Strong prayer to wish fulfillment in the coming period


Of course everyone has their cherished desires and dreams. Sometimes we are waiting for their performance so much that are ready to look for Aladdin's lamp or a fairy godmother.

Unfortunately, they live only in fairy tales, as well as for real life, the magic does not have to rely. However, with stale breath each of us waiting for the moment when at least some desire fulfilled.

Prayers are capable of many wonders. People turn to it when they need patronage, protection, when you need to pass difficult tests in life and cope with the pain in the heart and in the body.

However, for this you need to first understand what prayer is - a close relationship with God and the saints.

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When we read the prayer, our soul is very close to the Creator, and becomes one with Him.

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How to choose a prayer

Of course there is a universal prayer - a magic wand. Yes, and did answer the question, "what kind of prayer to pray to God," not the power of anyone. Great many prayers, and you should choose one that is closer to your heart. The most important thing in prayer - is the sincerity and purity of intention.

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On this choice influenced by many factors. You can refer to the Savior, and you can choose a saint who is closest to you. You can also choose their own life among the patron saints and talk to him, asking for help in all worldly matters, or to praise the saints, when asking for God.

"Our Father" - the main prayer for all Christians. But if the text is not known to you by heart - no big deal. You can access the Savior in your own words, as long as they are sincere.

We all know the history and the different cases when the Savior cried, even non-believers, who do not know a word of the prayers or petitions, or correct process. But the Savior will still come to help and was near. This example shows once again that the main thing - that the words were pure and sincere.

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Santa Marta

This prayer is powerful. Its power felt more than one person. St. Martha always helps a person to achieve their goals, desires and simply be happy (if it is the will of God, of course).

Do not forget that you should not rely on the holy, if your intentions are impure. If your desire - a place the enemy or it violates one of the commandments, it is not necessary to rely on any of the saints.

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However, one should read the prayer correctly. This will be discussed below.

  • First you need to take into account that for the prayer and set aside a specific time to say it has to be a certain amount of time. Or to be more exact - nine times every Tuesday (at the same time, what time of day does not matter).
  • On the table the candle should be lit while you read the prayer, be sure of the church that you attend every Sunday.
  • In the room where the prayer is read, it must be absolute silence, to have had the opportunity to fully concentrate on the words that you say.
  • The most important thing for prayer - this mood. It is important that you have not visited any negative or, worse, aggressive thoughts. It is desirable that you were in a pleasant mood.
  • The process should start with washing and wear clean clothing.
  • Well, if your side will be flowers, and in the room - a light scent of bergamot present, it will be a big plus. Although this item is not a prerequisite.
  • Before reading the text should be rewritten. You can not read the text of the prayer, if it is printed or written by someone else's hand.
  • Wishing important to be able to express clearly, it is desirable to write on paper to do without hesitation.
  • Candle should be left on the table so that it burned down. Because, when you have finished reading the prayer, it is by no means impossible to extinguish.

After reading the prayer Saint Martha read "Our Father" once:

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Then the holy Mother of God:

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And at the end turn to God with the following words:

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Petition to Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker

It is very useful to refer to the words of the prayer of St. Nicholas, as his forces are very great. It is important to read out the prayer, with the pre-lighted the candles on his knees before the icon of the saint, and the room should be filled with silence. Most effective way to read this prayer in the church on their knees.

Birthday is the day when this pronunciation to read more effectively, because that's when all the saints favorably to someone who asks for it.

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Another petition to Nicholas the Wonderworker

Similarly, the example of prayer Santa Marta, the process petitions to Saint Nicholas has its own rules, which are important to follow:

  • The day before the petition should visit a church service.
  • On the day when the service goes, you need to buy candles (three in number of pieces), and five icons, namely the icon of St. Nicholas, the Blessed Virgin, Matrona of Moscow, Jesus Christ and Santa Marta.
  • Houses should close all passages.
  • At the beginning of the ritual petitions, all five need to arrange the icons in front of him, and candles - ignite.

Only then you can proceed to the text of the prayer:

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The rite should be carried out every day to fulfill your desires. Do not forget to turn to God and the saints with words of gratitude for their help and attention.

Appeal to John the Theologian

John theologians still did not leave anyone, so pay attention to the words of prayer conducted below. Similar to the last time to Saint Nicholas, the best time for this prayer is the day when you were born. Prayer is read in front of the icons of those saints that are listed in the previous example.

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Finding to Jesus Christ

And of course, the time with the biggest force is considered to be a prayer to the Savior, Jesus Christ. Before reading it, you need to cross on it three times and put on your knees before his face.

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