How successful compatibility between the signs of the Rooster and Dog


About love compatibility today speak on every corner, trying to calculate it with the help of dozens of ways to install the signs of the zodiac, as well as use the Eastern horoscope. Last person I like best, so I suggest that in the next article to consider the review of compatibility in a pair of cock-dog.

Compatibility Rooster-Dog

Feature compatibility between a man and a woman-Rooster-Dog

The couple, a man and a woman Rooster-Dog is quite complicated and problematic. In it, both parties will get the chance to showcase his mind at ease in communication and a sense of pride in each other. But not so smooth - there are so many difficulties and pitfalls. About them we will explain further.

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This pair does not exclude the occurrence of mutual accusations and character of collisions, which is why there are quarrels and conflicts. Beliefs Cock and dogs are slightly different, they rarely feel comfortable when they are together. But everything can be solved by adding the relations of harmony, if more unselfish and intelligent woman-dog will be able to subdue the man, the Cock and she will give him the opportunity to delight his intelligence and abilities.

Cock like dominance. He seeks to "poke his nose" in the affairs of my better half and also made sure that it is more wise, strong, tends to suppress the second half.

Woman-like dog quickly tired, and it also aims to demonstrate the Rooster, she's right, but it's just more angry the last. A girl dog, tranquil and balanced temper, it is hard to understand the cause of his anger the faithful. For both parties this pair is challenging to see the world from a position of its second half.

More for men Cock very great difficulty - to accept the fact that she-dog - not enough (in his opinion) accurate and neat wife. In addition, it has a certain inertia and does not necessarily support all its active ideas. Plus, it strongly irritates her independence and autonomy. Roosters are inherently creepy jealous, and such behavior is righteous tempting to many suspicions.

The presence of so many differences between partners makes their relationship quite complicated. They will require significant efforts to preserve their union.

To harmonize relations, partners should stop thinking about their differences and focus on similarity. In particular, they possess an exacerbated sense of justice, personal immutable hard principles for which they cause mutual respect for each other.

I suggest you further familiarize yourself with the typical features of the nature of the rooster and dogs.

Rooster: What is he like?

The rooster man has a very bright, even unusual appearance. It rarely remains unnoticed, prone to charm and conquering those around him with Harism. He himself gives pleasure to find the spotlight, for which he uses various methods (confidence in itself, unusual clothes, eccentric behavior).

Rooster on the Chinese horoscope

This representative of strong sex is able to impress others, so that there are always enough women next to him. And since it is also distinguished by natural halanery, acts as an interesting interlocutor, he may easily decline the glory of Casanov.

Speaking about the negative features of his nature, excessive critization should be mentioned and the sharp perception of another point of view. The rooster believes so much in his case that he tries to convince everyone that only his views in reality are true and in no way otherwise.

There is almost no opportunity to convince such a person. He acts as a born leader, likes to give teams everywhere to take a leadership position in any sphere of life.

The choice of ladies of the heart for a rooster is very serious, because most of the signs on the Eastern Horoscope does not fit. He quickly loses interest in girls, because their original image is destroyed in his eyes.

Features of the character of a girl dog

The girl who was born in the year of the dog has an attractive appearance, male logicality, very honest and straightforward.

Among other things, it is characterized by quite developed compassion and mercy. Therefore, its habitat is not a disco, but rather volunteer organizations. It is very difficult for her to feel internally happy when different terrible events occur around it: wars, death of people.

The dog-dog is faithful and loyal companion, ready to always help where it will need. It is simply infinite sacrifice.

Dog on the chinese horoscope

As for the opposite sex, in communicating with him the dog is distinguished by modesty and shyness. At the same time, there is no lack of male attention. Representatives of strong sex at the level of intuition understand that it will be perfect wife and a caring mother.

Characteristics of compatibility between a man-rooster and a girl-dog

The rooster always gets enough attention to the opposite sex. The dog-dog is not an exception to the rules - it will also be passionate about them. Due to the constant desire of the rooster to new adventures and their love story will begin.

In this case, the man is fascinated by the inner strength, loyalty and devotion of a girl dog. And they are united by limitless love for the kids and the presence of wonderful business qualities.

And the girl-dog, and a rooster man distinguishes enviable hardworking. They know what work is and how money is earned. Both wish to receive financial independence, and their goal becomes reality when applied for certain efforts. In addition, the partners are very sincerely perceive the surrounding, sincerity is not empty sound for them.

