How to prepare for confession and communion


I often notice that people in the church do not understand and do not know how to prepare for confession correctly. The same applies to the sacred rite of communion. They look like children who took the jewelness, but do not understand all its prices. In this article, I will tell you all about the divine sense of these rituals, which will help you spend them more consciously.

How to prepare for communion

Jesus Christ himself entered the tradition, Jesus Christ himself during a secret evening - his last dinner with faithful apostles. During this sacred rite, a person reaches extraordinary unity with God. According to preachers, people are very much underestimated by the meaning of this rite, because thanks to him the person can feel and realize that it flows not only his own blood, but also of Jesus himself. And this means that he gets invisible divine support throughout his life.

how to prepare for confession

In any Christian church, you can find information about what needs to be done before confession and communion. Usually the basic rules are set forth in a small book, which is called "how to prepare for communion and confession."

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I summarize the essence of these rules below:

  1. Three days before the sacred rite, the post must be observed. It is allowed to eat only vegetable products, but from any animal products (including milk, eggs) - refuse.
  2. You should pass the evening service in that temple, which the next day you will go to communion.
  3. It is necessary to make confession of sins before communion. This can be done in two ways: either in the evening service that you visit the day before, or on the day of the rite itself - come to the morning liturgy and make a confession at the very beginning.
  4. It is preferably more diligently than usual, praying in the morning and in the evening, reading both familiar prayers and special canons. Their texts and audio can be found on specialized church-Slavic sites.
  5. Communion is made only on an empty stomach - it is impossible to do neither to drink. Exception is possible only for seriously ill people who abstain from food will make tremendous harm to health (for example, diabetics).

Such serious preparation for communion and confession occurs either for the first time, or with a rare visit to the Church. If you are incident every Sunday, you can get the resolution of the priest not to read all the prayers and do not observe a strict post. This is necessary to speak separately with the father, whose temple you come.

How to prepare for confession

The rite of confession from many people causes a sacred trepidation. Especially if you go to him for the first time. But you should not worry: after all, the church is not the place where you can coordinate. On the contrary, coming around and repenting, you will alleviate the soul and feel a huge tide of strength, having freed yourself from negative energy.

how to prepare for communion and confession

There are certain rules to know and comply with if you are going to confess and commitory in the church:

  1. No need to retell all your sins in the smallest details. The priests believe that in such cases, a person begins to fully remove the responsibility, justifies and accuses others in the deed.
  2. Therefore, in the process of confession, just call the perfect sins in one word. For example: I fought, envied, angry, was full of pride. A complete list of sins can also be read in the book with the rules of the communion.
  3. Before visiting the church, write all your sins on a separate leaflet to miss anything out of memory and not forget.
  4. The temple should come as early as possible so as not to miss the overall prayer that the priest spends before confession.
  5. During the ritual, go to the father, to make a godmond, to make a cross and the gospel. Then call your sins. After that, the priest will read the prayer and give its permission to the sacrament. Maybe refuse - be ready for it. But this happens extremely rare. Makes mainly for checking on whether a person is able to pacify his pride.

IMPORTANT: When during confession, you say your sin out loud, let him do not repeat it yourself. Forgive your enemies and everyone who offended you. Try to come to the state of complete humility.

Check the video on the topic:

First confession and communion

If confession is for you - a new experience, and make a rite you will be for the first time, you should know about some important points.

Preparation for communion and confession

They are as follows:

  1. Most likely, the list of your sins will be the most as much as possible. You should not get upset - any person deserves the forgiveness of God.
  2. The priest "does not bite." It is not necessary to be afraid - tell me about what you came for the first time. He will help you with advice, will support and tell you how to behave not to heal again.

Understand that confession and communion is a huge step, which you can clean your soul from all the negative, which accumulated in it. Will open people, peace, God, feel free, clean, full forces.

But a few moments about how the sacrament is:

  1. In the evening, a person passes service (on the eve). It begins at about 5 pm local time, but it is better to specify in the temple in advance.
  2. Then nine in the morning the next day you come to Morning Liturgy. Confession is committed in one of these two services.
  3. Somewhere in the middle of Liturgy, the Batyushka takes the bowl from the altar, and everyone is going to go around her, folding their hands on their chest.
  4. Everyone takes turns to the bowl and gets a piece of bread and a kagora that symbolize divine flesh and blood, holy gifts.
  5. Everyone who tasted the gifts, then goes into the end of the church, where the water diluted waters. You need to drink it until the last drop, then cross and listen to thankful prayers.

How difficult it would be to prepare for your first rite, try to do it. You will feel after how small these difficulties were and how great the award is. This is an extraordinary feeling of liberation and spiritual joy, love and gratitude.

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