Birthday and name compatibility review


A very common cause of separation - "not agreed by characters." Because of her, so many love unions are collapsed, which could be quite promising in the future ... could, if partners were aware of compatibility by date of birth and name. It is her, as well as the compatibility of the signs of the zodiac in love by year and the date of birth and the name we will consider in this material.

Compatibility named and date of birth

Who needs calculation of the compatibility of partners?

Today, more than ever, the problem is relevant when in loved after a long pore of beautiful cavities and relationships begin to experience complexity in Communication with each other. Endless conflicts and disagreements gradually destroy relationships.

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As a rule, the reason for this acts inability (or unwillingness) of one of the partners to accept and understand the position of the second participant in relations. When one person firmly stands on the guard of his life principles and does not take into account the strangers, it is inevitably parting.

Often, in these situations, there is not enough good compatibility between partners. People simply do not fit each other according to the features of their character or warehouse of the mind.

Those who have already had time to face similar in their lives seek to protect themselves in advance from repetition of old mistakes and begins to pick up a partner, not only looking at his character, but also in detail the numerology of partners compatibility by the date of birth and name.

How is the method of calculating compatibility in a pair?

We all dream of finding their soul mate, a real love that is able to carry with you throughout life. If you want to figure out exactly whether any particular person is suited to you or more correctly will not mess with it, we recommend you to pass the test for numerological compatibility. Based on its results, you will understand how good the future is promised to be your relationship and what is the probability of a long and happy life together.

Pay your attention! Although the compatibility between two people is an important component of long-term and happy novels, but you should also remember that sometimes, even if it is originally poor compatibility, it is possible to achieve compromise solutions and build a rather happy relationship in the future.

Compatibility on the names and date of appearance on light is a numerological prediction, the basis of which is the analysis of the values ​​of the life numbers of a particular person. Numerologists have long established that each of the numbers correspond to their specific characteristics governed by the impact of one of the planets of the solar system:

  • Unit - filled with solar energy.
  • Two - corresponds to the energy of the moon.
  • Troika - refers to Martian energy.
  • The fourth is the energy of Mercury.
  • Five - personifies with the energy of Jupiter.
  • Sixer - manifestation of the goddess of beauty and love Venus.
  • Seed - correlates with the energy of the planet Saturn.
  • Eight - the personification of uranium power.
  • Nine - She patronizes Planet Neptune.

In this case, the effect of numbers will differ on the basis of the area of ​​life in which the object of the prediction works. In numerical expression, you can get information about congenital abilities, deposits, karmic tasks and, of course, the most suitable partner for you in love and relationships.

Figures will tell about karmic relationship

How to calculate compatibility by date of birth and name for free

First of all, for the preparation of a partner compatibility forecast, you will need to calculate the personal number of life. The process of calculating the latter involves bringing a name to a numerical value.

In this case, the specific letters of the alphabet correspond to each of the numbers, namely:

  • Unit - correlates with letters a, and, s, b.
  • Two - with lites B, th, t, s.
  • Troika - associated with letters in, k, y, b.
  • Four - Answer Litera G, L, F, E.
  • Five - correlated with letters D, M, X, Y.
  • Sixer - associated with letters E, N, C, I.
  • Semyon - She is answered by the letters of E, Oh, Ch.
  • Eight - correlated with letters F, p, sh.
  • Nine - Causes Association with Literature Z, R, Sh.

Consider the example of the name Alexander.

The very name Alexander is the personification of the number of numbers:

1 + 4 + 6 + 3 + 1 + 1 + 6 + 5 + 9 = 36.

You probably know about the fact that each number in a numerological forecast corresponds to a single expression. So, the number of the name Alexander is equal to 9 (3 + 6).

But this information is not enough to determine the compatibility of partners by the date of appearance and names. To get the most accurate prediction, it will be necessary to identify another value. To do this, you need to sum up all the numbers of the date of birth.

For example, take for a sample date of birth:


Then we get the number of fate as follows:

1 + 1 + 0 + 5 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 5 = 31 = 3 + 1 = 4.

And to get the number of lifetime, you need to add the number of fate to the number of fate and then we get:

Number of name (9) + number of fate (4) = 13 = 1 + 3 = 4.