Exactly as long as the man-cock does not touch the idea to change the dog's girl, the harmony and mutual understanding will reign in the relationship. Unfortunately, rapprochement of lovers can negatively affect their relationship, as it will increase the number of mutual pick-up.

Petukhu will want to present more demands for his second half, he will begin to actively find fault. The dog in principle is easy to adjust on their faithful, but it will irritate it, which is fraught with tensions in a pair.

In this union, it is constantly attended by difficult contradictions that can negatively affect relationships. For example, due to authoritarianism, sharpness of expressions, as well as the desire to impose their point of view, a woman's dog can fall into depression. And the more often such difficulties will arise, the rather the relationship risk is risky.

And another actual problem of the pair - partner treasures and infidelity. Although a man-cock and highly appreciates a family hearth, but with ease, leads to the temptation and can change his beloved. And himself acts as a terrible owner and can arrange his faithful scene of jealousy, even if there is no reason for them.

There are no reasons for jealousy, no, because the girl dog is distinguished by loyalty, but the permanent claims are exhausted it, and it is possible that she will go on consolation to someone else.

To both partners are hard to experience the experience of family troubles, which adversely affects their lives in general. They face a decrease in self-esteem and the ability to achieve the established goals.

Another of the popular problems of this union can be called the presence of different hobbies. For example, a guy-cock vitally needs fun companies and an interesting point, and a more modest girl-dog is much more comfortable in the setting.

In addition, the representative of the sign of the dog is inclined to fall into the state of depression, which is not entirely to taste a roostech, which always retains the martial spirit. He is constantly needed new stimulation to feel happiness and joy, and his girl is unable to give it it.

The dog-dog is irritated due to the manner of the rooster constantly shouting and the trend towards aggression. He puts forward too many requirements for too many demands, and it is not able to perceive this calmly, especially if he feels injustice.

It becomes clear that the pair of a man-cock and a woman-dog is very problematic, especially in family life. However, do not rush to despair and part - with mutual desire to actually cope with any life circumstances.

Partners will often quarrel

In case the rooster guy will begin to give his favorite more time, she will feel happy. The partner will also require the application of certain efforts: it is important for it to create such an environment in the dwelling so that the rooster wanted to be at home as soon as possible after work and paid her attention to her.

Partner Sexual Compatibility Review

As for the intimate compatibility of a rooster man and a woman's female, then it is an order of magnitude higher than household compatibility. Of course, at first the dog will be difficult to get used to the originality and extravagancy of a man-cock in sex, it is likely to even come to the state of shock.

But if she starts to take into account his wishes, both partners will be able to get real pleasure in bed. It should be noted that in principle in this union, the bed is a place that solves very many problems.

Despite this, to comprehend the spiritual proximity to them will be more difficult due to their emotional differences from each other.

Recommendations how to improve relationships

You have already understood that a pair of a rooster men and female dogs can hardly be attributed to the category of perfect. It is difficult for partners to find a common language and mutual understanding, but if there is a strong desire to save marriage, then you just need to make efforts on this score. Remember that everything really would be desire. And for this it is important, first of all, to understand the character of a loved one, his habits and learn mutual compromises.

In general, in this union in the first place is the ability to find a compromise and take each other, despite the presence of shortcomings. For a man-rooster, the main advice is to pay more attention to their faithful, and also not to strive to change it.

The girl should take on the notes of the increased domestic demandingness of the beloved and try to keep track of the cleanliness and order in the dwelling. Yes, she will not be able to calmly lie on the sofa for reading newspapers, but her life will be filled with a kaleidoscope of various interesting events and emotions.

And this couple will be saved by the wisdom and support of a dog dog. She follows with great tranquility to perceive the soldiers of his faithful, to understand that his behavior is dictated only by the best motives. Then, over time, he calms down a little, he will change anger to mercy and will take on the role of the real chapter of the family and a reliable satellite of life. In general, in the family union, the behavior of the girl is very important. It is important that she does not strive to compete with his man, and in no case did not make it raised him. On the contrary, it is necessary to become a source of inspiration for him, as well as adhere to the strategy of a soft, tactful and delicate direction.

In order to strengthen its union, both partners should decide to focus with their personal needs and focus on the inner world of friend friend. To create a harmonious pair will require an application effort. Start eliminate your drawbacks, and only if you are constantly and hard to work on yourself, the relationship will become an order of magnitude better and calmer.

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