Pros and cons of yoga for two, examples of exercises


Yoga is the most ancient and deepest from all global practices. It acts as Indian teaching, according to which the external and internal in each of us are associated with the most closely. Currently, the art of yoga is of great popularity, so it is not at all surprising that yoga studios recently appear as mushrooms after the rain.

Yoga is divided into many variations of Practice: hot yoga, yoga for children, yoga for those who "for 50", Hatha Yoga, Yoga in the air and, of course, is notable for Yoga for two. In more detail about the last thing I would like to tell you in this material.

Yoga for two photos

What is the steam yoga, what features different

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The pair yoga is still called "lazy". It is a special kind of yoga art, which involves the execution of Asan with the help of a partner and alternately. Yoga for two is very similar to Thai massage, as well as tantra yoga, because in it, it is also quite important to awaken and transformation of energy.

At the same time, the main use of steam yoga can be called simple comprehension of even those exercises that previously belonged to the category of complex or not fulfilled. After all, work with the second person greatly simplifies this process (definitely, subject to sufficient physical training of both partners).

At the same time, for the steam yoga, you can take not only your spouse or a sexual partner, but just a friend, a child and even just an unfamiliar person. In the latter case, we are talking about some degree of psychological effect: a person must overcome his personal complexes, find its own way of development, improve the ability of them, both physical and spiritual.

Little secret. In order for classes to be even more comfortable and delivered to you exclusively positive emotions, choose a partner, which is one of the weight category with you.

Practice of steam yoga is to help each other in keeping balance, stretching, slopes and deflection. Here, one partner takes on the role of support and support for the second, and can also become a kind of "weight loss." Thanks to all this, yoga becomes not just easier, but also much more pleasant and more fun.

However, so that it was necessarily the execution of the following rules developed specifically for steam yoga:

  • Pay enough attention to hygienic standards, maintain a neat appearance;
  • Choose a partner for yourself with approximately the same level of preparation;
  • In the process of performing an Asan, control your inner sensations and speak the partner in advance about what you feel. In turn, do not forget to ask him about his feeling and convenience;
  • Periodically change the roles;
  • Slim posture.

Where to start yoga in pairs: useful about its structure

Yoga in pairs, similar to the classical practice, first of all, begins with comfort.

It is important that the workout clothing for training will not make the movement, prefer exceptionally materials for natural origin (cotton, flax, and so on).

Another important moment in yoga is music. Ideally, it is necessary to include the music of the sounds of nature, also well listening to mantras or light instrumental.

And, of course, I want to mention a positive attitude separately: absolutely any occupation should begin only from the positive, you should not overcome conflicts or mental disagreements.

In any case, the positive attitude is important.

As for the structure of yoga classes, it is possible to distinguish the following list of aspects:

  1. All yogan asans for two must be fulfilled being completely relaxed. The impact of yoga exercises is directed not on the dynamics, but more for stretching. In yoga for two, one of the participants in Tandem, the title of leader carrying responsibility for the level of load and the quality of the execution of Asan, and the second partner is the slave.
  2. Complete competing. In the class of steam yoga there is no place for competition and rivalry. At first, the partners mutually complement each other, then they are connected to each other on the emotional and spiritual levels, and the third, final, stage involves full physical harmony. The latter manifests itself as complete improvisation and performing exercises at the level of intuition.
  3. The execution of Asan is prohibited if they deliver pain or other uncomfortable sensations. If this happened, you need to take a timeout and necessarily consult with the doctor.

Favorable exposure to yoga on the body, its effect

As for the result from the practice of steam yoga, it cannot be choke about the physical and physiological effect: thanks to regular classes, stretching and flexibility rates are very improved, plus the internal organ massages also have an extremely positive effect.

In addition to physical, it is worth noting the psychological result, which consists in the possibility of finding spiritual internal freedom and help the second person. It is for these reasons in the countries of the West, the steam yoga began to call "yoga confidence".

