Methods for calculating compatibility by date of birth in love and marriage


Many people who consist in a long relationship (especially, of course, girls), really want to know how much they are compatible with the partner and what prospects will expect them.

If this topic is also disturbing you, then I suggest you know compatibility by date of birth in love and marriage with your loved one for free! But first we will deal with what types of relationships exist in principle in esoteric.

Love compatibility by date of birth

Varieties of relations in esoteric

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Before moving to specific methods for calculating compatibility, let's consider the main types of love relationships with their characteristic.

So, the unions of two shower may be as follows:

  • "Mirrored." In such a pair, both partners have a lot in common: they can be similar to externally, and also have similar features of nature, the same looks for life. Typically, the presence of common hobbies, life goals and aspirations. As a rule, feelings begin to appear from the first minutes of dating.
  • "Fate" . The relationship of this type is inclined to emerge not immediately. It is characteristic that initially people communicate with each other at the level of colleagues or friends, and there are no romantic feelings. And then they suddenly fall, and they detect each other their soul mate in each other. In the bulk of cases, such unions are quite strong. At the same time, the participants of the Union are complete opposites that mutually complement each other and are developing together.
  • Karmic relationship. This is definitely the most difficult option. In this case, we can talk about the incredibly strong uncontrollable attachment of the two people to each other. Such relationships may cause pain, although they can, opposite, "healing", in which harmony and complement is present. For karmic relations, it is often characteristic that people need to work together some life lessons from past lives, and when they do it, they can part, although the continuation of such a union for life is not excluded.
  • Vector relationship . This option is the most unpredictable, because in this case, the relationship does not affect the relationship or karma, but the partners themselves. And only thanks to their actions and actions, it is possible both the creation of a happy couple and stressful, complex relationships that do not bring happiness and pleasure. The choice remains for you ...

Love compatibility by date of birth: the first method

Numerology is very interesting science, because, applying simple numerological calculations, you can analyze the individuality of any person. The figures will tell about the strengths and weaknesses of the character of the personality and will help to better understand the behavior of a particular individual.

And since numerology also acts as mathematically accurate science, then the horoscope compatibility in love is quite believable.

Now I want to reveal to you enough simple, but at the same time an informative way to determine your love compatibility by the date of appearance. For him, be sure to know the full date of birth of each of the participants of the Union.

I propose to consider on a specific example.

Suppose the girl appeared on the light 08.02.1981 of the year. It is necessary to fold all the numbers of her date of birth:

0 + 8 + 0 + 2 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 1 = 29. Continue to add to the receipt of an unambiguous simple number: 2 + 9 = 11, 1 + 1 = 2.

By analogy, the date of birth of the guy is calculated. Take as an example date 05/15/1980:

1 + 5 + 0 + 5 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 0 = 29. The number came out the same as in the first case, so we already know that it ultimately equals 2.

Now you will need to fold both numbers: 2 + 2 = 4.

The number that turned out and acts as the number of compatibility of your pair. And now it's time to be accepted for its decoding to find out what your union is with a loved one according to numerology. Thanks to this information, you can predict the possible further development of your relations.

Characteristic unit

Number 1. Heads about the partnership relationship. In such an alliance, both of his participant establish for themselves the same goal, which is achieved by joint efforts.

They love to do everything together, a compromise is found with ease. And also strive for continuous development and self-improvement.

But in no way there can be perfection, in the same way as in this pair - both partners are in her partner in her very strong personalities. And therefore, everyone pulls to the domination, upholding its point of view.

This still cannot be considered a tragedy - you just need to learn mutual compromise and take into account the wishes of each other.

Characteristic Two

In this case, we can talk about the strong dependence of the participants of the Union from the material benefits. Very high likelihood that the basis of the pair is something material.

It is not excluded, for example, marriage by calculation, in which mercenary goals are being pursued. Excellent if both participants are ready for such and they have no consumer attitude.

In general, it may be quite pleasant relationships, as partners feel harmoniously with each other, there are mutual respect and the adoption of the interests of the second person.

In the event of a business association or some other joint cases, it is possible to receive profits and even the appearance of love in such a pair.

At the same time, one should not expect a wild passion, but it is quite realistic to expect to establish confidence and enough harmonious relations.

Characteristic Troika

Both partners are quite frivolous creative individuals. They never feel boredom in the society of friend friend, but at the same time they must completely forget about calm.

Behind the turbulent quarrel should no less stormy reconciliation, in such a union you can talk about real passions, strong emotions that are sometimes even too much.

These are bright and passionate relations

A certain proportion of irresponsibility will take place, but if both partners work on relationships and die their egoism, then everything can end up very positive.

Characteristic fourth

In such respects, partners feel very comfortable with each other. They focus on peace and stability.

In this pair, both of its participants are two conservative, probably even monochrome, and this ensures the long-term of their relationship. At the same time, the relationship is quite harmonious - we can talk about the real spiritual proximity between in love. They try to fill each other with their spiritual warmth, care and attention, seeking to abstract as much as possible from the negative.

Characteristic of the top

Five Performs the number of love. It demonstrates us a bright, passionate pair, in which there is a very strong attraction between people.

If partners succeed in achieving not only intimate, but also mental intimacy, then we can talk about the favorable development of relationships.

