Icon of the Mother of God "Tabyan": what helps, prayer, history, meanings


My acquaintance with this icon began ... From viewing the news program. In the running line, they wrote about the cross under the icon of the Virgin, and I caught myself thinking that I had never even heard her names. He recorded him on a piece of paper, so as not to forget, and on Sunday remained after the service to ask the father.

And learned amazing things! It turns out that in the "biographies" of this image, it is time to shoot a film, but not a documentary, but at least adventure. That's just the ending it will be sad. Though…

Icon of the Mother of God

History of the icon

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This Holy Lick of the Virgin Mary was an amazing way to people and with no less mysterious circumstances disappeared. So happened several times.

  1. At the end of the 16th century, one of the monks (it was an amvelone, Ierodiakon) returned to his abode, located near the village of Tabyan. Bypassing the source, he heard "Take my icon." The monk was frightened, thinking that he was tempting the demon. But in the day, appeal to him repeated. He looked around - the icon was standing above the source. He called the brothers, and together they moved the image of the Virgin to their abode. But the next morning Icon was above the gates. Obviously, the Mother of God could become a defender of the temple. There is an icon and left.
  2. In the 17th century, during folk unrest, the icon disappeared. But after that, over the same source, the shrine saw three Muslim Bashkira, Easter herd there. They decided to cut the "Russian God" axes, but darken. Men realized that they were punished for sobrutsis, began to repent - and the kind of Godman forgave them, returning his eyesight. One of Bashkir even accepted Orthodoxy. By the way, the water in that source since then began to be considered a healing.
  3. Since 1856, the icon began to carry on different provinces. In many places, she healed patients.

A lot of pilgrims arrive to the source today. He looks like this:

Icon of the Mother of God

And so in the holy monastery emphasized the place of the first phenomenon of the icon:

Icon of the Mother of God

More about the Tabinsky Monastery you can learn from this documentary:

What does it differ from the rest

First of all, the expressions of the people of the Virgin Mother and Baby. They are simultaneously solemn and sad. In the eyes of Mary even read tears.

This is a list with the Kazan Mother of God. From the original, the image is distinguished by a darker face of Our Lady. It was believed that her face was not discovered by everyone.

For comparison: here is what the Queen of the Heavenly Kazan looks like:

Icon of the Mother of God

Day celebration icons

He is only one: June 8, July 1 ... The date changes every year, as it is a rolling holiday, the second week in Pentecost. And more specifically - ninth Friday after Easter. This day is chosen for no accident - and during the first, and during the second phenomenon, the icon showed himself to people on this day.

On the same day, another icon is honored - "the sign of God's Mother of God" from Kursk.

What is asked by the Taby God's Mother

  • First of all, about health. After all, it is known that the original icon was miraculous. During the bootiness of the plague, she healed whole villages and cities (Orenburg, Sterlitamak, Tabyansk). She also drove her cholera and other dangerous diseases. In addition, the Virgin Mary is asked to get rid of spiritual torments.
  • About protecting from troubles, diseases, misfortune.
  • About the world both in your family and in the country, and around the world.
  • Often near the icons in sins, they ask to help "tie" - both with a sinful life in general, and with a certain bad habit.
  • Finally, many come with a request to help survive a difficult length of life path.

Pray icon like this:

Icon of the Mother of God

By the way, these words can be read not only in front of the Tabyan icon, but before any other consecrated image of Our Lady.

Where is the original icon

It would be logical to assume that everything is there, in the Tabinsky monastery ... but no!

During the years of civil war, white Cossacks, retreating, took with them and this icon, fearing that the coming red, famous for their anti-birth moods, simply destroy it.

Together with the leader of these Cossacks, Ataman Dutov, she fell into China (they say that the Chinese, not even Christians, came to worship, as they noticed that she brings good luck).

There is a 25-kilogram icon (and as soon as her emaciated soldiers reported?) Placed in the Russian Orthodox Church of the city of Kuldja (Xinjian Province). But when the cultural revolution was killed in the country and they began to forget about the churches (at best), she was lost ...

Where is she now? There is a lot of assumptions about this, one is amazing than others:

  • in Australia;
  • in the USA, in a private collection;
  • everything is there in China;
  • in Paris…

Perhaps its third phenomenon is coming, and again on the second week in Pentecost?

Icon of the Mother of God

Cross moves with the Tabyan Mother

They talked a lot about them in the news. But, probably, you have already matured the question: how so, really found the icon? No, around cities and weighs traveling her lists. And also miraculous.

As a good return of the old custom, the goddes and prayers are performed on the day of the celebration of this icon. For people, priests put a list, an accurate copy stored in the Orenburg diocese. There was even a chapel of the temple, which is called this icon.

Representatives of the Cossack troops are worn from the holy champ not only in the villages. They drove the icon and other countries, and in particular, raised to Mount Athos (2013).

Icon of the Mother of God

In addition, the miraculous copies of the icons can also worship:

  • in the village of Smirnovsk (Chelyabinsk region);
  • in the village of Tabyanskoye (Voznesenskaya Church);
  • In the temple on holy keys (Krasnoulsk is the place of the phenomenon of the icon).

Yes, the icon is still looking for, unfortunately, to no avail. In order to somehow figure out where she could "leave" in revolutionary years, the group of altruists decided to go through the traces of the runaway Cossacks. Whether they got to what conclusions did our contemporaries come to?

You can learn from a short film (in two parts):

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