Icon of the Mother of God "Iverskaya": prayer, history, meanings, what helps


I have long prayed to the Lord about the new dwelling, which will have a lot of space for all children. And finally - the long-awaited move! But the house turned out to be multi-way, and immediately on the two floors I got acquainted - in one of the apartments there were countrymen, in the second - former colleagues (yet the earth is round!), After which ...

The doors of our apartment stopped closing! All the time Guests were taped that I am introverted by nature, it was strongly oppressed, and to show them on the door did not allow education.

Therefore, I asked the priest to tell if it was impossible to hang some icon at the door so that the house had a heavenly defender from unwanted visitors. So I met the Iversky Our Lady.

Icon of the Mother of God

The history of creating this icon

Iverly icon has many names, some of which are folk: goalkeeper, gatekeeper, portatitis (the same goiter, but translated from Greek).

I received my main name icon thanks to the Holy Residents, where it is: This is an Athos Iversky monastery.

The history of this icon can be outline by several milestones:

  • The image is very old. It is believed that he was written by the Apostle Luke, when the mother of Jesus was alive.

Icon of the Mother of God

  • In the 9th century, a decree was issued on the destruction of all icons. Such a fate threatened the oldest image of Our Lady, but the widow, living near Nice, managed to hide him in his house. True, it was not a mystery left, and soon her threshold had soldiers. They tried to select the image. One of them even hit the icon of the spear, hitting the cheek of the Virgin. From the pierced place began to drip blood.
  • The widow grabbed the wounded face and ran to the sea. She understood that even if these soldiers were released (a miracle that happened to the icon, convinced them that it was impossible to destroy the shrines), abuse in the way - a matter of time. Not knowing what to do, she lowered the icon in the waves, giving it to the will of the Lord, and she sailed. No one has heard about it about 200 years.

Icon of the Mother of God

  • The monks of the Iverly Georgian monastery somehow saw a fiery pillar. This icon was visible on his top. She was recognized as the former abbot of the monastery (the son of the very widow) at one time described the icon itself, and the wound on the ladies of the Virgin. The image was floating in the sea, but it could not get his monks. And only when, after a long prayer, the Mother of God came to one brother in a dream and allowed to take an icon, they could get it.
  • The brothers prayed, thanks to God for the phenomenon of the Holy Image, and made it to the temple. But when in the morning I woke up, surprised: Icon hung over the entrance! Who postponed her there, no one was. Fearing that the shrine will spoil the sun and rain, the monks again hid her ... And she returned to her place again.
  • One of the monks, Gabriel Athos came in a dream herself the Queen of Heaven, saying that more icons are not removed: it is the place of the door, since the image has to defend the entrance to the monastery.

Icon of the Mother of God

  • The inhabitants of the Iberian monastery not disobeyed the Virgin, and the icon is still in the same place, which is chosen for itself. Although, of course, just hang icon they gave, putting a special gate church, where he placed a relic. She never took out from here: monks believe that the image will leave the mountain just before the Second Coming of Christ.

The date of the veneration of icons

Its revered Orthodox and Catholics.

In our churches, its chant:

  • February 25 (or, in the old style, February 12).
  • Tuesday of Bright Week (Easter is a rolling celebration, which is celebrated in April).
  • 26 (13) October.

Miracles that revealed the face of Our Lady of Iver

  • At the place where the monks first hung an icon, a spring of water, pure and sweet. It exists so far. Log in to the source looks like this:

Icon of the Mother of God

  • Once the monastery threatened the Persians besieged it from the sea. The monks began to ask the icon for help - the same day sharply flown storm sank all the ships of the invaders, and the monastery was saved.
  • Once a monastery knocked on people wishing to spend the night. But the year was hungry, take the missed, and the doorman asked a pilgrim to pay for the night. He could not, and it is not allowed to enter. After such greed in all of the products have deteriorated monastery. The poor man is on the road met a woman (it was the Virgin Mary), which gave him a coin. He returned to the monastery to pay and spend the night. So the monks realized their Patroness angry with them, and to this day no one with no charge for the night.
  • Before the icon always hanging icon lamps. When she begins to swing without reason, holy brothers know that soon will shock or major disaster in the world. And before the outbreak of the First World War, even the face of Jesus on the icon changed: It was a child's delicate, became angry.

Iverskogo-Hawaiian icon:

Icon of the Mother of God

One of the lists Iver image of the Virgin became a cult among the Orthodox, USA. He appeared to them in 2007, it has been continuously moves in churches where people can touch it Mirotochivogo gift of the Lord.

And Montreal was considered miraculous myrrh-streaming icon. This list was established on Mount Athos in 1981, he mirotochit 15 years. More about this overseas, but still almost Russian Orthodox miracle you can learn from this video:

From what helps Iver Mother of God

  • No wonder it was called Vratarnitsey: icon can protect the house from unwanted visits. Before her also pray for the protection of the home against theft, fire, flood. it will also help to protect against enemies.
  • Many she helped to protect or cure from the illness. Basic and mental illnesses are meant.
  • People in the villages ask this icon to give them a good harvest.
  • She will help to enjoy a man who stuck on the wrong path.
  • Finally, the Mother of God is asking for consolation in trouble and sorrow. And correctly ask not only for yourself, but also for loved ones. It is also worth writing the word and for the health of enemies.

How to pray this icon

Here is a special prayer for the help that the icon is read in a difficult hour:

Icon of the Mother of God

Many of our contemporaries are so inspired by this icon that poems are composed about it. It turns out very sincere and beautiful:

Icon of the Mother of God

Where to post such an icon in the house

Most often, it is placed or above the entrance door, or opposite the entrance, so that the Virgin Mary looked into the eyes of anywhere.

Of course, hanging the icon, you need to tell the household about it, and children too. To kids better understand the essence of the shrine, you can show them here such a cartoon, drawn specifically about the Iverland Mother of God.

Probably, he is not for kindergartens, but for schoolchildren, as it raises a lot of almost adults - let's say, the topic of personal choice. In any case, see it with the children, because they will have many questions for which you, adults, already know the answers:

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