By tradition on what finger you need to wear a wedding ring


Wedding and engagement rings protrude one of the most significant symbols in human life. And the first, and the second symbolize the fact that the beloved begins a completely new stage in love relationships. What finger are wedding rings, and what are the engagement? Traditionally, the engagement ring is worn on the ring finger of the right hand, when the groom makes the bride wedding offer, and then this ring is replaced by the wedding already at the wedding itself.

Where does the tradition of sharing the wedding rings going on and what does she symbolize? If you do not know the answer to the question, be sure to read this article.

Wedding rings Pictures

Historical information of the occurrence of wedding rings

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But before you give an answer to the question: "What finger is dressing a wedding ring?", I will get acquainted a little with the history of the wedding tradition to wear a wedding ring to each other.

How did the wedding ring appear?

The initial versions of the wedding perverseas arise about four thousand eight hundred years ago in the distant North Africa in the residents of ancient Egypt, who occupied the fertile lands of the Nile's river.

While long-standing, improvised rings with bracelets were made of sources, cane and shoots growing on the coasts of the reservoir.

The ancient Egyptians have a circle that has no beginning or end, performed by a symbol of eternity. In addition, the Sun and the Moon was revered in ancient Egypt, very similar in their form with a circle. It was believed that the space in the ring is the personification of the gate into the world of everything looked and unexplored.

Based on these knowledge and guessing and there was an idea in loved to exchange rings at the wedding. The ring all also acted as a symbol of eternity, and the exchange process was associated with unreasonable love and close relationship between the beloved.

The process of natural wear

The first wedding rings that appeared in Egypt served, as a rule, for one year, and then weathered, since their manufacturing material was quite fragile.

To increase the period of operation of jewelry, the Egyptians have become as the base of the rings to take more reliable types of materials: skin, bone, elephant bone.

And when the era of metal began, with the improvement of craft metallurgy for the production of rings, only metal is already chosen. Of course, the initial examples of metal wedding rings had a sufficient clumsy and uneven look, but progress never freezes, and over time, the manufacture of rings was improved, and accordingly, the product obtained was also improved.

Subsequently began to add precious and semi-precious pebbles to the wedding rings, symbolizing a rich life. About this we can learn about this by studying the frescoes that decorate the tomb of the pharaohs.

Roman wedding rings made of steel

Residents of ancient Rome of all metals have preferred steel. The steel performed in Rome a symbol of great love, and if a man gave his lady with a steel ring, thereby wished to demonstrate the wallary experienced toast feelings.

The main problem with steel rings was to constantly rust, but, even despite this, the term of their wearing was long enough, plus the rings had an attractive appearance.

At that time, the tradition of offering and take the ring turns into mandatory and becomes legal. At the same time, on the one hand, the woman turned into the "property" of his spouse, but on the other hand, its rights defended, and no one, in addition to the legitimate husband, was not able to possess it.

Emphasis is made on precious metals

In the 3rd century, wedding rings begin to produce from gold and silver. At the same time it is understood that the bridegroom trusts its bride is all the most valuable thing that he has.

At that time, the rings are performed in the form of a key, they still do not have such a round form as it is now. Also, the difference with today's day was also the fact that the ring was taken not to present at the wedding itself, but only when the bridegroom suffered his bride through the threshold of their dwellings.

In the course of the Middle Ages, when the coins turned into exchange currency, gold turns out to be in the first place in the list of metals from which wedding rings make. Also, it is also often a product begins to encrust with precious minerals:

  • Rubins, the bright red shade of which causes an association with a heart;
  • sapphires - blue, like heaven;
  • Diamonds are the most popular stones protruding the symbol of eternal love and durable relationships.

If this is not gold, it means that it will fail to fail

Irish folklore presented this phrase. It can be said even more - the wedding attributed to the category of illegal in the event that the wedding rings were not gold.

Gold - the most popular wedding ring material

Of course, it was no more than superstition, but despite this, throughout Europe there is a tendency to lenting the gold wedding rings to those who were unable to purchase them on their own.

Modernity: Wedding rings, on what hand and on what finger are wearing?

At first glance, this question seems very simple. In the Russian Federation, as well as in a number of other states of the world (Greece, Spain, Chile, Venezuela and Colombia), it is customary to wear wedding rings on the Unnamed finger of the right hand, if a person enters official marriage.

At the same time, in a number of states in Western Europe, in America and some other Catholic states, the wedding process implies the exchange of rings that are newlyweds to put on each other on the Unnamed finger of the left hand.

Part of the African peoples accepted instead of a ring for a wedding exchange bracelets.

And the Gypsy has a custom put the wedding ring on the chain and hang it on the neck.

But we return to the domestic custom. In ancient times, the wedding ring was put on a ring finger on the left hand in those cases when the spouse or spouse was widowed. Often, the widows were taken to wear two rings on one finger - their and drizzling her husband.

If the spouses were divorced, the wedding rings followed with hands.

To date, some changes have occurred. For example, now a wedding ring, put on the left nameless finger, indicates that a person is divorced and his heart is ready to let the new feeling.

However, if we consider this one from an energy point of view, the attribute of the outstanding marriage union should be hidden to be hidden, after all, an empty ring finger and so alone symbolizes the social status of man.

What will the shape and design of the wedding ring tell?

