Prayer to find good work with a big salary


The search for work is that an ungrateful case in which you cannot count only on luck or your own professional skills.

Mondering how difficult it is sometimes to convince the potential employer in the fact that it is you - the very specialist he is looking for, and sometimes it's time not just, guided only by the call of your heart, finding suitable places to work, will be odd to contact intercession from the highest strength.

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At the same time, the form of appeal, extended into specific words, does not matter much. The main thing is to find faithful and sincere words, and then you can always count on help over.

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No matter what form it will come to you: maybe in the form of a hint in a dream, which will send your search for a suitable vacancy in the right direction; Or maybe the highest forces give you a suitable attitude, which will help you successfully pass the interview and get the desired place.

Or they will help you to draw the attention of the attention of those employers to which you will come as a applicant?

Being in the quest for suitable work, for example, you can contact God directly with such a prayer, in order to fully enlist the support of the Most High:

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More Saint Rev. Nile Postnitnik (also known as the ascetic Sinai) Looking for about such words: if you wish to find a job, let the language sings, and the mind prays - because it should always remember God, as it requires that it requires. It became necessary to pray more often and more.

Prayers for all occasions

Among the great multitude of Orthodox prayers will be also those that will certainly contribute to you in this endeavor. First of all, there are three universal prayers useful in any life situation whose effectiveness was noted by numerous believers.

This is "The Mother of God, Delo, Rejoice", "God will resurrect!", As well as the well-known prayer of the Lord (which is usually called "Our Father"):

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These prayers can accompany the appeal to God with arbitrary words, for example, such as:

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Some sources also offer such a ready-made form of universal prayer, designed to assist in gaining new work:

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It is recommended to pronounce both before going to the interview and after it, as well as with every visit to the employment center (or recruitment agency), or simply browsing suitable vacancy ads.

Any prayer should read at least three times. Do not forget to be baptized after each pronunciation of prayer. Also, it will not be superfluous and to defend the Thanksgiving Prayer in the Church, and after successfully obtaining work, do not forget to make an offer from the first wages you received.

In general, it should always be given due to those who help or have already helped you on your life path - for example, prompted by advice or specific actions that eventually helped you find your way to gain new work. Moreover, it does not have to be your relatives or acquaintances.

You can (including without your knowledge) direct and higher order forces, such as the guardian angel and God's desirable.

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Of course, you can always count on an unexpected woven luck with the sky when the help comes from the other side where it would seem to be, no one was waiting. But still it is better not to be afraid of contacting requests - both in the inhabitants of their earthly and - even more so - the heavenly world.

Prayers Orthodox saints

For example, you can call with such words to Nikolai the Wonderworker whenever you are in the process of waiting for a solution for your candidacy:

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Help the wonderworker will be effective and in a difficult case of compiling a suitable summary, if you contact him, for example, so:

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It should be noted that the earth's path of the saints, canonized by the Orthodox Church, was marked by the stamp of tirelessly and sincere faith in the fact that the name of the Lord will help them overcome all difficulty. Therefore, it should be treated, their patronage and should be sought first.

For example, prep. Seraphim Sarovsky will certainly hear your call if you really wish it in your heart:

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But not only the holy men were wondering the wonderworkers. In Russia, the names of the two saints - Blessed Ksenia and Matrones of Moscow, to which are as often treated with various urgent problems.

It was Matron once predicted that the Nazis was not destined to reach Moscow. She will help, giving a loyal sign, and those who are sincere in their desire to find a job.

You can refer to the Rev. Matrona so:

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And Ksenia Peterburger, praying for the souls of all those who suffer, voluntarily adopting a heavy utility of scientific (despite the fact that herself was from a wealthy family), it will definitely be perceived by your call if you read it prayer:

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Small farewell finishing

Remember: by and large, it is not so important what kind words you will pick up to appeal to God and His Holy. Only the cleanliness of your thoughts is crucial.

Being even a unresolved person, you can still count on higher patronage. It is possible to pray at home, but it's better to attend the church. You can ask about the intercession and your own saint (whose name you are mentioned), turning to his icon with a prayer.

In the process of prayer, mentally imagine yourself in a new, prestigious position, surrounded by honors and respect for colleagues. At the same time, praying, look at the light of the candle. Invest your sincere faith in your words.

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