Prayers about parent health


In my life there was an amazing experience - when the Father lay in the hospital and planned a difficult operation, I began to pray for his health. I did it every day, in the morning and in the evening. Praying for a long time, turned to the Lord God and Matron of Moscow, asked the highest strength to support and restore the health of the Pope. And the miracle happened!

The operation was surprisingly good, and my dad quickly went on amendment. Even the doctors were surprised how quickly everyone healed, without complications. He so quickly went on amendment, as if he was at least 20 years less than in fact. Such is the power of prayer! I am sure that the rapid recovery of the dad depended in the fact that I prayed for his health for two weeks.

Parents are always associated with their children invisible spiritual threads. In a heavy parent's health, you can make a good deed - to pray for recovery, and God will definitely hear your prayers. After all, we are talking about the prayer of the child about the health of mom or dad. No matter how much years you have, you will always be a child for your parents!

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Why it is important to pray for parents to health

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Parents are the people who grow us and maybe even attracted us to love for God and interest in faith. The Bible gives us the most important commandment associated with the worship of the parents: "His father and their mother". This means that with the deepest antiquity, people knew how important it is to respect their dad and mom.

Help on housekeeping or moral support for elderly parents from adult children is very important. But the value of spiritual assistance, which is expressed in the fact that we pray for parents' health, even higher.

When we ask God health and new forces for our parents, we help your mother and dad to update spiritually. This manifests itself the highest form of love children to their parents. Therefore, praying for dad and mom should be as often as possible! Do not forget to mention your parents in our daily morning prayer handling, and your relationship with mom and dad will be increasingly deep, mental, kind.

Parents will delight you with good well-being, cheerfulness, clarity of mind and spirit, and in this, in turn, you can also find great support for yourself. What a joy for adult children, when their mom and dad do not depend on them, are always in a good mood, rejoice in every new day of your life!

What if the parents are unbelievers

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Unfortunately, not always the relationship of parents and children are deep and mental. Very often we will quarrel with your mother or dad, do not accept their views on life, suffering because of their critical attitude towards us.

No matter how you treat dad and mom, they remain people who gave you life. It is thanks to parents that you got the opportunity to be born, learn and build your destiny, come to faith. God gives us God, and our task is to agree with this (this is relevant if you have conflicts with mom or dad).

If the parents are unbelievers, then you cannot go along with them to the service or talk about faith. But your task is to pray that they come to God thought about how important in life rely on the highest strength and trust them in everything.

Think about the fact that we are all sinful, many of us have taken the wrong decisions that could negatively affect the lives of other people. Your parents are exactly the same as we all! And you can love and respect them, despite all their mistakes or difficult.

Pray for them, and it will be the best manifestation of love. This is also important because such a prayer helps soften the hearts not only from the older generation, but also your own souls. Pray for parents, cry during prayer, remember and release your resentment. And then after prayer you will feel the updated, cleaner and bright, ready for the best relationship with dad and mom. Then, maybe a miracle will happen - and your parents will be interested in faith and can come to God.

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Who pray for health mom and dad

About the health of parents, according to tradition, pray to Jesus Christ, the Virgin, Nicholas the Wonderworker. Also performs a sincere prayer for improving the health of parents and softening their hearts Saint Matrona Moscow.

It is extremely important that the prayer appeal of parents imperceptibly entered into you in the habit. Do not wait for parents to slag, it may be very painful and hard for you. Pray for them even if their condition is stable, because the elderly, unfortunately, is most often distinguished by weak health.

Ask God and His Saints in your own words: ask to strengthen the heart and the vessels of the parents, give them a strong mind and good memory. Try to order prayers for health more often (if parents are baptized). Wonderful if you can visit the temple all together! It will not only improve your relationship, but also will strengthen faith.

Prayer is a wonderful means to manifest your love if you live in different cities. But still do not forget to visit your parents on holidays, while you call them more often! This is also part of the concern for them and the manifestation of spiritual love.

Remember - respect for parents is the execution of God's Will, this is our sacred debt. Even if it is difficult for you to communicate with my mother or dad due to the fact that they have a difficult character, pray to God, ask for support for you and for your relatives and try to do something good for your real actions - if you find it difficult to go to my mother or Pope, at least send them a message with the words of love and support.

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