Prayers for the conception and birth of a healthy child


Infertility - a word consisting of grief and tears couples. The child - happiness, a new branch of life and procreation. When you can not give the world a new life, all thoughts revolve around this question, and it seems that life and does not make sense.

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Especially scary when both spouses are a bunch of tests and procedures, and the baby still can not makes itself felt. When the doctors shrug their shoulders, it's time to give everything in the hands of God, our Savior.

Many unbelievers dissatisfied Scriven noses, and for nothing. After all, a strong faith is miraculous, as evidenced by many couples. These pairs trusted God who is willing to be with us, even in the most hopeless moments of our lives when we're desperate.

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All we need - is to pray from the heart and sincerely believe in the power of our Savior. You also need to say the right prayers correctly.

Many couples prefer to pray in the house of God, that is in the temple. This is undoubtedly correct. But you can say a prayer at any place and at any time.

So if a couple wants to devote to prayer as a necessary quickly as possible to conceive a child, every spare moment. Just before you start reading prayers on the birth, the pair needs to confess and go to church for communion.

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Infertility - through time

Infertility - not just a problem of our day. Women of all ages have faced this disease. So prayer formed over many centuries. They are formed during and unhappy wife, praying to God and the saints to give them an opportunity to feel their parents.

We read them women through time, and many of them helped. Such cases - proof that God will be with us, one has only to give love and sincerity.

It is believed that it is best to pray to the Virgin Mary as the Queen of Heaven and the Mother of God. However, as in other prayers, but sincerity is important.

You can pray to the saint, which is closest to you. You can also select its patron saint, who will be there to help in every way.

What is the solution

Circumstances that prevent you to have a baby, can be set. This may be a disease of the mother or father, it may be fear or psychological blocks, or despair and lack of confidence in the best. It all knew a long time ago. And as long ago figured out how to fix it. All this will help to overcome the prayer.

The sincere prayer, uttered from the heart, contains the energy of a thousand voices of all time. Unheard because it can not be. Human dreams are obliged to come true, especially as strong as the desire to become a mother and father.

Prayerful appeal to God childless parents

This prayer is considered one of the strongest. She helped not one pair to gain his happiness.

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Prayer helping get pregnant

Although the fact that the couple cannot have a child, is the problem of two people and it is necessary to solve it too, too, the prayer below should read the woman. The words you find below are the appeal to the Queen of Heaven, which is not only a defender of pregnant women, but also the fever and the whole family.

However, prayer needs to be read correctly. Remember, all read prayers must be rewritten by you. It is forbidden to read the reprinted text of the prayer, as well as the text corresponding to someone else's hand. It should also read it before the corresponding icon, which should be bought in the monastery.

At the beginning, you should freeze the candle, cross and kiss your cross. Woman should be in the room one and in full silence. If you read this prayer correctly, every day, the conception will not wait long for a long time.

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Prayer for the future mother:

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Prayer words about prosperous conception

The words below are taken to pronounce with the first rays of the sun and with an open heart.

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Prayer words of the Holy Spirit for the married couple

The prayer below is already mandatory for both spouses. Pare It is necessary to read it immediately, as we slept the eyes in the morning after sleep, every day, until the dream of them becomes a reality and a woman will not get pregnant.

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Prayer words to get pregnant boy

Parents Alexander Svirsky, being god-fearing people, very much asked the Lord to send them a child, being already in old age. However, God cleared over them, giving them a boy.

Parents gave him the name of Amos and hoped that her son would marry them and would be a support. However, the Son of Hope did not justify and dedicated his life ascetic and the cave, adopting the name Alexander in the men's monastery.

The legend says that the boyar who has two daughters turned to Alexander Svirsky. Alexander Svirsky also appealed to God with a request to give a boyar son. Also, people who need healing were also treated. In all his earthly life, he healed from severe human diseases.

The prayer below is able to convince God to give the boy's spouses.

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Prayer words Matron

Matrona Moscow - bottom of the most revered saints. God stole her eyesight at her birth and instead the ability to see more than the world of earthly. The Holy Matrona possessed spiritual zeal and had the opportunity to observe the divine fishery for each person.

Even before the girl was born, her mother wanted to pass it into the shelter. But she stopped her sleep, in which her child appeared in the image of a white bird with a human face, whose eyes were closed.

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The girl was born with blind, and her mother decided that the girl was born in favorites, and even more made it possible in the correctness of his decision. The role in this was still played by the bulge on the chest girls in the form of a cross.

Matrona, being a child, has already stretched to God. He played with icons and missed any service. Her gift was noticeable in seven years (parents noticed that she can read other people's thoughts).

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Holy Matrona devoted her life to help people, which continues to do this.

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