Division for compatibility named and the name of partners


You probably know that the name performs a combination of various identity characteristics that affect the entire human life. There is also a concept as love compatibility by name.

If you are the same as I, are interested in this topic, then I offer you an interesting divination for compatibility by name and surname, several variations of which you will find in this article.

Compatibility of partners by name

Mystery of compatibility in pair by name

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Today it is difficult to surprise someone in a divorce or parting. Many people break up, even really did not have time to find out the personality of friend friend, due to minor conflicts and misunderstandings.

Perhaps this happens, since people's names are not suitable one to another? I never visited such a thought? It may seem strange, but nevertheless, in a very large number of situations, the cause of the pair is becoming precisely incompatibility by name.

How to understand how much you are with your chosen / chosen to come to each other? For this, first of all, you can contact a specialist who will make all the necessary calculations. And one more option, accessible to the performance of yourself at home, is a divination for compatibility by name. I suggest you further in the article familiarize yourself with the two options for this divination (in the second case, we will use numerological compatibility in the vitality of the life path of both partners).

The first method of calculations

In numerology, compatibility on the names and surname offers several options for calculating methods. Now consider the first option showing the chances of a couple for a joint future.

For its execution on a piece of paper, you need to write data from your name and name of your beloved person.

For example: Skadaja Irina Leonidovna and the subword of Dmitry Alexandrovich.

According to theory, the greater the number of identical letters in the name and surname of each of the partners, the higher their love compatibility.

Then the analysis on this technique implies the following algorithm:

  1. Necessary See what the number of the same letters contain your names. For example, in the case under consideration, we observe a coincidence of the partners of the letters "A", "and" in the names and surnames.
  2. Should be counted The total number of letters in the data of each of the representatives. In this example, a woman gets only twenty-three letters, and a man is twenty-eight letters. This is generally an average compatibility version. The ideal option is when the identical number of letters in these partners, which indicates absolute compatibility. There is one more nuance here - the higher the difference between the two numbers, the less in common in loved.
  3. Look, Are the initial letters of the names and the names of partners with vowels or consonants. In our example, we see that letters are combined - there are also vowels and consonant listers. And this is a very good option, because ideally, as a time, an alternation should be observed.
  4. View, What letters in the names will be repeated more often than others. For example, here we see quite frequent alternation of the letter "and". Repeat the same manipulation with the names and patrols of partners. The more coincidences of the same letters in the data, the topics of the best compatibility and the prospect of the joint future you can talk.

But if you spent the calculation and found little matches in the names and surnames, do not hurry to get upset. Such a pair may well be successful. Everything will be in the hands of the partners themselves, in particular, depends on their relationship to each other.

The situation will change in the case when there are no coincidences in principle. Then there is a reason for thinking: the likelihood is high, that there is no future in relationship due to frequent skirmishes, conflicts, various views on life and different life priorities. We can say about such unions that they do not have a long joint future and, most likely, people will have to part afterwards.

Numerology also tells us that the names and surnames of lovers allow you to understand who in a pair will be the main (or main). By tradition, this role belongs, of course, a man, but in practice, modern reality very often demonstrates the exact opposite option.

So, if you wish to find out the leader in a pair, then you just need to count how many vowels in these partners. That partner, who has more vowels, and get the role of the leader. In the considered sample, we discover that the girl has only twelve vowels, while her belonging only ten. It means that it is clear that the lady will be the main thing in such a pair.

In such a pair, the leader will be a lady

The second method of calculations

I suggest you familiarize yourself with another way that allows you to tell about compatibility in relationships. It relates more to numerology, as it uses the date of the appearance of lovers in the light, but it does not become less informative.

How to get information about your partner if you have not yet been faced with him in everyday life or difficult life situations? In this case, compatibility will come to the rescue. It will become an excellent prompt for the future development of relationships.

What needs to be done to take advantage of this method? Nothing difficult - just one after another fold the numbers of the day, month, as well as the year of birth of myself and your partner, and then get an unambiguous number.

Consider on a specific example:

Partner 1. : 25.05.1994 = 2 + 5 + 5 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 4 = 35 = 3 + 5 = 8.

Partner 2. : 11.05.1995 = 31 = 3 + 1 = 4.

And now proceed to decoding.

Compatibility on life number 1

1 and 1.

People who have identical life numbers are well suited to each other and as friends, and as lovers. Thanks to similar vibrations, it is easier for them to get closer, but the personal growth can be slowed down.

1 and 2.

Ploud-loving unit and weak two control solar and lunar energies. This combination of incompatible, very far from the ideal.

1 and 3.

In love, as well as business relations, the troika use units in order to get personal care, so for 1 such a union is undesirable.

1 and 4.

Such an alliance will benefit and pleasure exclusively 4, which will not be able to reveal reciprocity for 1.

1 and 5.

Partners have enough common hobbies, but both distinguishes excessive independence. It is best when units and tops interact in politics and social activities.

1 and 6.

Relationships are possible due to practicalism and generosity 6, which will present support for 1, but it is necessary that 1 is a leader in a pair.

1 and 7.

7 will be able to give 1 many romance and joy. Union is favorable.

1 and 8.

