Eastern horoscope for years will help you better understand yourself and others


There are a lot of ways to analyze the temper and the fate of the personality - the zodiac horoscope, cards, numerological calculations, chiromantia, and the like. From this extensive list, the Eastern Horoscope can be distinguished separately, which is also quite reliable and is able to shed light for the whole life of a person, and will also make it possible to understand why he behaves like that, and not otherwise in certain situations.

I really like Eastern (Chinese) horoscope because of its simplicity and informativeness. Let's look together with the features of this system.

Eastern horoscope

The history of the east horoscope

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Today, the eastern calendar has already been more than two thousand years. The old legend says that somehrime the great Buddha was called upon the solemn event all living beings. At the same time, it was implied that the one who before the rest would be lucky to enter the ownership of the Buddha, forever will continue in human memory.

The last obstacle on the path of animals got a river flowing near the Imperial Palace. The first to overcome it was the bull, but he had a rat on his back, and as soon as a bull, being on the shore, began to shake off the water, rat quickly jumped off his back and ran into the imperial palace.

For this reason, she took the 1st position in the Eastern calendar, the bull turns out to be at the 2nd position, the tigra - the 3rd position, the rabbit (or the cat) - 4th, Dragon - 5th, snake - 6th , Horses - 7th, goat - 8th, monkey - 9th, roostech - 10th, and a dog and a pig (Kabana) - respectively, the 11th and 12th.

In the specified sequence and the distribution of living beings in the Chinese calendar occurs. At the same time, they are moving cyclically and again turn out to be in the 1st position every 12 years.

The recommendation of the expert of astrology. Knowledge of the characteristics of his personality on the Eastern (Chinese) horoscope will fully show its potential and contributes to more efficient implementation of its abilities and talents.

Table of zodiac signs for birth

Now that you are already familiar with the history of the sign of the zodiac signs in the Chinese horoscope, you can start in more detail to deal with each individual sign.

And in order to facilitate the orientation process, I advise the first thing to learn the table of conformity of different annual signs. And then proceed to analyzing information about each of the signs.

So, in what years people appear who are patronized by sacred animals, forever immortalized in the memory of the Buddha?

  • Rats - They are responsible for 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, as well as 2020 years.
  • Bulls - appear in 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009 and 2021.
  • Tiger - The years of their appearance 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010 and 2022.
  • Rabbits - Peter the patrons 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011 and 2023.
  • Dragons - born in 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012 and 2024.
  • Snakes - Patronize 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013 and 2025.
  • Horses - They are years they perform 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014 and 2026.
  • Goats - They provide their patronage 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015 and 2027.
  • Monkey - Related from 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016 and 2028.
  • Petuhi - Performance leaders 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017 and 2029.
  • Dogs - Remote their patronage 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018, as well as 2030.
  • Pigs - Take under your guardianship of all those born in 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019 and 2031.

Characteristics of all signs of the Chinese horoscope

Observing over the years, you can proceed to the description of each of the signs of the Chinese zodiac.

Characteristics of rats

People-rats are inherent in a peculiar powerful charisma, a concise charm. For the most part, they are rather attractive outwardly and are designed to provoke positive reactions from other people.

In addition, rats are quite practical animals capable of extracting personal benefits regardless of the situation. They are not prone to ill-conceived actions, they are distinguished by cunning, crudeness, can earn finance and maintain them.

More rats are easy to store secrets, so they are not afraid to trust any secrets. The actions of people-rats are always quite prudent, they differ endurance in labor and even perform such works that are not acceptable for the main mass of the zodiac signs.

Characteristics of bulls

It is not very difficult to know a typical bull person - this is facilitated by his power with greatness that are necessarily striking. Also, indisputably, due to his sign, the bulls are incredibly stubborn and hardworking, therefore they are located on one of the highest steps of the Chinese horoscope.

Also, bulls are distinguished by increased independence, reasonableness, stability, steady life position. The presence of all the characteristics described above allows the bull to achieve respect for other people. It is for the bull that can always be rented in a difficult moment, you can wait for help.

The personalities that appeared on the world during the bull, distinguishes goodness, due to which they are always comprehensively helping others. Complexities in relations with them are most often provoked by their conservatism and traditions - bulls are difficult to innovations and changes.

Characteristic Tiger

The main positive aspects of this sign - the presence of great courage from its representatives, the stunning inner power and the whole ocean of energy. Tigers are always interested in justice, which for these personalities is playing very important in life.

Sign of the Eastern Horoscope Tiger

Tiger acts as an incredibly strong living being, he is always readily thrown on anyone who will only dare to stand on his way. The people born in the year of the Tiger distinguishes wisdom and excellent intellectual abilities.

In matters of love, Tiger is always very emotional and hot, but it is important for him to observe the response sent from his partner to which he experiences feelings.

The only difficulty for such people acts an acute desire to achieve power and those life situations in which they still have to obey anyone.

Characteristics of rabbits (cats)

The rabbit (either cat) cozy is cozy for 4 positions of the oriental calendar. The Chinese legend in this situation is very double-digit: it is believed that this was still a cat, as a result, we will continue to provide an overview of the joint characteristics of these living beings.

Rabbits are not inclined to the manifestation of aggression, not too active, quite educated and something even differ in sophisticated habits. Speak excellent family mans, carefully belonging to their neighbors, as well as honorable family traditions.

The main mission of people-rabbits is the creation of a good, warm and spiritual atmosphere, a real family hearth. Those who appear in these years are most concentrated on family values, apply all their energy to implement this life problem.

Dragon characteristics

Dragon people can be separately allocated from the total mass of all signs in the Eastern Horoscope for the reason that they are the only one who is a invented character. The main symbolic characteristic of the dragons in Chinese folk art is the guards who protect people from evil forces.

