What is affirmation + top 10 best affirmations for all occasions


Do you dream to change your life for the better and create an image of perfect yourself? Then the help of you will come short phrases-installations designed to customize a person on the right vibrations and leading to success. These are affirmations, and what it is, as the top 10 best affirmations on all occasions, you can find out after reading this article.

In affirmations hidden a huge force

What are affirmations in fact

Affirmation acts as a positive statement, which expresses the fact that a person wants to have or how he wants to become. Based on specific life circumstances, affirmations can either prior to loud, or used mentally. It does not affect the final result.

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The technique of affirmations was known to people from very ancient times, as it is the most simple and effective way that allows a person to become more successful, healthy and open a stream of well-being for himself.

There is a famous law, according to which - what is inside, it will manifest outside. It is he who allows you to understand the principle of work of positive installations. And to be more clear, this law can be interpreted as follows: thinking about good luck, you attract good luck in your life, just like the other way around, - bad thoughts will attract negative energy streams.

The first time in history, when a positive action from self-sufficient was officially recorded, falls at the beginning of the twentieth century. The founder of this technique becomes Emil Kue, which began to successfully use it in his medical center (France). Doctor "appointed" to his patients regular pronunciation of approval:

"Every day my well-being improved and improved."

Patients began to pronounce affirmations every day in the morning and before going to sleep for several minutes. The therapy according to the method of KUE helped to achieve truly impressive results - patients began to recover much faster, and their well-being is really beginning to improve and improve. All the results of the experiment were officially fixed, and at that time became a real sensation for a scientific society.

And whether you know that the famous phrase "I am the most charming and attractive" as once and is the most real affirmation. Of course, not many treat her seriously. And, maybe it's very in vain?

Now I suggest you familiarize yourself with the mechanism of action of positive installations - by the way, ingeniously simple, but from this no less efficient. The thing is that when we pronounce affirmations, we begin to "enter" positive statements to your brain, due to which the flow of negative thoughts disappears from the head.

To make it more clearly to perceive this process, I bring a specific and very simple example. Imagine a glass that poured muddy water and which was put under a stream of clean water flowing from under the tap. What will start happening to him?

It is quite logical that the flow of clean water for a fairly fast time will displace all the dirt and only clean water will remain in the glass. Similarly, it happens with affirmations - when you regularly utter them, then more and more eliminate the negative from your head, and it remains extremely positive thoughts.

Secrets of the work of affirmations

Why do affirmations really work? Let's try to deal with it. From the most popular trainings, we learn that the human brain works on those programs that the person himself lays into it.

Therefore, when we, without giving it much importance, we say that we are sick, unattractive, no one loves us, automatically our words and thoughts begin to gradually manifest itself in life.

In the same way, telling myself that we are on the wave of success, differ in great attractiveness, we have a lot of money, we begin to fill in all these qualities and can realize them in real life.

"I am young with every day"

From children's age, parents are laid in our heads, the unbaggred number of various programs is laid, which later actually affect our entire life.

Moreover, in some cases, the inspired programs are so heavy that a person cannot cope with them independently and he is forced to live according to strangers, not his personal principles and installations. He lives such a life and cannot understand, because of what he gets everything at all as much as I would like.

Of course, it is unlikely that he will think that when he was small, his parents told him that he was a loser, inherent, inevoy and so on ... All these installations managed to be very firmly rooted in the human subconscious, and his brain began to perceive them As a program to action and implement in reality.

Such programs can be very variable and affect absolutely any spheres of life.

Some people live according to the programs that in this world it is impossible to find love and that they will never be loved, will not find their soul mate. Others are encoded for the need to work hard, while receiving meager wage.

And someone else, on the contrary, has a balovnya program of fate, which knows how to cope with any difficulties that will have absolutely everything that he will only think, I am sure that you can win a beauty contest, even having the curves of the legs, and begins To realize these dreams in your life, without limiting themselves. You may not even doubt what it happens.

Confress yourself that you are irresistible!

