How and who reads prayer from headaches


Headaches deliver a lot of trouble, because they deliver discomfort and interfere with working or performing everyday affairs. There are many different reasons for the occurrence of painful syndrome, and with most of them you can cope with the reception of special pills. But what to do if medicines do not help, do the doctors are bred by their hands?

After the accident, I often have migraines and "sharp" pain in the head, with which no drug drug is cope. My girlfriend advised to ask for help from John the Forerunner - and it became my salvation. In this article, I will tell you how the prayer from the headache is the most effective and to whom of the saints can still be referred to with a similar problem.

Prayer from headache

How to contact the holy?

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As a rule, the saints are treated in extreme situations when helping is no longer waiting. It is not necessary to be a deeply believer and regularly attend the church, but it is important to believe that your words will be heard. In addition, it should be sincerely asking for help, and not thoughtlessly pronounce the words of prayer.

To get rid of headaches, usually turn to the soles who have a gift from healing and helped people fight various ailments. The most famous of them is John the Forerunner, but the Mother of God, Pantelemon, Jesus Christ and the Guardian Angel helps with this problem. You can ask for help not only for yourself, but for your loved ones.

It is important to remember that prayer is only auxiliary means when combating headaches, and in no case forget about traditional medicine. It is necessary to establish the true cause of migraine and follow all the recommendations of the doctor.

Appeal to John the Forerunner

John the Forerunner or, as it is also called, the Baptist, during his lifetime healed people from any disease. To this day, he is asked about the healing of the soul and body. With serious illnesses, it is recommended to visit the church and light the candle at the Ioanna icon. You can ask for health in both arbitrary shape and read special sacred texts. But with headaches you can read the prayer at home, at work or on the road, while it is desirable to have a saint icon with you.

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The most effective prayer from the headache John the forerunner sounds like this:

1 John the Forerunner

There is another no less effective prayer, but few people know about it. It should be read three times, depending on the icon of the Baptist.

2 John the Forerunner

In unbearable headaches and severe migraines, this prayer should be used:

3 John Forerunner

Prayer to the Virgin

God's Mother stands on the protection of the well-being and health of people, so it often appears for help in various diseases. To get rid of headaches, women are most often addressed with the following words:

1 Virgin

During prayer, you need to light the candle and look at its flame. For greater efficiency, it is also recommended to put an icon of the Virgin "Healer". Reading the words, you need to imagine how the fire burns all the negative and pain, granting calm in return. It is advisable to spend a ritual alone so that no one distract from reading the text.

Since prayer is an auxiliary means, the basis of the treatment of migraine should be drugs. But what to do if they do not help, and it is impossible to exceed the dosage? In such cases, prayer phrases, reinforcing the effect of drugs.

2 Virgin

It is important to remember that before turning to the Mother of God for help, it is necessary to pronounce the prayer "Father Our" three times. If the headache finds out of the house, the sacred words can be read without a candle. It is advisable to take a convenient position, relax and completely concentrate on the text.

Prayer to the healer Pantelemon

No wonder of St. Panteleimon is called a healer, because he cured thousands of people from grave diseases. It is customary to contact him not only in case of complex diseases, but also in the case of headaches that cannot be accomplished by medicines. There is a very strong prayer to Patelomonu, which you need to read before the candle, and it is also recommended to use incense or incense with a light relaxing aroma.

1 Panelononu

When I need urgent help with migraine, which found on the road or at work, you should learn and read the following words:

2 Panteleononu

One of the most common prayers to the Holy Panteleonon, which helps with different pain syndromes, including migraine, sounds like this:

3 Panteleononu

Words need to read before the healer icon, repeating three times and not forgetting to be baptized at the same time.

Appeal to the Guardian Angel

Each person has a keeper angel, whom the Lord puts at the time of birth. It is designed to help all over and protect against trouble and evil effect. In minutes, first of all should be applied for helping to your defender, and it will definitely respond. During headaches and other ailments, the following words should be pronounced:

Guardian angel

Prayer to Lord

When a close person is sick, I want to do everything possible for him to alleviate suffering. First of all, it is necessary to provide physical and moral support, but, in addition, it is worth seeking help to God. With strong headaches of a loved one, the following prayer is read:


If pain syndrome has a constant character and is associated with a certain ailment, then you need to visit the church, put a candle for the health of the patient and read prayer or ask for healing in arbitrary form.

Turning to the saints to save them from headaches, it is important to believe with all your heart and not to admit skepticism. In addition, it is necessary to correctly pronounce the sacred text and completely concentrate on it. In severe cases, prayer may not help the first time, therefore it should be repeated until it becomes facilitated.

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