In the process of practicing yoga due to the breath of breathing, a person engaged in yoga can get a complete picture represented by his fears, complexes - conscious and those that are hidden deep in brain deprants. And the disposal of these psychological blocks allows you to free such a giant amount of internal unnecessary energy, which, as a rule, is directed to "protect" yourself from this "terrible" surrounding world.

Thanks to a careful attitude to himself, it becomes easier to perceive the surrounding reality with a different look, as a result of which there is a liberation from excessive internal stress, psychological blocks and the most important goal is a mental harmony and health, as well as the sensitivity of the mind and the opportunity to build a personal relationship with others and harmonious way.

The practice of yoga allows you to achieve harmony

Positive and negative in yoga classes

Now I suggest you to stay in more detail on the pluses and cons of the pair yoga method.

So, from the main advantages of yoga for two, the following are allocated:

  • Undoubted benefit for the body. Due to the systematic exercises, the operation of the respiratory system is improved, the state of the heart and blood vessels is normalized, plus the musculoskeletal system develops. In addition, the yoga technique is characterized by toning and a fitting effect on the human body.
  • Yoga is packed. In fact, with the help of training, there is not just physical relaxation and elimination of stress, but also the nervous system comes to normal, so that you become more stressful in everyday life.
  • Pleasant feelings. When practicing yoga, partners are tricked to each other, which gives them pleasant emotions. In the case of some couples, yoga in pairs will become a real salvation, as they suffer from acute deficit of tactile affection.
  • The threshold of trust between spouses increases, plus they begin to better feel responsible for their soul mate. And this is also a frequent deficit in many ways.
  • Steam yoga contributes to reconciliation. Even if the partners are in a state of conflict, the training will still make them reconcile.
  • Practice contributes to rapprochement. First of all, the overall hobby that always brings closer. A plus, as mentioned earlier, much depends on the touch and tactile contact.
  • Yoga classes will make you more destructive and flexible, contribute to improving the coordination of movements, an increase in the concentration of attention and even improvement of brain activity.
  • Steam yoga is easy. You can always count on supporting your partner. Plus, a partner will assist in mastering even quite difficult asanas, which are independently unusually difficult to perform, especially beginners.
  • Partners have the opportunity to observe the implementation of the Nogovsky Asan from the side, and therefore may notice the mistakes of each other and help in improving the technique.
  • The regular practice of yoga in a pair will bring attitude to a new plan. Many practitioners were noticed that after permanent classes perceive their lovers with greater sensitivity, tenderness and trepidation.

But, unfortunately, as in any other case, there are also negative moments in steam yoga. From the latter there are such:

  • Probability of damage. It is especially increasing when some Asans are practiced.
  • Quite high price for training.
  • If one of the participants in the pair due to any reasons will not be able to visit the training, the second will automatically be forced to do the same. It is not at all similar to independent physical activity.

Who to go to workout?

Who is the best of all to take with me on a steam yoga? Of course, it is best that it was your second half - that is, a husband or a young man.

Who will fit yoga in a pair?

In general, steam yoga is acceptable for almost everyone. Especially recommended to resort to this method of topics, which began to lose confidence or interest in each other, are distinguished by one of the other and catch themselves at a wish to search for new impressions and emotions.

At the same time, there are no age limits here, because it can be performed both difficult and the most elementary asans. And even if you do not have anything to do with the sport, but you really want to try the steam yoga, do not refuse yourself in this desire.

Approximate set of initial steam yoga exercises

In steaming yoga, it is understood that the partner is exclusively partner, no more and no less. It can not be an object of attention, a personality, something for you meaning, and performs only a clot of energy, based on sexuality - female or male.

Further I want to familiarize you with the most popular steam yoga exercises:

  • Asana "Airplane" - is quite complicated;
  • "Inverted triangle" is a simple exercise;
  • "A double dog, the face of which is facing a book" - Simple asana;
  • "Boat" - a complicated exercise;
  • "Rack on the head" - a variant of a very difficult exercise that should not be performed by beginners;
  • "Pulling" is a fairly easy exercise.