"All my dreams become reality"

It turns out that if everything embedded in our brain is not greater and not less than just the program, it means that in our power the change of everything and attracting everything in our lives, what we are passionate about.

This will require simply removing the old program and installing a new one - reprogramming itself to all that our soul wishes.

Of course, it only sounds so easy and simple, and practically the task may be rather difficult, especially if the installations are outdated, they are supported by various facts and life experience, and also if there is no belief in itself, in their capabilities and their inner power.

It is for this that there are affirmations. With their help, you can eliminate hidden negative installations at the subconscious level and attract everything in your life, as needed.

The right plan for compiling your personal affirmations

Now it will be appropriate to try to make affirmations personally for yourself. For example, we are in dire need of finances - that is, money.

It is originally important to find out which of the negative settings can block the attraction of cash flow to you.

This happens every time your head is visited by the following thoughts:

  1. Material benefits (money) are evil.
  2. The presence of big money is bad in all cases.
  3. All money can not be earned.
  4. Money does not bring happiness (the last statement is indisputable, right, but should not think solely in such a context. Otherwise you can not see money for a very long time).
  5. Money can be earned solely with hard work or with dishonest ways (crime, theft, and so on).
  6. I can not get a job, too big age for work, not enough good education, little experience, it's late to start, lacking money (again!) To open your business, there are no possibilities and so on and the like.

Surely, many feel the presence of such installations in themselves, although they are carefully disguised by our subconscious. It is these negative convictions to steal our faith in ourselves, our own forces do not allow us to consider current new methods of earnings that could really bring good income.

This is a kind of affirmation, but only negative, which block our money channels and make us work for a fixed payment. Therefore, often people, incorrectly evaluating their internal potential, agree to work at work with low payments. The reason for this becomes all the same negative installations. Their presence prevents the search for decent work for us and the maintenance of such a lifetime we dream about.

Of course, to eliminate all this negative from its subconscious, you have to do a titanic work and make a lot of energy. However, if you really have a strong desire and you will show enough perseverance, with the help of positive affirmations, be sure to achieve the goals.

Further, let's deal with the main rules for the preparation of affirmations.

So, proceed:

  1. Be sure to form your approval in the form of a fact that happens at present.

For example:

"I attract", "appears in my life."

  1. In affirmations, exceptionally positive words should be present, and there should be no negative allegations and a particle of denial ("not").

That is, it is impossible to say "I am not ill" in a positive installation, you need to pronounce the correct version of affirmation:

"I am healthy (healthy)!"

  1. Do not make too long affirmations - to limitate two, a maximum of five words. But it is important that the statement is brief and bright, cut into memory.

"I get everything I want"

  1. Of course, it is important that the positive statement would like to give you joy. Follow your inner sensations in the process of pronunciation of affirmations - you must face exclusively with positive emotions.

Suppose if you sick with something, it's morally difficult to constantly say "I am healthy", then try replacing this affirmation similar in meaning, but more pleasant for hearing:

"I'm getting better"

"I am feeling better".

You can choose for yourself some one affirmation that will be your favorite and which you will use most often. Believe me as soon as she is rooted in your subconscious, your brain will start automatically to tell you more and more new ideas for earnings, so that it will simply be spinning a head. You will not have time to digest old ideas, as all new and new ones will have to arise!

Why may affirmations may not work?

Positive installations will work solely under the condition of their regular pronunciation.

There are also errors made by many practitioners, namely:

  • Drawing up allegations.
  • Incorrectly formed encoding phrases.
  • Change of surrounding reality.

All those who use affirmations should be remembered about the fact that the change in its worldview and attitudes towards the world around us contributes to the change in the whole world around you. With the help of verbal encodings, you can change yourself and our worldview, but it is impossible to influence other people. Until the moment people themselves begin to believe in self-sinking, they will not be able to change their lives.

It is for this reason that the affirmations in which the specific people are involved, who must do something for you, will not be workers.

Why sometimes affirmations do not work?

For example, incorrect installation:

"The boss appreciates me, and employees respect."

Correctly say:

"I am a respected personality in the team."

