cross (consisting of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius) is of great constancy in the matter of relationship, as its representatives are not delighted with change. For a long time, they are in the search for an acceptable candidate, and subsequently they are not very hurry to say goodbye to him. Subject to a successful marriage, constellations will provide rich sensual experiences, which will continue to be in memory for a long time.

Movable cross (including twins, virgin, felt and fish). The nature of the representatives of the cross is changeable, they are constantly looking for new impressions and emotions. Lifely need inspiration and common interests. Provided a happy marriage in family life there will be spiritual searches, and the desire for something new, and adventure, and luxury.

The main conclusions on the topic

  • Birthday compatibility is based on many indicators (analysis of aspects of planets in partner cards, elements compatibility, compatibility of zodiac signs).
  • Horoscope compatibility by date of birth is useful, because thanks to him you can understand what the further prospect of your relationship with the partner is.
  • Alone to predict its compatibility with your favorite person on the Internet is unrealistic - you should not trust sites that promise to do it "right now and for free."
  • If you really wish to get a reliable forecast of your relationship, sign up for advice to the astrologer.

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