How to confess and prepare for confession


I regularly go to confession to the church and in this article will tell you how to confess. It seems to me that anyone must at least once in his life go through this, repent of sins and clear the soul to ease his life and get closer to God.

What to do before confession

Before you go to church and pass the confession rite, it is necessary to properly prepare. Do not neglect these moments so that repentance passed comfortable for you and did not happen awkward moments.

confession in church what to say sample

Here are important stages of preparation:

  1. You must realize your sins, list them mentally and admit to yourself that they exist, and your soul requires purification.
  2. The desire to repent must be sincere. Do not make it "from under the stick", if you do not feel ready enough. Only a real, not an intake faith will help let go of sins and appear before God so he heard you.
  3. You must also believe that confession contributes to spiritual cleansing through the priest-conductor and sincere prayers, sincere repentance.

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Only under the observance of these rules, the rite makes sense. Then your soul will clear from all the dirt, sins, and your faith in God will strengthen and will help on the life path. Do all the conscience, do not feel about the process after the sleeves and "responsibility."

How is the confession in the church

You need to know how to communicate and confess. What we must say and where to start confession before the father, from what words, every believer is obliged to understand.

how to confess

The rules and features of the confession in the Orthodox Church are as follows:

  1. As I wrote, all your thoughts, words and actions should be as sincere as possible. If your soul has at least the slightest worm of doubt, set aside the rite to a more appropriate moment when you sufficiently fill in faith in God, and your intention will be solid.
  2. Try to the maximum to reveal your soul and heart, do not close and do not try to wash something from the priest. God sees everything, so to hide anything completely useless.
  3. Confession is not just a mechanical repetition of their sins in front of the father. This is a real repentance, sincere, conjugate with the desire to be cleaned of sins, no longer repeat them and relieve their soul.

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What to do during confession:

  1. Here is a sample that you can speak to confession in the church: "Lord, please forgive me my sins (list). I am very sorry that I made them. I thank you for your forgiveness and love you. Bless and save".
  2. Feel free to turn to the father for advice, it will always tell me and help you, will push to the right actions, will give advice.
  3. In principle, the fact that you will talk to confession to the communion, the special role does not play, only your sincerity is important and the firm intention to free yourself from sins, without repeating them subsequently. Speak from the soul, as prompts your heart. Feel free to no words.
  4. Until the rite you can consult with the knowledgeable, believers who will tell you how to behave correctly. Excellent if the tips will come from loved ones, "experienced" relatives.
  5. You can write down all the sins found on the paper on a piece of paper, so that you do not forget anything from excitement. Do it if not confident in your memory and are afraid that emotions will prevent everyone. But do not remove - perfectionism is inappropriate.
  6. At the very first confession, a person, as a rule, should recall all his relegations, starting from the six-year-old age. In subsequent times, the sins are not needed to remember if you did not repeat them.
  7. The priest will indicate you that from the sin named is not. But make you think about why you are so worried about it.
  8. Before the start of repentance, you need to approach the specially designated place in the church, in which the cross and the gospel are located. Touch with two fingers to the Holy Book, after which the father will lay the Epitrohil on your head (a piece of fabric resembling a scarf).
  9. This action can be made after repentance, this does not play a special role.
  10. At the end of the confession, the father will read the prayer for his abuse of sins and makes a cross-sign. In some cases, the parishioner is appointed by the bitsa - punishment for the sins needed for their redemption. It may be a post or some other restrictions.
  11. If the Epitia will seem impracticable or too heavy to you, do not despair. You can always refer to the priest with a request to soften it a little.

During confession, you can flow tears, "cover" emotions, a lump is formed in the throat, preventing talking. It is not necessary to scare this - this is a normal reaction that occurs during the release and release of the negative. The body acutely responds to the experiences of the soul, and similar moments - a sign that you really got on the path of healing.

Check out the video about how to confess in the church before communion for the first time and what to say:

Important moments

Coming into the temple follows in dark closed clothes. Women additionally cover head scarf. Do not wear outfits with bright prints, cartoon characters, films and other similar. Before confession, refrain from alcohol, smoking, animal products, including eggs and milk.

how to pass and confess

Makeup is also not allowed, it is especially forbidden to use lipstick. Girls should wear a dress, not pants. It must be long enough. The ideal option when it closes the ankles, but as a last resort, take care of at least the skirt closes the knees.

After confession, you can pass the rite of communion - on the same day or the next one. It is not necessary to do this - make sure that he will tell the heart, and act only for sincere desire.

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