Regular practice

Many of those who begin to work with affirmations make a popular error - refers to them for help irregularly and unsystematic. And so that the installation began to act, a lot of time will need.

For the correct allocation of effort and calculation of time, until the first results appear, it is necessary to use 5 of these rules:

  1. Want to get success as soon as possible? Then you need to apply some effort every day. Due to the systematic work, the affirmation will increase.
  2. Achieve your goal in small margins. Let the first one will be a simple step, and behind him is more complicated.
  3. Install the final goal, make the development of the action plan and the definition of specific deadlines at each stage.
  4. Do not wait for the instant result, you will need enough patience.
  5. Do not get distracted by trifles, let your action be targeted with careful thinking of each next stage.

And besides this, you need the most complete information regarding the goal you would like to achieve.

The first visible results will be obtained at the end of the third month of systematic exercises.

For how reasons, still may not work or do not always fight affirmations?

  • Due to your immigration. If you dream to solve all your problems at once, you begin to use too much by a large number of statements in which in which confuse. Ten positive attitudes at the initial stage - this is enough with the head. In the future, you can start using other installations, but it is always necessary to start with something small.
  • Because of the internal doubt. Feeling an inner disharmony with built phrases when you do not find a response to them in your soul, think about the reasons. They can only be two: you wish to get what is in contradiction with your beliefs and views, or you finally do not believe that affirmation really will work.

It does not matter exactly what the situation from the listed relates to you, in any case it will take a new thinking and the formation of a goal, studying it from another position and the formation of affirmation using such words that you will feel the inner response.

Feeling inner dissatisfaction and not fully understanding the results of their efforts, you will achieve the opposite result than the one about which you dream. It is important that when you pronounce your installation, inside felt joyful and inspired.

  • New experience. Over time, people get used to everything. However, affirmations are not what can be treated negligently. When pronounce phrases, you need to feel the full effect of presence and attention to them. Therefore, always utter the main words with the same force as you did for the first time.
  • Specified goals. The goal can be formed correctly, and you - sincerely want to achieve it, but instead it becomes farther and farther from the result. What is the reason for this phenomenon? The answer will be the following - you need to put global goals, the achievement of which will require many small, but specific chains. It is over these steps that you can move further.
  • Disadvantaged desired. It is important that the goals set in front of you, to achieve which you decide to use affirmations, were completely real and achievable.

unreal targets - sometimes it is useful

To make it clearer, let's figure it out on a specific example:

"I find a bag in which gold bars are lying (or a million dollars, as an option)."

It is clear that such a dream refers to the category of ghostly and unlikely that it can come true, but you can try anyway. You can always add additional specification words to affirmations in order to increase the likelihood of its implementation.

For example, add the following to the statement under consideration:

"A gangster disassembly happened, as a result of which a bag with gold bars was lost, and I find it!"

Of course, this example is quite fantastic, but it contributes to the construction of a chain with reflections, plans and actions.

Work with positive installations

How to use affirmations?

First you need to make a list of affirmations that will be used most often. You can do this in any way convenient for you: by reading out loud, pronunciation in mental form, multiple recording and listens and even singing! There are no clear rules here, you just need to do what your soul is required.

In addition, positive installations can be printed and rushed according to your dwelling, installed on the screensaver on the desktop of the laptop or phone. In this case, the installation of the installation will start automatically every time it will have before your eyes.

An important nuance. Affirmations need to use every day, consciously, eliminating any doubts and internal disagreements. Pay on the practice of affirmations for at least ten minutes daily.

Also remember that:

"All thoughts are powerful, with the condition that they are supported by feelings."

And when you try very hard, you sincerely believe it, then over time your new positive beliefs will be able to take weight over those negative stereotypes that diligently "accumulated" by you for many years.

As a result, your life will be able to change the most cardinal way, and you will be able to create yourself exactly such a reality that you dream about.

I know that reading this post will definitely change my and your life for the better. If you still do not believe it, then the most appropriate time to start trying.

Finally, do not forget to view an interesting video about the effect of affirmations:

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