The list of sins for confession for women


In this article I will provide a list of sins for confession for women, so you know what to say to the priest during the sacrament. I myself often visit the church to repent of your sins, to cleanse the soul and alleviate the load of negative thoughts, words and actions. After the confession feel incredibly easy, so I believe that this ritual is necessary for everyone.

How to confess in church

There are certain rules of confession that must be followed. You should know what to say to the priest, and how to behave in church.

sins in confession list briefly in your own words

The first stage - the preparation. What you are required to:

  1. Understand what sins you will transfer to a confession, to understand them and to honestly admit them to himself, to repent.
  2. To feel the sincere desire to be free from the moral gravity and confess to God.
  3. Understand and believe that repentance will help your soul to remove the burden of sin, to cleanse, to live more freely and easily, without repeating their offenses, negative thoughts and actions.
  4. Important: you need not only to know what sins to repent in the confessional, but also sincerely feel remorse. Only then will the church ritual will help you.

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If you are going to confession for the first time, you must know how to be a rite of passage. Important moments:

  1. Understand that no matter what bad things you used to do, the doors to the church for you is always open. Do not be afraid of condemnation or accusations - they will not, in the temple joyfully ready to meet with any of the sinner to repentance.
  2. If you do not know what to do or say, just talk to the priest. He will help and explain, give advice and direct you to the right path.
  3. Confession is general and individual. In special cases, the priest can come home. But only to the seriously ill people or those who are about to die.
  4. Communicating with the father, you do not need all the details of talk about their sins. Suffice it to briefly and concisely simply list their sins. Do not accuse them of others, do not look for excuses, take responsibility for fully committed itself.
  5. Your voice must come from the heart. Even if you have to express himself tongue-tied, flounder, and not sure what to express thoughts clearly enough, do not worry. God hears all, and the priest - his only mediator.

Here are a few guidelines that may be useful to you in confession:

  1. Talk to family members who visit the church and can explain all about the peculiarities of the confession. Refer to the grandparents.
  2. If you worry and worry that you will forget to call some sin from excitement, just make a brief list of sins in advance for confession, in your own words, it is not necessary to look for accurate wording.
  3. On the very first confession, the transfer of sins should be started with the earliest - perfect since six years. During the subsequent rites, it is not necessary to do this, call those pregnursions that repeated or new ones.

IMPORTANT: Some of your misconduct may not be at all. In this case, you will deal with the priest why "sin" bothers you and how to solve the problem.

What sins talk to confession

"Men's" and "female" sins for confession may vary. Consider an example of what you can talk about a woman during repentance.

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How to confess in the church

In total, the church lists have more than four hundred sins. Full list and sample text for confession You can find in special benefits that are sold in church shops. I will tell you about the most basic.

Here are the most important sins in which to repent a woman:

  1. I forgot about God: rarely or never prayed, did not come to the temple and lost contact with the Divine.
  2. During prayers, it was not concentrated on appeal to God, but he thought about strangers, read the sacred text mechanically, without soul.
  3. He had sex before marriage, had a large number of sexual partners.
  4. I made an artificial interruption of pregnancy, stuck to the abortions of other women. As for the use of contraceptive means, it should be discussed with the priest to understand whether it is worth it to sins.
  5. There was a unclean in his thoughts and desires. Let not make misconduct, but I thought about them, doubted: and not to be sophisticated.
  6. Watched pornographic films or read the appropriate literature.
  7. Gossipped, discussed and condemned other people, Lgala, envied, offended, was lazy.
  8. I wore too frank clothes, deliberately naked the body to attract the attention of men.
  9. He was afraid of death, old age, wrinkles, were suicidal thoughts. This also includes any injections of beauty and plastic surgery in order to improve appearance, "rejuvenated".
  10. There was or there is a dependence on alcohol, drugs, sweets, cigarettes. Cheering or dependence on communication with a specific person belongs to the same.
  11. He engaged in esoteric "dark" practice, turned to fortune tellers, magicians, spirituality, instead of praying to God.
  12. I believed in omens and superstitions.

Watch a video about what to do if you do not see in his iniquity:

Example text confession

I believe that is not necessarily ready to memorize the text that you become a priest to say. He only mediator of God and our Creator is about your sincerity, not memorized statements. Therefore, the most important thing that your voice was coming from the heart, you were sincere, even if he opened to tongue-tied and confused words.

list of sins for confession for women

As an example: "I confess I am God in all my sins: from the moment of conception and birth, to baptism and now. I confess that I have violated the following commands (list). I sinned in thought, word and action (to transfer). Repent and regret, I desire to repent, to receive your God, forgiveness and continue not to commit sins. "

I still recommend to make your own text, just build it in the following sequence:

  1. To turn to God, to express a sincere desire to repent.
  2. Called sins committed by you.
  3. Indicate that you are sincerely willing to repent and regret about perfect.
  4. To apologize.

This is enough for God to hear you and you deserve forgiveness. The final verdict will give the priest. In exceptional cases, it may impose a penance - a punishment that can be expressed in fasting, prayers and other restrictions necessary to cleanse your soul.

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