Decoding of loving compatibility numbers

When you calculate your personal life number together with the number of your partner, you will get an excellent opportunity to establish your potential compatibility from a numerological point of view. An obvious plus - on our site you can figure out the compatibility of names in marriage and love by date of birth completely free!

You will need to just learn which of life numbers are more favorable with other life numbers.

So, proceed:

  • Unit - harmonious will be relations in which the second unit is involved, as well as the Troika, Seed and Nine. As for the top five and six, then more friendly alliances are possible with them. With a two, a hot passion can break up, which, however, is not very long-term. The most favorable option is when the unit is combined with the top three: such relationships are very productive, because representatives of both numbers in their nature are inborn creators.
  • Two - represents a rather controversial symbol due to the effects of the planet of the moon. For personalities with this number, it is distinguished often to fall in love, but it is also often to bump on your feelings. Two need union with morally resistant people, perfectly disassembled in their sensations and needs (for example, eights and fourths).
  • Troika - acts as a symbol of creative energy, but, on the other hand, it is in dire need of rationalism and practicalism. And on the basis of this, the troika is better to choose the fourth and tops in partners. But the second troika as a beloved she will not suit her.
  • Undermined fourths are not bad in the company of twists, triples and nine. In collaboration in nine and seven, conflicts are possible, which will provoke household difficulties and reluctance to adhere to compromise solutions.
  • People-tops are creators of comfort and comfort, all of the listed highly appreciate the seisters. Also lucky will be a union with a triple. As for units and seeds - with them more likely to establish a strong friendly communication.
  • Sixer - Numerologically, is the most real personification of love, which is capable of attracting its perfect forms of manifestation. This is a symbol of a very powerful passion sweeping everything on its path. It should be noted that the seisters in principle can create harmonious unions with almost all other numbers.
  • Seven perfectly suitable the second seed and one. In relations with the nine, there will be a format of relationships of a student and teachers: For girls with life, seven are characteristic of the desire to learn from representatives of a strong sex with a number of nine. And men often fall in love, but unrequited.
  • For the eighth, love relationships are more in the second plan, because before their eyes they always hang some goal. Of course, in their lives, they face love in their lives, however, it often ends quickly. In the preservation of the eight relationship, the absence of stormy emotions helps.
  • Nine - for the last number in a numerological series, the second partner-nine will be most suitable. Together, nine will be easier to synchronize and adapt to the needs of friend friend.

Also, be taken into account that the compatibility horoscope given above the date of appearance and the name is not finalized, because it does not use the surname of a person, his place of birth and many other indicators. The maximum accurate forecast will be able to compile only an astroller after a detailed study of the natal map of both partners.

For accurate compatibility calculation Contact an astrologer

A review of compatibility in love and marriage by the date of the appearance and names

In order to take advantage of the specified way, you must first calculate the codes of birth - your personal and your beloved person, compatibility with which you check. This is done elementary, you have already done this action in past methods - for this it will be necessary to add all the digits of the date of your appearance to the light until the unambiguous number will be obtained.

For example, take for a sample date of birth on February 8, 1981.

Then the calculation of the birth code will be as follows:

8 + 2 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 1 = 29.

But, as we already know, all the numbers in numerology must be reduced to enteric, and therefore we get: 2 + 9 = 11 = 1 + 1 = 2.

The number of life path was published 2. Now you know your birth code, you must calculate the birth code for your partner, and then you can continue to interpret the results of various combinations.

Two units. A variant of a very harmonious pair in which both participants are inherent leaders who do not want to make compromise solutions. Work on the fascination, if you want to save such relationships.

Unit with twos. Similar to the previous option, in this pair, partners are also constantly fighting for the palm of championship. The advice is for you - more often to give up that the future is in your relationship.

One with a triple. This is more optional than the excellent friendly compatibility between people, and that they will have something more, it is most likely not necessary to count.

Unit with fourth. Also an unsuccessful combination for love, but between representatives of these digital vibrations it is quite possible to establish harmonious business connections.

A one with a five. Relationships in this pair are possible, but they will be not very stable due to the increased emotionality of partners. Although there are real feelings and passion in this union, but they are expressed in such a strong extent that they become provocatives of constant suspicion and conflict situations.

