What helps the Holy Onion Crimean


Crimean Saint Luka - one of their most revered saints in Orthodoxy. Thousands of people make pilgrimages to his relics. I know many stories of the wonderful healing of the people who did it. Therefore, I will share with you details from Luke's life and what helps prayers addressed to his icons.

Saint Luke Crimean: Life

St. Luka was born under the name Valentina Waro-Yasenetsky. In worldly life, this person is known as a surgeon, author of his own monograph. In the future, he won the title of saint.

Luke Crimean icon

Here are some facts from the life of St. Crimean Luke:

  1. He was born in the Crimea, but in the future he moved to Kiev, where he learned to the doctor. He managed not to just make a medical career and become a professor, but also to go on new directions in medicine of the time. He was propheted a great future in the world of medicine, but fate had other plans for his account.
  2. In 1921, Luke became a deacon and accepted this honorary san. From now on, he decided to devote life to the ministry to God. Two years later, he had tonsured and received his church name. An important condition that he was set was the wish not to stop their activities as a doctor. He pledged not only to serve the Lord, but also to heal people with their medical knowledge.
  3. Life has prepared a lot of tests. He had to suffer for his faith. He was arrested three times, he was sent to reference. But the life of life was not broken by his spirit. Even far from home, in the link, he never refused to help people, treated them and preached Christianity. Neither the heavy physical work in hospitals nor tedious services in the church was not bent.
  4. In 1946 he managed to return to his homeland, in the Crimea, where he was born. There he tried to make all possible efforts to establish a diocese. He worked on the fact that the existing temples are not closed, but, on the contrary, they built and discovered new churches. Especially spoken for the construction of temples in remote areas, villages and villages.
  5. Luke strictly and uncompromisingly belonged to the violators of church rules, tried to eradicate heresy and sectarianism, was very active with them struggled.
  6. He lived to enough old age and until death did not stop medical activities. He held an honorable position in a military hospital, conducted the most difficult operations. His gift to diagnose patients and put treatment predictions was obvious, and therefore he stand out among all other doctors.
  7. Luke took patients and at home. People believed him, unquestioned all the prescriptions and quickly went on amendment. It was even believer - if you trigger to the Saint Ryas, healing will come quickly and it will be possible to heal even from the incurable disease.
  8. Sometimes he lectured in medical universities. But even in this watch did not remove his church clothes and did not turn into a worldly person.

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The death of Saint came in 1961, and after 34 years, it was ranked sainted. Its icon is considered a miraculous and healing, so people with different diseases often turn to Luke Liqukey in their prayers.

What pray on Luka Krymsky

Believers are treated with the most different requests to the icon of St. Luka. The most frequent "guests" that come to the image are doctors and their patients.

Saint Luca Crimea

What can I ask for the saint in your prayers:

  1. Ask blessings for parents who suffer from any ailment. It is believed that such a prayer gives strength and gives the healing of your loved one.
  2. In the complex and turning moments of life, you can ask to add vitality and energy, charge faith in yourself and confidence that everything will be resolved in the most well.
  3. You can pray for the health and healing of children, about their prosperity, success, career, successful studies or happiness in personal life. It is important not to try to influence their life, but simply ask for support and blessings.
  4. They ask Luka to give happiness in personal life, establish relations in the seme, mutual understanding with his spouse and sincere love.
  5. On protection, assistance and support in front of the important operations that you are coming. So that surgery passed safely and brought healing.
  6. And most often, of course, the Holy is asking for healing from a variety of diseases. You can hear a not one amazing story about how hard sick people were healed without visible causes due to Divine Support.
  7. Doctors may apply to help establish an accurate diagnosis in a complex patient, pray for successful operations.

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What is important: Remember that not always your wishes come true instantly. Sometimes you need time. Therefore, do not despair, pray again and again to quickly or later get what you ask for. It is equally important to sincerely believe in the power of your prayer and God and speak from the heart, and not read texts on a piece of paper.

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The relics of Crimean Luke

A year after Luke appropriated the title of saint, managed to gain his non-relic. Now they are stored in the Simferopol Holy Trinity Cathedral. Daily many people turn to the remains.

It is important to know how to apply and contact the holy relics to not violate the church rules. A person should be approached to cancer (the place in which the power is stored in shape resembles a coffin made of valuable wood and decorated with precious stones). Then you need to make a criste twice, hanging down at the same time.

After that, you can touch the relics - once with lips, and the second time by forehead. After getting again and leave. Do not stand at the relics for too long - you will not allow you to do this, and there are always a lot of people.

Saint Luka Crimea

Crimean onions - one of the most revered saints, and thousands of devotees seek to touch the holy relics, contact his icons and gain long-awaited healing. Orthodox residents of different cities are combined to make pilgrimage to Simferopol.

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