Strong prayer to get pregnant and give birth to a healthy child


There are life situations when their hands are lowered and it seems that nothing to hope for. Impossibility to get pregnant - tragedy for a woman. When medicines and doctors do not help, one hope remains - faith in God.

For those who need help, I will tell you about to ask for support, how to properly prepare for prayers. In addition, we offer texts and video of the most effective prayers about the appearance of the successor of your kind.

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What patrians pray for conception

  • Gentlemen of our god;
  • Most Major Mother;
  • Saint Matronushka Moscow;
  • Nikolai Wonderworker;
  • righteous Ioacima and Anna;
  • presented Alexander Svirsky (about the appearance of a boy);
  • Holy Spirit;
  • Saint Ksenia Peterburger.

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How to prepare for prayer

  • Before pronouncing a prayer for conception, a visit to the temples and holy places famous for their healing properties will be useful (the Troitsky and Beznyvsky monasteries are recommended to visit, the benefit will bring a visit to the "God" of the Mountain, "Devichy" stone can help the Source of St. Anne).
  • Before praying, it is necessary to confess and compete, it is desirable to observe the post within 7 days.
  • Prayer for pregnancy is better during ovulation. Texts of prayers need to read many times, cycles for 21 days.
  • For better concentration during prayer, you can use candles in front of images.
  • During prayer, the patron I need to handle not only on my own behalf, but also on behalf of my husband.
  • It is necessary to sincerely believe and have a desire to conceive and give birth to a healthy child.
  • In no case to pray in the poor mood and the negative state of the Spirit. You must be configured in a positive key, negative energy can interfere with the sincerity of praying.
  • Prayer needs to be read consciously. You can write it on a piece, but it is better to read by heart, it helps it is better to realize the meaning of prayer.
  • No one needs to talk about what is going to ask patrons about conception. You just need to believe that sincere faith and prayer will help you.
  • After reading the prayer, refer to the patron and ask for conception and birth of a healthy child in your own words that are from the depths of the soul.
  • There is no difference, read prayer out loud or mentally. The main thing is sincere faith, she works wonders.

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The strongest prayers for the conception and birth of a healthy child

Prayer Lord God

Prayers to the Lord are always considered the most effective. The Lord hears us and makes any problems. The Lord can protect us from life inclues, most importantly, sincere faith.

A married couple who asks God about the child should be cleaned of his sins and to open the heart of the Almighty. It will not hurt to hold the ritual of weddings. Marriage, blessed by the church, is more pleasing to God.

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Prayer of the Virgin

In the Orthodox tradition of Virgo Maria, the mother of Jesus Christ, - the patroness of women. She helps and wishing to become pregnant, and already wearing a new life. She is a defender and intercession. Believers ask her and about the health of a unborn child, and the well-being of the family.

Many icons of Mother God are known for their miraculous properties. Therefore, the prayers of the Virgin Mary are the strongest and effective.

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Prayer of the Holy Matron of Moscow

Matrona Moscow was born in the poor peasant family, where she was the fourth child. Already the birth of the girl was preceded by miracles - the mother thought to give another unborn child to the shelter, but shortly before his birth she had a dream - a bird with eyes closed and man.

The woman realized that God stops her from an increasing act. And when the girl was born 10 (22) in 1881, she was blind, sleep was prophetic.

From early childhood, Matron helped people with prayers. People in gratitude carried the products for the child, which was used by the whole family. At the age of 17, the Matrona was treated. And after the revolution, she was sorry. The family, which prevented Vera Saint, refused her.

All the remaining life of the Matron was hidden, moved from place to place thanks to the believers who sheltered her and cared for her. Despite his weakness and unstore life, the Matrona constantly helped people - advice, predictions, healing.

And after death, the wonders of healing occur. Matronushka helps those who are trying to conceive and give birth to a healthy child. Before prayer, it is desirable to visit the power of Matrona Moscow and pray there.

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Prayer Righteous Ioacima and Anna

The Holy Rightements of Joachim and Anna are considered traditional patrons and defenders of childless couples. This is due to the fact that they themselves were a childless pair for a long time.

When Joachim retired to the desert, he was an angel with the news that his wife would give birth to a child. So it happened. And they were born from Maria, the future mother of Jesus Christ.

Therefore, couples wishing to conceive and give birth to a healthy child can contact the righteous.

Prayer Ksenia Peterburger

Ksenia Peterburger was canonized in 1988. There is no documentary data about her life, the date of birth is known approximately from 1719 to 1730.

For folk legends, which began to appear after 1840, Ksenia was married to Andrei Fedorovich Petrov, having a rank rank. After the sudden death of her husband became a yurody.

She donated his house, began to dress in men's clothing and call himself the name of her husband. She said to himself that Ksenia died.

According to legends, she gained the gift of foresight - predicted the death of Empress Elizabeth and Emperor John Antonovich. The houses that she attended, received a blessing - no one sick in them, the world was installed and well-being.

At the site of the burial of Ksenia, a chapel was built in which miracles occur. In this chapel, believers with prayers for health, about the well-being of loved ones, about pregnancy.

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It is possible to pray for the conception of a healthy child and in your own words. The main thing is sincere faith in the possibility of the Divine Miracle.

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