Social unit. Here you can talk about high compatibility in love. A very harmonious couple in which there are sincere feelings, and mutual understanding, and confidence.

Unit with seven. Option of an ideal pair. Its participants have common goals and have the same life attitudes. They will have a good marriage.

Unit with eight. Numerology experts promise quite harmonious development such relations, but only if the lovers learn to be content with what they have, and they will not try to change each other.

Unit with nine. Excellent combination: You are related souls, harmoniously understanding one of the other.

Two twos. In this case, you can speak exclusively about a friendly connection.

friendship is possible, but not love

Twos with a triple. The spiritual combination to which the numbers promise a good future. You can no doubt to create a family and give birth offspring.

Two fourth. An ambiguous compatibility option. On the one hand, a positive perspective is possible, but solely if both participants in the Union are able to give up one another.

Twos with a five. This is a link without commitment, but not those relationships that end up with a happy marriage.

Twos with six. The perfect combination in numerology, the prospect of stable, harmonious relations filled with love, tenderness and mutual understanding.

Twos with seven. Both participants of the Union understand each other well, but they probably have exceptionally friendly relations.

Twos with eight. A very strong couple, in which love reigns and mutual respect - both lovers are ready to turn the mountains to each other.

Twos with nine. Low compatibility in the family creation plan.

Three troika. An option of amazing compatibility. So people will never be bored with each other, because they literally "breathe" with their loved one. Over the years, they acquire mutual similarity.

Troika with fourth. Although people and absolutely different characters are still between them really create harmonious love relationships.

Three tops. The ideal alliance in which similar goals are present, the same life principles. Partners never breathe one another.

Troika with seventh. Successful relationship with high compatibility for marriages.

Troika with seven. But this couple is not so lucky enough. Both partners have a desire to get rid of any responsibility in their relationship. They say more than doing.

Troika eight. An option difficult and destructive communication. In such relations, one of the partners is desperately trying to achieve freedom, and the second does not want to obey.

Troika with nine. Excellent steam based on common interests and lifestyles. Partners, if desired, will be able to create a strong and loving family.

Fourths with the fourth. A very controversial combination: on the one hand, the relationship can be quite good, but, on the other, one of the partners will suffer from a lack of attention and love.

Fourths with a five. Option of complete incompression. Dynamics and stories cannot come to harmony, while one partner makes a movement, the second - seeks to gain peace and peace.

Fourths with six. There is really a happy future between people with the specified numeric vibrations.

between partners really happy future

Fourths with a seven. Beautiful mutual relationships with a harmonious addition to friend friend.

Fourths with eight. In this pair, happiness is quite possible, but only provided that the partners will stop constantly "pull the blanket on themselves."

Fourths with nine. Complex "trigger", but if it is passed, then a happy future is foreseen.

Paps with a five. Not a harmonious couple in which there is no happiness.

Cheerful tops. In order for something to come out, the application of tremendous effort will be required.

Podtsi with seven. A variant of successful compatibility is likely to be happy together.

Podtshots are eight. Low compatibility in terms of character, which prevents the development of love.

Fanyers with nine. An excellent combination of spiritual harmony.

Sixters with six. An incredibly complex couple, in which the similarity of partners is fraught with quarrels and conflicts.

Sisters with seven. The combination of heart and mind is not distinguished by vitality.

Sisters with eight. Nearmonic compatibility. Due to different life values, partners will not be able to find mutual understanding.

Sisters with nine. Compatibility "Fifty-fifty". In this pair, everything is dependent on desires and joint efforts.

Seven seven. A variant of satisfactory compatibility. In general, in a pair everything is not bad, but a lack of mutual trust is felt.

Seven eights. This is a short-term steam. In it, one partner thinks about his career, and the second is about family and offspring.

Seven with nine. The perfect combination that can be destroyed exclusively by household difficulties.

Eight eights. A variant of good compatibility, but everything is able to spoil small troubles.

Eights with nine. This unsuccessful couple due to the too different life goals and positions.

Nine with nine. Beautiful couple filled with harmony and sincere feelings.

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