Conspiracy to the cold - how to read and avoid consequences


Conspiracies on the oscillate are part of the disguise love magic. Ostud - a magical effect, aimed at cooling feelings and getting rid of love dependency. Such rites are used in several cases:

  • To eliminate the rival (rival) and returning a loved one;
  • to get rid of an annoyed fan (fans);
  • For cooling your own feelings for man.

Specifically about the coercion on itself. You can read this plot for yourself if:

  • Your love for a person is more like obsession and madness;
  • Love has long over, and only the habit is connected with you with a partner;
  • The beloved person turned out to be a scoundrel, and the connection with him can be dangerous for you;
  • You broke up with your loved one, but there were no feelings for him;
  • You have become a victim of magical impact (for example, infection).

Ostudy in this case will help get rid of the witchcraft influence.

Cooled heart

Principle of operation and consequences of the coordination of themselves

Any conspiracy to the oscillate implies a breakdown of love ties as a result of cooling feelings. A strong edge can lead to hatred in relation to the person who seemed once the most beloved.

The conspiracy action on the oscree begins almost instantly. The first feature is a small discomfort to the person from which it is necessary to cool. Discovers over time passes into indifference and dislike.

In order for the conspiracy to an extremely worked correctly, it is necessary to know the basic requirements for its implementation:

  • The ritual is performed in the Luna decrease phase;
  • The best day for the rite is Tuesday; Not suitable for edging days - Friday and Sunday;
  • Strict following the instructions of the ritual;
  • It is also desirable to make a sputter specified in the instructions for the rite. If this item is not in it, just go to the church and put a candle in front of any icon that you have to do.

Ostud on yourself

If you make a coolness on yourself, consider the male and women's days. The girl (woman) should read a conspiracy into women's days, a man in men. I want to draw your attention to another condition: Read the conspiracy to the cold only in case of acute necessity.

This ritual cannot be attributed to the category of harmless: abusing them, you can cool not only to a particular person, but also to all others. You do not want to become worn and indifferent to everything alive?

Conspiracy on the edge at home - rituals for independent execution

Ostudy on nails and water - for yourself

This rite will help you to remove the longing and cool your feelings for a person, the relationship with which there is no one. The ritual is carried out in deep at night with the light of two church candles, using a nail and a glass of cold water. Procedure:
  1. Sit down the table and burn the candle match.
  2. Start meditate: Imagine yourself and your loved one is happy and joyful, but separately. Device visualization at least 10 minutes.
  3. Take a nail and sharp his tip Start heated on the flame of the candle until it gets hot.
  4. Lower the nail into the glass and read the plot 3 times: "Water-water, the coolest of my passion and longing for God's slave (Name of beloved) . How quickly the iron cools, let it also be freed from the clever. "
  5. After pronouncing conspiracy, it throw away the nails in a deserted place, the water pour away from your home and silently go to sleep. Do not score yourself with thoughts about the rite made.

Do not tell anyone about the ritual. Results should appear very soon.

Strong cloister on the wind for the expulsion of love longing

The ritual is very ancient. They used their wives, whose husbands went to war and found their death there. The rite helps to cure from love longing, tighten the soul wounds, gives the strength and feeling of updating after unhappy love.


Conspiracy is read in windy weather, in a deserted place. It will be best if you go beyond the city, in nature. If you are doing a ritual in the summer, you can take off your shoes and stand with bass legs to the ground, feel it warm and energy. To the wind stand face, the conspiracy to the creeper is spent loud and clearly 3 times:

"Snake hearty, sore and out! Let the will of your wind hang out. The heart will stop to say, and the soul - in man (Name of beloved) Grieve and burn fire. Green snake, in his cover the lair, only there to be, only there you live. I also (own name) , man (Name of beloved) Do not love ever, not to know, not desire, do not wait - neither in thoughts, nor in the heart or hearing, nor the Spirit. Snake - Snakevo, I also (own name) - His side. Amen!"

After pronouncing a conspiracy, leave the place without looking back.

Popper conspiracy on the rival

Ostudy to the rival is designed to help wives, the husbands of which were on the side of the mistresses. Wife should buy poppy seeds and speak them in the evening on Tuesday, fixing his gaze to the moon. Husband about the ritual should not know anything. If it is not at home this evening - the plot will work much more efficiently. Conspire text:

"33 crows fly, 33 stones are carried. Mac on my threshold will peck, my rival (Family name) We will curse with your keys. Never exist to this Maku: he will keep me and my home, to protect against rivals and family happiness to store. Thought crows 33 stones on my threshold. Who wishes my happiness to destroy, that all the stones will take. So be it! Amen" - 3 times .

Mac need to scatter for the threshold of your home. The rite needs to be held every Tuesday (the moon phase here does not play a significant role, but perform the very first ritual during the descending of the night shone). The spouse must throw his mistress and return to the family for a month.

Another ritual on the edge to sort out forever, look in the video:

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