An important point - partners should be forgotten about their egoism, learn to hear their beloved person and take into account his desires with needs. Only then can we talk about happiness and harmony.

The five is precisely such relationships about which romantic films about love are removed. They cause envy and admiration, but not everyone guess about their dark side, usually hidden from others.

Challenge characteristics

Participants of such a union distinguishes landing and realism. They tend to steadily stand on their feet and never treasure themselves with illusions.

Can turn into wonderful business partners, but in matters of relationships often suffer from lack of emotions.

It is more correct if there are more friendly relations between them than love, because even in case of feelings, they will be very short-lived and very soon replace the simple habit and self-esteem.

Characteristic seven

Performs the most harmonious version of the pair. In this case, you can talk about the full balance - partners and love each other, and are well compatible in sex, they have common interests, they are easily compromised by each other. Always adhere to these promises.

Of course, difficulties also arise in their union, but they are completely successful with them. The surrounding unambiguously consider such a pair of an ideal family.

An example of a classic exemplary family

Characteristic of the eights

A man and woman hurts a lot to each other, it is important that this passion does not become fatal, because for such a union a typical alignment is when one partner begins to dissolve in the second. It is very dangerous, because, focusing on another person, you can lose your own personality.

The result in this case will be quite disappointing, but predictable: early either later dependent participant of relations ceases to be an interesting second participant, which is usually ends with a rupture of relations.

In general, the type of "G8" relationship is rather strange, even unusual. This is a union that does not suit generally accepted standards and certainly causes the surrounding people to resume emotions.

Characteristic nine

Such an option of the Union is extremely rare, meet it - a big luck. In this pair, both partners act spiritually developed personalities who seek to find a balance and harmony in everything.

If this pair is not financial difficulties, then with a very high probability such a marriage will exist until older. Also, love compatibility increases, provided that the man is responsible for the material side of life, and the woman gives himself a family, creativity, engaged in maintaining a homely hearth. This is a variant of the classic family.

Numerological compatibility test: second option

There is another option to calculate compatibility in relationships by date of birth. I suggest you now try to calculate the fate of your union on it.

Initially, write in a row the numbers of the birthdays of your and your second half and fold them.

For example, let's say a girl appeared 05/25/1994. , and guy 05/11/1995 , then we get such a digital row:

2 + 5 + 5 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 4 + 1 + 1 + 5 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 5 = 66.

From the resulting number you need to take away 22. In this case, the number comes 44.

Now, if the resulting number is more 22, then again taken 22. Until we receive a smaller figure. And then analyze the value of the decoding number attached below.

Number 1. . In relations, partners are constantly "fighting" for the role of the leader.

But if both are desire to make concessions, it is possible a rather good development of relations.

Number 2. . Characterizes one of the most stronger and loyal couples based on mutual understanding and support. From the first seconds of communication partners find a relative soul in each other.

Number 3. . Relationships that often end with a good marriage. For the Union, stability, consistency and life force are characteristic.

Number 4. . In a pair, passions are glowed to the limit. To preserve the relationship, it is important to restrain your egoism and not lead to gossip and provocations.

Number 5. He will tell about strong relationships in which one partner sends another in everything. Remember about the importance of mutual understanding and adoption.

Number 6. Family based on love and harmony. Danger can be addictive. To avoid this, it is necessary to maintain warm and delicate relations.

Number 7. This union will have a lot of travel, trips and distances. The difficulties on the soil of separation are not excluded. It will be necessary to make a right decision.

separation - the main enemy of such relationships

Number 8. This is very often an option of commercial relationships. It is important to establish the sincerity of your partner, and if it is, then there are no reasons for excitement.

Number 9. In a pair, one person will all the time will be lonely. It is necessary to think once again, do you really need such relationships?

Number 10. Very happy relationship, conflicts in which happens quite rarely.

Number 11. A variant of rather difficult relationships in which treason is not excluded.

Number 12. Such relationships you accurately remember for life, whatever it is - a mimic resort input or a happy perennial marriage.

Number 13. Not very happy digit will tell about the danger in love relationships. Therefore, it is worth a caution.

Number 14. The long-term relationship will be ensured by the presence of common interests and joint goals.

Number 15. An option is not a very positive union in which one person throughout his life will suffer and think that made the wrong choice.

Number 16. This option is not too serious relationships in which there are quarrels and conflicts.

Number 17. Relationships such a couple are very bright, sublime, they patronize higher forces.

Number 18. Relationships will be filled with deceptions and inexpensive.

Number 19. This is a union in which a big offspring is born - two or three children will not be the limit.

In such families, many children

Number 20. In the initial stages of relations there will be difficulty with understanding friend of the friend, but if working on itself, the appearance of harmony and mutual understanding.

Number 21. In this case, we are talking about excellent compatibility and daylight, and at night. Caring for a friend is in the first place in such a union.

Number 22. In relations, loves all the time will languish the question: "What will the next life turn bring them?" There is an interest and intrigue.

Each of us want to make a right choice, creating a couple. If you want the relationship to be reliable, long-term and happy, take into account the compatibility horoscope, but do not forget to work on relationships, reduce your egoism and pay more attention to the second half.

Then no tricks of fate will not be terrible to you, and your love will continue for many years (and maybe for life!).

At the end of the topic, we recommend viewing an interesting thematic video. Footage:

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