Holy Sunday: the value of prayer, icon, what helps


The resurrection of Christ is key in the Christian faith, giving believers hope for salvation and eternal life. Without faith in Holy Sunday, Christianity loses any meaning. When I speak atheists about my faith, they cannot recognize the fact of the resurrection of the body. However, you need to believe in your heart, not a mind. Vera is given to us as the grace of God, like a miracle. In the article, I will tell you about the importance of this important event in the life of every person, about Easter holiday and prayer for this solemn event.

Holy Sunday

Miracle of resurrection

Jesus Christ took martyrdom on the cross for each of us and instead of us. The sinful nature of a person is not able to independently overcome the temptations of the world, so no one has hopes for the acquisition of the kingdom of God. Since the time of Adam and Eve, every deceased man went to hell for his sins, and only the godfather of Jesus corrected this sad position.

The Savior was devoted to his student Juda, as was predicted in the Old Testament. His, as a criminal, was sent to a shameful execution through a crucifixion. But Jesus knew about it in advance, so he warned the disciples to not be sad. He said he would rise on the third day in a new body. Knowing this, Roman rulers and Jewish high priests sent a soldier to guard the tomb of Christ.

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In the Jewish traditions of the dead were not buried in the ground, but in the special tombs from the stone. Pious Joseph, a secret student and follower of Jesus, allowed to bury the body of Christ in his tomb. The people loyal to Christ carefully washed the body of the deceased and wrapped in the dashed incenses of the pellets and the gaze. The coffin was closed with a huge stone, and the soldiers day and night wrapped the entrance.

On the third day in the morning, pious women came to the tomb with incense and oils to complete the rite of burial. When the entrance to the tomb was released, it was empty. The bodies of Jesus in it was not. Women ran to the city to inform the joyful news about the resurrection of the Savior, because they were notified by Angel. Apostle Paul writes about this event:

Holy Sunday: the value of prayer, icon, what helps 4897_2

The resurrection of the Savior brought the good news of the salvation of mankind. Jesus after death went down to hell, defeated the devil and rose. He risen the power of the Holy Spirit, and it became irrefutable evidence of His Divine Nature. Many cities flew about the wonderful resurrection, repeatedly the Savior was his disciples and faithful followers. One of the Malvers named Foma doubted the reality of the Resurrection, but changed his opinion when he put his own fingers into the wounds of the Savior.

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Holy Sunday: the value of prayer, icon, what helps 4897_3

Prayer Resurrection of Christ

Interpretation of prayer

Since that time, Christians celebrate the bright holiday of Easter, during which the event is remembered for every person. At the end of the Vigil Easter Service, a special prayer "Resurrection of Christ Hosvevsh" comes. The text of this prayer is not difficult, anyone can learn it. Also, this prayer comes on the holiday of crushes, Christmas, Lazarev Saturday.

The purpose of the victim of Christ is the redeeming of mankind from spiritual death and the acquisition of the kingdom of God.

Many Christians consider christmas christmas to be the main holiday, but Easter is really important - the bright Resurrection of Christ. From the holiday of Easter, a new liturgical cycle in the church begins. Jesus presented to all the powerful gun against the devil - the Holy Cross. Now every believer man has the power over the devil and his own sin, the cross of the Lord helps.

Resurrection of Christoshi, the text of the prayer:

Holy Sunday: the value of prayer, icon, what helps 4897_5

1. Resurrection of Christ Wieview

Why is it mentioned in prayer that someone saw the Resurrection of Christ? No person attended the event. The fathers of the Church are taught that there is a personal resurrection of every Christian: he was reborn to spiritual life with the rite of baptism. We resurrected in a new spiritual body free from temptation and sin. New life begins in Christ, and the old life is buried and forgotten. When we leave the Epiphany Fike, a new soul and a new body will emerge in the world.

2. Unified sinless

Jesus was the only man on earth with the divine nature. All other people are born in sin, sinners and remain. Salvation is given to us as the gift of God, inenected mercy. Christ became a voluntary victim for our sins, so that we gain salvation. Each Christian must remember what price he was bought from the paw of death - the holy blood of the Savior.

3. Cross your worship, Christ

Death on the Cross was considered in those days the most shameful and terrible. The crucified man did not die immediately, but suffered for a while. Christ turned the gear and torture gun into the victory symbol over the devil. He consecrated cross with his sufferings and blood. Therefore, Christians worship the cross as a symbol of victory over sin and punishment.

The symbol of the cross arose not by chance, and we autumn yourself with the cross we are not by chance. When the first Christians were subjected to terrible torture and cut off their tongues, so as not to preach salvation, they were in front of the execution of themselves with a cross. This showed people that martyrs take death for Christ. Thanks to the crossed sign and fearless martyrs before death, many pagans took the Christian faith.

4. You boy if our God, don't you know otherwise

Here Jesus is proclaimed by God, the only society. These words indicate that the Christian realized the mercy of God's gift to salvation. We can not pay anything for an invaluable gift, only with our sincere faith.

5. Your name is called

In the Old Testament, it was forbidden to pronounce the holy name of God, and only once a year the high priest had the right to call him. But with the teachings of Christ now everyone can pronounce the name of God, without fear of punishment. Just saying it is necessary with the worship of the heart, and not for each trifle.

6. Get the DSI Renius, bow to the Holy Resurrection

In the Christian faith it is very important to be the on-minded followers of Christ and a single soul to praise His Resurrection. It commanded us the Savior when I said: "Where two or three will gather in the name of my, and I environ them."

resurrection of christian seeing text

Sunday icon

On the icon captured the resurrection of Jesus, he holds for the hands of the first man - Adam. Thanks to his godfather, Christ was able to save all people in Yudoli sorrow. The legs of the Savior are standing on broken hellish gates, which very symbolically expresses his victory over the devil.

On other icons, you can see how the Savior comes out of the tomb, and angels are located in his legs. Often, the icon painters depict and defeated on the horror of the guards and pious Mironosians to show a complete picture of what is happening.

The icon is also revered, on which Maria Magdalene meets the Risen Savior. The icon painters emphasized the characteristic gesture of Christ, prohibiting to touch him.

What to pray to this icon? The believer must remember that his goal is to imitate Christ in everything. When we look at the icon of the Resurrection, should understand that you need to change and daily like to the Savior. He left the only commandment to mankind: "Yes, love each other." That's all you need to do every Christian daily.

Prayer before icon:

  • Clears the mind from evil thoughts;
  • Strengthens in faith;
  • gives peace of mind;
  • Helps to find the flushed of life.

Prayer fills our hearts with the joy of salvation, strengthens the spirit and soothes the heart. The glorification of God should be the meaning of our earthly life, because after death we fall into his abode - the kingdom of God.

Prayer Resurrection of Christ in front of the icon:

Holy Sunday: the value of prayer, icon, what helps 4897_7

Holy Sunday: the value of prayer, icon, what helps 4897_8

Resurrection of Christ Hosewed - text of prayer with stress:

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