Those who saw the world during the dragon years have congenital incredibly powerful energy, excellent health, as well as greater willpower, and are also able to take their emotional sphere under control. For them, the honor with dignity is not just an empty chatter, because they do not undermine these concepts with their own personal gain.

From the weak points of the dragon, you can call the increased trust by others, which may come to taste their enemies, so it is important for them to show accuracy and prudence, choosing your circle of communication.

Sign of the Chinese Horoscope Dragon

Characteristic Snake

Snakes have excellent intuitive abilities, vital wisdom and permeability. At first glance, they can create an illusion of danger and threats, but this should not scare you, because it is nothing more than just a mask, which is not in all cases with the inner real snake - they do not attack under any circumstances.

The snake is easy to learn from incredible patience and excerpt, as well as the ability to quickly recovery after serious loads are their typical character qualities. And at the expense of its ability to tirelessly pursue its goal, without being distracted by anything else, snakes manage to do something that representatives of other zodiac constellations can cope with the power.

Horse characteristic

The horse is, perhaps, the most vibrant representative of the entire Eastern horoscope, which has many advantages, among which the following can be distinguished:

  • The presence of extraordinary life;
  • Aspiration to move only forward;
  • Unlimited freedom in action.

And due to its naturally optimism, the horse does not just show incredible power, but also always overflowing with great potential of energy.

In love and partnership, the horses characterize emotionality, sensitivity - if they come into relationships, they fall into them as "in the outer with their heads" and always give themselves the most beloved person.

Characteristics of goats (sheep, rams)

For representatives of this Eastern sign of the zodiac, a typical artistry and personal charm. If the will of the fate of the goat is not destined to exercise himself as an artist, then it will still be to demonstrate their creative abilities to others at any circumstances. In addition, the goat is easy to learn on a well-developed sense of humor, tacty and communicability.

But there are also negative notes: the goat in life is often preventing her stubbornness, which sometimes becomes excessive.

Sign of Eastern Horoscope Goat

Monkey characteristic

Monkey unusually mischievous, curious and sociable. When you first get acquainted, it may seem that it has a simple appearance, but if you look more detailed, you will understand that it is not at all.

Due to its moving mind and ingenuity, the monkey is distinguished by unpredictability in his actions. It is talented, ambitious, has greater physical energy. And it is also distinguished by developed intelligence, adores fun, you will never be bored with her. Of the negative moments, it is an emphasis on mental instability, instability and sometimes ability to deceive.

Petuha characteristic

Roosters act in innovators and pioneers, no wonder after all the cry of this bird means the beginning of each day. Similarly, in the lives of people who appeared on the world during the years of the rooster, the realization of various new ideas can go, it is most often responsible for the implementation of significant tasks.

They are pleased with the role of the leader when they are standing at the head of the masses of people. The rooster is distinguished by responsibility, disability, reliability and purposefulness. Externally, as a rule, has a bright and attractive appearance. All the characteristics inherent in the rooster are highly valued by other people, so representatives of this sign with ease gives first place.

Characteristic of a dog

People dogs are pretty active, weathered, disinterested and generous. They are prone to constant protection of their home focus to a victorious end - for them it represents increased importance.

Dogs will fight until the last fight for their position, they are always trying to defeat injustice and help those who are weaker than them. A well-developed analytical thinking is inherent in the dog, the ability to find compromise solutions and the acceptance of someone else's opinion.

Such personals adore romantics, possess their own ideals in matters of love, as a result of which often faced with a discrepancy with reality that for their part provokes a negative answer.

Eastern horoscope sign dog

Kabana characteristic (pig)

Pig is the last sign of the Chinese horoscope. Individuals that appeared on the light of the boar, inherent in openness, friendly perception of the surrounding world, sociability, and the ability to be a very good friend, friend and companion.

At the expense of his flexible mind, natural peace-loving pigs always get the role of the company's soul. Another significant characteristic of such people is fertility and ability to save.

Representatives of the specified sign have a very promising potential for enrichment, they are without much difficulty to attract resources of the material sphere in their lives. It can even be noted that these people like these people, so the organization of any one own business will be successful.

That symbolize all the twelve signs of the Eastern Horoscope

Ancient Chinese each of the 12 zodiac living beings gave a certain symbolic characteristic, that is, a sign. All animals are divided into six pairs in such a way that the signs of one of the animals in the tandem were the opposite of signs of the second living being. Thanks to this approach, the achievement of harmony Yin and Yang has become possible.

At the same time, the sequence of living beings is also not accidental: in China, always in the first place is most important, and all other signs are placed in a decreasing sequence. Similarly, in the first place there is always a more powerful, dominant Yan-beginning, and then the soothing, harmonizing yin-beginning.

Now I propose to get acquainted with the signs intended for each of the animals:

  • Rat is associated with wisdom.
  • Bull - this animal causes an association with hard work.
  • Tiger - a symbol of leakage.
  • Rabbit is an impersonation of caution.
  • The dragon is definitely the manifestation of power.
  • Snake - acts as an personification of flexibility.
  • Horse - Indicates how to move forward.
  • The goat is associated with unity.
  • Monkey - acts as a symbol of variability.
  • Rooster - unlike the previous sign, on the contrary, indicates stability.
  • The dog is associated with loyalty.
  • Pig - causes an association with friendly.

Thus, animals are placed in the eastern horoscope, and they possess such a characteristic. Using the knowledge about each Patrone's animal along the Eastern Zodiac, you can better understand the peculiarities of the behavior of your loved ones, as well as facilitate the finding of mutual understanding with them.

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