Icon of Jesus Christ: rules and execution options


I consider the icon of Jesus Christ one of the most significant in the history of Orthodox religion. It is to her, I appeal for help when I want to cleanse from the whole negative, to make forgiveness for the misconduct and deserve the blessing of God before any important events in my life. In the article, I will talk about the history and versions of the execution of the Holy Lika.

Image rules icons of Jesus Christ

The icon of the Savior is depicted in several options. There are certain rules following which the icon painters create his face on canvas.

Distinctive features of the icons of Christ, for which it can be easily identified, the following:

  1. In Nimb, illuminating the bright face of the Son of God, fits the cross. He personifies the fact that God himself is embodied in Jesus, he brings his will through him to people. There is an image of Jesus Hulki, who has Namba at all, and the cross is drawn behind the face of Jesus.
  2. On canvas next to the image of Christ, or not His Nimy draw the Greek symbols of IC XC, which symbolize his name. Letters can be placed on a blue background that surrounds the Holy Image.
  3. In the classical execution of Jesus, the elongated face, the focus is on his expressive eyes, and the features of the face are thin, sophisticated. Special attention is paid to symmetry.
  4. As for the clothing of Christ, the icon painters usually "wear" a loose long shirt on it, on top of which the blue palatine will throw.
  5. The face is always depicted strictly in the center of the icon, the look and face of the Savior is drawn strictly to people. So that the feeling of penetrating glance is created, as if he looks like a man right into the soul.

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These rules are valid for the canonious understanding of the icon of Christ the Savior. It happens that icon painters depart from the generally accepted rules. There are options for images in which it is naked and half is immersed in the coffin, next to the mother of Maria with covered centuries.

Photo of the icons of Jesus Christ the Savior:

Icon of Jesus Christ

Nerukoless savage

The believers - adherents of the Christian religion there is a belief that the very first icon of the Lord God is unspecified, that is, not by the hands of a person. The roots of this belief go to the historical dedication.

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Savior icon

This theory has several versions:

  1. The eastern version appeared in the fourteenth century. This legend narrates about the king of Edessa, who was sick leprosy. An extended disease, the king sent the messengers to Jesus and asked him healing. He also asked Christ, if he could not come to come, send him at least his face. The icon painter failed to go through the crowd surrounding Jesus to draw his portrait. The Savior saw it and helped - he washed her face, Oster his cloth, why his face appeared on the canvas, who was sent to the king.
  2. In the West there was another version that was formed in the period from 13 to 15th century. The exact time is unknown, and we can only rely on the opinions of researchers. According to the legend, the Veronica woman, the believer and living on the commandments of the Creator, presented his handkerchief during the gast path, so that the tired Jesus could wipe the face from sweat and blood. On this scarf, the sacred face appeared.
  3. The third version arose in ancient Russia. Our ancestors believed in their version - "saved a wet beard." On such icons (which depart from classic canons), the tip of the beard of Christ is depicted very thin and direct, like washed moisture.

It is because of the second version of Western icon painters depict the head of Jesus a thorns wreath.

Savior Charger

This is the most common version of the image of the Holy Face, the second name of which is a pitch. On similar icons, the figure of Jesus is shown on the belt. In his left hand, the son of God holds the gospel firmly. The right hand raised up, which symbolizes the blessing of everyone who believes in Christianity. This image was formed in the middle of the sixteenth century.

icons of Jesus Christ photo

This image has its own religious significance. He symbolizes the sincere and selfless faith of a person in the Divine. For Christians, such a faith is fundamental, so this leak can be seen in many temples and churches.

There are other options for the alignment. On some icons, it is depicted in full growth, and behind him is a red square, a rhombus and blue oval, which personify the earth, the spiritual world and afterlife, respectively.

The throne on which Jesus sends is a symbol of the throne, power.

Savior Emmanuel

This option icons stand out on a general background and has its own distinctive features. Jesus on canvas is depicted not an adult man, but a child or teenager. At the same time, all other classic attributes are present - Nimb, Cross, Greek characters.

Such saved symbolizes the fact that the Son of the Lords even before her baptism carried into the world of the Divine, manifesting his essence.

Such holy images are rarely found as a separate composition. A more frequent option - the icons of the Virgin Mary with a baby in his hands.

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The most little-known version of the icon, which stands the mansion among all others. On the canvas, in addition to the image of Christ itself, there are other figures of people. He himself placed strictly in the center, squeezing on the throne. And next to him stand his mother and John the Baptist. In some embodiments, it can be seen on the icon of the figures of martyrs, saints, apostles.

Such options for the image of the Holy Fast Icon painters began to portray back in the seventeenth century. Deesus icons are of particular importance, which consists in intercession for man before the creator. Also, this reminder to people that the Savior carries into the world of prayer, protects people who are treated to him. And that God is always merciful.

People treat this image for help: To feel the divine in itself through the prayer, come to the Lord, get cleaning from sins and earn your forgiveness.

Other execution options icons

A mansion in the list of icons of Jesus is those who depart from classic canons. These are the following images of the Holy Face.

Good silence - Savior, in which Christ is depicted in the form of an angel, which he was before his appearance on Earth. This is a fragile, gladkolic tags in white clothes, with two wings and with a star in the form of a star. At that time, Jesus was not yet a mentor of people, so there is no Bible in his hands.

Great bishop. On this Icon, God is depicted in the form of a priest in an expensive closure and with the golden chapter on the head. In her hands, he holds the Bible and looks over all humanity, sending his blessing to him.

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