Today, when the jewelry industry is very developed, wedding rings are no longer just a symbol of love and marriage, but become full precious products.

At the same time, their form and design are paying much more attention than it was done before. If you carefully examine the metal of the wedding product, its size and design features, you can make conclusions regarding the financial position of the pair, how they are in principle perceive marriage, and also as they treat each other. And, of course, this is still not all the information.

The expert of psychology from Australia Tim Wenley was engaged in the study of the relationship of 1500 married couples and established many interesting patterns relating to the topic of wedding rings. In particular, Tim revealed that in the form and design of jewelry, you can learn a lot of interesting about the relationship between spouses and how they perceive their marriage.

I suggest you familiarize yourself with his conclusions:

  • The classic version of smooth rings (whose width reaches up to five millimeters) is chosen by those people who have confidence in friend in his friend. The ring for them does not have a special value as a symbol. Families in such people are distinguished by durability and durability, but with the course of the relationship between the relationship risks go to the category of routine.
  • The classic options for smooth rings that do not have "delights", but quite wide and massive, will indicate a doubt in the strength of the relationship, as well as the distrust of their partner. Choosing such a heavy and durable wedding attribute, the husband and wife as if they try to finish their marriage union with it, protect themselves from the likely break.
  • A partner choosing a wedding ring decorated with precious mineral or having engraving, notches, small precious inlays, is trying to make their relationship more bright. Or he even wants to have more rich feelings and emotions than those that are in his pair.

Rings with precious stones - Original idea

At the expense of such an unusual and original choice, he tries to demonstrate his desire to eliminate boredom and make his love relationship with more dusting and passionate. Often there are situations where one of the spouses as a wedding attribute stops on a simple classic rush, and the second chooses for itself an unusual decorated version of the product. In this case, we can talk about instability in relationships.

  • Surprisingly, it is possible to meet such couples in which the spouses do not burden themselves with wearing wedding rings. This happens also not just, but for a number of reasons.

So, Tim Wenley came to the conclusion that a very small part of people neglects a marriage symbol, as it seeks to show their freedom and remains ready to attract new acquaintances to their lives.

In the bulk of cases, the trend does not use the wedding ring indicates that one (or even both spouses) on the subconscious level seek to take off the obligations allegedly an official marriage, they seem to eliminate the "family berth".

That is, roughly speaking, if there is no wedding symbol on the finger or spouse, it means that this is evidence of a kind of protest. Although it is necessary to mention the category of people who are purely physically able to endure any foreign objects on their own body and therefore refuse to wear a marital decoration almost immediately after the wedding. In this case, the fact of the absence of a ring does not apply to the contact with its second half.

According to Tim Wenley's observations, it becomes clear that wedding rings provide a lot of information relating to internal relations in a pair, as well as those deep feelings, emotions and experiences, with which it is customary to enter the marriage union.

And on the basis of this, if you are engaged in the choice of the main wedding attribute for your wedding, it will not be superfling for its choice and the choice of your second half. It is possible that you can get some new useful information on this subject.

What finger we carry the engagement ring?

Having understood with the question: "What thumb wear a wedding ring?", I want to talk separately about the engagement rings. What is your hand and on what finger it is accepted to wear them?

The engagement indicates that from now on the beloved officially take the status of the bride and groom. This is the first and most important step in front of the marriage alliance. And as the proof of his argument of love, the future husband presents his favorite engagement ring. But how much to wear it?

The bridegroom puts the finger on the ring finger on the right hand of the bride on the day of engagement. This ring symbolizes eternal love, which is born in the very depths of the heart: a dead, hot and passionate. The bride is put on to wear a product until the day they will officially fix their marriage in the registry office.

Content Ring with Diamond Photo

And in the morning of the wedding ceremony, it is necessary to decorate, as it is believed that on the day of the wedding there should be no rings in addition to the main one. The engagement ring on tradition is hiding in the box and do not use, and from time to time they simply use as an ornament on any finger, but only after the wedding was celebrated.

Useful recommendations

Finally, I want to bring you a couple of interesting recommendations regarding the selection and acquisition of the most important wedding attribute:

  1. Modern jewelry statistics suggests that every year all new and new trends of wedding rings appear. And the peak of demand for products of this group begins in the summer day, as well as in the first autumn months.

Therefore, by the specified period, manufacturers produce new versions of their range to the market, seek to update the existing collections.

From this we can conclude that even if the date of your wedding falls for the winter, it is better to pose the acquisition of the rings since the autumn.

  1. Already consisted in the marriage union, from which a prominent expensive ring was preserved? In no case can not be used as a wedding, if you stand again at the altar. Even if the teaching about the energy of items is alien to you, just convince yourself that this is a very bad sign that does not promise anything good.
  2. If you do not have a large number of finances before the wedding, the acquisition of silver wedding rings is allowed as an alternative. You can find enough budget, but very attractive and stylish silver products offered by many jewelry manufacturers. Often they are performed in a very popular vintage style vintage style.

And the more expensive versions of the wedding rings of gold will be present to each other, for example, by the first year with a joint marital life, and then they will turn into a real symbol of your sincere feelings.

Now you know how the wedding ring of women and men are worn on the finger, as well as some secrets of choosing these most important wedding attributes.

Finally, it remains only to wish that your shared life with a loved one just pleased and nothing could darken it!

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