People belonging to these vibrations are complete antipodes of friend friend. For a weak half of 1, marriage with men 8 will be fraught with very unpleasant consequences.

1 and 9.

The ideal version of the development of events is when the Union is a union and a nine man union.

Compatibility on life number 2

2 and 2.

Similarly, the bulk of the same vibrations, in a pair of two two bodies there will be instability and non-roadness. Such relationships are short-lived.

2 and 3.

Troika perform excellent friends and mentors for variable bobbies. Will be causing the last discipline and help achieve the desired one.

2 and 4.

Couple is very favorable for marriage and business partnership. In the others, the sections will suffer from obstacles created by them by the fours.

2 and 5.

These figures are antagonists, because there is a long-standing war between the planet Mercury (5) and the Moon (2). Therefore, we can talk about very low compatibility in such a union.

2 and 6.

Neutral Venus (6) in relation to the moon (2) can become a good friend for it, but not the perfect lover.

option friendly but not love relationship

2 and 7.

7 will be able to teach 2 many, as the astrological purpose of the first motivates them to have disinterested help to others.

2 and 8.

There is an average compatibility here. Well, if a partner with a number 2 is a man, and 8 is a woman.

2 and 9.

Excellent compatibility option. 9 For 2, perfectly suitable friends, spouses and business partners.

Compatibility on life number 3

3 and 3.

Although, as a rule, identical vibrations are unacceptable for each other, two three triggers will be quite possible to create a very harmonious pair.

3 and 4.

3 and 4 should be abandoned by business connections, because the first will always be in losing. A good compatibility option, if a pair of the guy will be 3, and the girl 4.

3 and 5.

Functions of the Planet Mercury (5) will create a lot of problems for 3 in business and marriage.

3 and 6.

Sample harmony in combination of incompatible. The union will be more successful if the guy is 3, and the girl is 6.

3 and 7.

In both numbers, there are enough common characteristics, for this reason the partners are perfectly compatible with each other.

3 and 8.

A bad combination due to excessive independence and self-sufficiency of the eight people.

3 and 9.

Numerology advises 3 without unnecessary thinking to do 9 of his friend, beloved and business partner.

Compatibility on the life number 4

4 and 4.

Although the same numbers traditionally do not fit each other, but in the case of two 4, the situation changes. Therefore, the pair is quite a chance for a joint future.

4 and 5.

Unreliable 5 difficult to play the role of faithful spouses and friends for 4.

4 and 6.

4 very hardworking, with how 6 - on the contrary, lazy. An exception may be the union guy 4 and girls 6.

4 and 7.

Since both numbers are astrologically close to each other, 7 provide 4 help, not expecting anything in return.

4 and 8.

While 8 stands on the protection of interests 4, the second partner can engage in the improvement of his spiritual virtues.

4 and 9.

This numerical combination is very favorable for friendly and affiliate relationships. It is important that in such a union matrimonial connections.

Compatibility on life number 5

5 and 5.

In the alliance of two tops, there is quite high compatibility. Partners may develop their personal potential in relationships.

5 and 6.

In such a pair, the five will benefit, because the mining partners will become the perfect addition to their character.

5 and 7.

In this case, we are faced with not very high love compatibility because of the negative energy of the seed for partners-tops. Because of what will have to abandon the creation of trust relationships.

5 and 8.

Numerology does not advise older to choose the eights for themselves as spouses or business partners.

5 and 9.

The couple in which the cold Mercury (5) is connected and the hot Mars (9) will have a mutual positive vibration field.

Combination of cold and fire

Compatibility on life number 6

6 and 6.

Two sisters may well have a good time with each other, but there will be no mutual inspiration in such respects.

6 and 7.

The landed seisters are not given to understand the entire inner depth of the seeds prone to dreams and fantasies, but they should not even try to delve into all the utopian ideas of their partner.

6 and 8.

The ideal sphere of life for contacting numbers 6 and 8 is the area of ​​art and political field. But at the same time, the six should not make financial investments in a business based eight.

6 and 9.

An option is a very good combination, but in this case the nine risks overload yourself if it organizes a joint venture with a six.

Compatibility on the life number 7

7 and 7.

Two deprived of responsibility and arrogant seven, adoring to cognizing, will not be able to reach harmony, while they are near each other.

7 and 8.

These are absolutely incompatible in the emotional plan of the person. Successful eights will constantly not understand and condemn the too selfish seed.

7 and 9.

Nines will manage to play a good role for the seed people: for example, they will be able to instill healthy practicism. But with everything in this case, in terms of long-term love relationships, the Union will not be lucky.

Compatibility on the life number 8

8 and 8.

The combination between two eights gives a very powerful energy field, which can be sent by them both on something positive and destruction.

8 and 9.

People with life number 9 will be able to harden the nature of the eight people, which will ensure their self-improvement. But with all this, it is possible to talk about sufficient issues and the briefness of the love relationship between them in an official marriage.

Compatibility on life number 9

9 and 9.

Destroy the true love or friendship, which was established between two nines, will be able to exclusively serious conflict. For the rest, you can talk about perfect love compatibility in a pair.

I really want to hope that thanks to these two methods for determining compatibility in a pair, you can analyze your relationship with your loved one and install that you are well submitted to each other.

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