Examples of Yogan Asan with a detailed description description

Exercise "Airplane"

To accomplish such asana, you need one, and better at once two partners were quite well prepared physically. Therefore, to start performing this exercise can be exclusively when you have already mastered simplest asians.

The execution process will be as follows:

  1. The first partner falls on the rug, raises his hands with his feet so that they are perpendicular to the body (knees at the same time hold bent).
  2. The second participant of the pair falls on top, rests on the open palms and the feet of his partner (to somewhat simplify the fulfillment of Asana, we first advise you with the help of one leg to rest in the floor).
  3. It is also important to establish and maintain visual contact between partners. Try to stay in the specified posture for as much time as possible.


Exercise "Inverted Triangle"

The specified exercise is characterized by a fairly simple execution. It can be started to perform those who just started practicing yoga in pairs.

The process of performing this exercise:

  1. It is necessary to accommodate the face to its partner at a distance of approximately thirty to sixty centimeters.
  2. Feet should be at the length of the shoulders width or even a little more.
  3. Extract your hands up in such a way that they are located about ten centimeters from the level of ears.
  4. Secure the position for sixty seconds.
  5. Slide your hands at the shoulder level and turn your head to the right side.
  6. Pull up with the top of the body until it stops down.
  7. Using the right hand reach the foot, in the perfect version - from the outside. But if the specified action is given to you with difficulty, then you can reach the inside. At the same time, you pull the left hand.
  8. Concentrate your attention on the second participant of the pair, at the same time delay in the position for a longer period of time.

Exercise "Double dog, the muzzle of which is facing the book"

  1. One of the partners (one that has the best training) must put legs on the same level with the shoulders.
  2. The second participant of the pair should be raised to the top and place them at a distance of approximately ten centimeters from the ears.
  3. Then the first partner needs to be stretched forward and leaning down the book, putting his palm on the floor at a distance of the order of one hundred and twenty centimeters from the feet.
  4. Now the second partner needs to put palms at a distance of thirty-forty centimeters from the palms of the first person.
  5. The second participant should put the leg in the area of ​​the pelvic region of their part of their partner.
  6. The second partner needs to put the second leg to the first. As a result, it turns out like a two-level "dog, the muzzle of which is facing the book."


Exercise "Boat"

  1. Partners are sitting on the rug one opposite the other, feet come into contact.
  2. The back should be straight, with a stress spine.
  3. Make your feet up to the formation of the letter "V".
  4. As soon as feel comfort - lock the feet to the feet of the partner.
  5. Feel the exercise and all the tension that occurs in your muscles.
  6. It is also allowed the option to take hands for the purpose of additional support.

Exercise "Stand on the head"

Please note that this Asana refers to a category complex enough and suitable for people who have long been practicing yoga. Newcomers from her need to refuse.

It is followed as follows:

  1. The "Dog, the muzzle of which is facing a book" is accepted. At the same time, it is necessary that the heads of the partners are located in the direction of each other in approximately one hundred seventy-old ninety centimeters.
  2. The body weight must be transferred to the upper part of the body. Head resting to the floor.
  3. The elbows are located near the head, you need to clamp it with the help of palms, due to which an additional point of the support is created.
  4. Stand in the head on your head and rectate your legs.
  5. With any leg, carefully fall in such a way that it is parallel to the floor level.
  6. Foot of this leg must be resting in the feet of the partner. Asana is fixed for a longer time as possible.

Exercise "Pulling"

Performing concluding in yoga classes for two. It is necessary to normalize heart rate and proper muscle stretch.

It is done like this:

  1. Partners are located opposite his boyfriend in a sitting position, they touch the steps as much as possible to each other.
  2. They take hands and stretch to meet each other.
  3. For maximum comfort, it is necessary to delicately, making support on the palms and hands of the partner.

Now you know all the secrets of the execution of paired Asan. We wish you a pleasant and effective practice!

And finally, we recommend viewing an interesting thematic video. Footage:

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