Ashtanga Yoga: principles and philosophy


Of all the varieties of spiritual practices, I am close to Ashtanga Yoga, because she powerfully pumps consciousness and helps to go out on a completely different, qualitatively new level of spiritual development. To live in accordance with the philosophy of this direction means to put in order and your body, and thoughts, increase the level of energy and start allowing themselves more.

8 principles of ashtang yoga

The author of the system did the emphasis on the fact that, to achieve the result and maximum productivity, a person must pass eight stages of Ashtang Yoga. It is very important to stick to this sequence to achieve success.

Ashtanga Vinyas Yoga Principles

The first two stages are preparatory:

  1. Yama. In the course of this stage, a person develops such qualities as self-control, learns to overcome the tension and trains the spirit of self-conformity. In the first step, it is necessary to take responsibility for your thinking and behavior. To deal with things that pull down and remove from development, with vices. It is also necessary to learn to interact with the society harmoniously and efficiently. Yama symbolizes the death of old convictions and restrictions, this is cleansing from all extra.
  2. Niyama. The second stage of preparations for the following, important stages of development. In the process of Niyama, a person trains a self-discipline, learns to relax and falls on the path of spiritual self-improvement and development.

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It is very important at the beginning of these stages in order to continue not to go along the false path. The person is cleaned from the load of the past, installations and restrictions, to open the consciousness of the new rules of behavior, effective thinking and productive life.

Ashtanga Yoga

The following six steps are characterized as follows:

  1. Asana is a period of transition to the development of the soul and body. At this stage, a person learns asians - special positions of the body, poses for yoga. Asana help to learn concentrations, "pump out" energy, add to man of vitality. It is important to understand how to breathe in the time of classes. Stage Results: Studying of psychosomatic causes of diseases, removal of mental and physical stress, cleansing and rejuvenation of the body as a whole.
  2. Pranayma is the next level, involving energy with the help of breathing exercises. A person learns to feel its energy potential and manage it using vitality in the right direction for the realization of the goals and fulfillment of desires.
  3. Pratyhara is the doctrine of the management of the "Indriors". These are limiting installations and beliefs laid in the subconscious of a person who hold it tightly, preventing progress. Yoga learns to manage these entities to go beyond their capabilities, takes the first step in the knowledge of his spiritual world. There is a sense of awakening and abundance from the material world. The skill does not respond to external stimuli, which interfere, distract and dismiss focus of attention from the necessary things.
  4. Dharana - the stage on which yogi continues to train a concentration, learns awareness, training constantly "live in the moment." At this stage, a sense of connection with God, the creator, the Universe (depending on which he believes) is.
  5. Dhyana - meditations aimed at expanding the boundaries of consciousness. The goal is to free themselves from the borders, frames, shackles, learn to notice around themselves many opportunities for self-development and progress.
  6. The samadhi-finite goal of self-development, enlightenment to which everyone strives. This is the highest degree of spirituality when a person feels a strong connection with his soul and God, he feels invisible support and understands how to get the help of higher strength.

Practitioners rules

Yoga Ashtanga is not just breathing exercises, meditations and asana. This is her whole philosophy with its rules.

Ashtanga Vinyas Yoga

They are as follows:

  1. Do not be arrogant, get rid of pride. Communicate with people in their tongue, take them as they are.
  2. Refuse to harm you can cause any living being. Not in either actions nor thoughts, words or actions, directly or indirectly.
  3. Observe the principles of vegetarian nutrition, eat only natural products to increase the level of their energy.
  4. Do not envy, learn to sincerely enjoy the success of other people. Understand that envy is only an indicator that you do not allow yourself to have what they have.
  5. Be in a good mood. What you emit, then you get.
  6. Contain the body clean, both outside and inside.
  7. Get rid of narcissism and do not take advantage of self-examination to see the world around the world in all its magnificence.
  8. Direct the internal energy resource to get rid of sins and all vicious, which is in you.
  9. Get rid of the desire to become famous and get recognition of other people. You will get it all without difficulty, when you learn to appreciate yourself and love yourself.
  10. Remember that how many people are so many opinions, be tolerant of thoughts, the words and actions of others. Let people be as they are, do not strive to change them.
  11. Be kind to everything alive, for this is part of you.
  12. Strain the cleanliness of your thoughts, words and actions, stop lying, unroven and silence. True - the highest value you can give people.
  13. We see and see the creator, feel God in yourself, understand that you are part of it, and he is part of you.

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Only if a person is ready to take all these rules, it is capable of going to the methods of ashtanga yoga very far in its spiritual development. Even one domestic agreement gives a lot, cleans the spirit and allows you to achieve great success and effortlessly.

Ashtanga Vinyas Yoga seems to me the most efficient way of spiritual self-development, which brings changes not only to the internal state, but also in real life. The philosophy of this direction changes consciousness, followed by change and around you.

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