Characteristics of the icon of all-seeing eye, the scope of use


The icon "Ovupying Oko" acts as a symbolic and allegorical composition for the words of St. Scripture, stating about the unreasonable all-seeing and the Alliance of Christ.

The initial appearance of the picture of the all-seeing eye enclosed in a triangle figure, arise from the end of the eighteenth - the first part of the nineteenth century. In later versions of Christian iconography (in the bulk of Old Believers), you can meet the face of the "all-seeing eye of God". In this material I will reveal you the history of the appearance of the icon, as well as its sacred symbolic meaning.

icon all-seeing eye

Mystery of the famous all-seeing eye

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The symbol of all-seeing eye is depicted in an equally chained triangle, from which bright rays are diverged on the parties. The eye actors the personification of the enlightenment of consciousness, an understanding of higher matters, as well as the close and eternal observation of a person from higher entities.

If we consider an eye from the position of Freemasonry, then it is a point that does not have a certain size, but located everywhere in space. For adherents of the Masonic teaching, this symbol is perceived as the attention of the highest strength to everything in general and separately to each of the adherents of the secret organization.

Masonic symbolism is very multifaceted, it consists of many characters, among which the eye is the holy absolute, the perfect structure of all the urgent. And rays that diverge in different directions are associated with a fog hiding the land from the view of the Most High.

There are several embodiments of interpretations of this symbol:

  • personifies the sun, the highest mind, cosmic harmony;
  • symbolizes the ability to clasp, the ability to see what is not able to see ordinary people;
  • The embodiment of all solar deities that have lively solar energy;
  • The perception of the Most High as a light source for the human soul.

History of the icon

This sacred image is a visual model of the likely popularization of folk art in religious life for all its existence. Although the icon of the All-Russian Oka - the symbol is quite ambiguous, it nevertheless enjoys great popularity among Orthodox people.

Initially, the picture originated in the Vladimir Earth, where she was created by the hands of local masters in the style of Vladimir iconography (at least the first variations of the icons were at least such.

Gamma Performance - Ovrian tones typical of that region. And the main distinctive feature of the icon is simplicity with the simultaneous appearance of the composition. The difficulty of perception is enclosed in a large number of different characters depicted on the face. The icon of the all-leading eye of God has an excellent concept from the traditional canonical iconography, but also gives all the keys differently, reveals their sacred value.

In addition, it advocates rather young, whose age does not exceed three hundred years, that is, it represents Novodel. The creation of the icon falls on the sunset of traditional Russian icon paintings, for this reason, the "all-seeing eye" is filled with so ambiguous at first glance, conceptual copyright.

As you already probably understood the all-seeing eye - this is not just a Christian symbol. The eye depicted in the equilateral triangle (radiant delta) is the coat of arms of the Masons. It is associated with the hidden truth, wisdom and conscience, the root cause of everything in our world, celebration over evil forces, and also - acts as the personification of the great architect of the Universe - the Supreme Entity, which created our galaxy.

Creating peace by God

Also, a similar symbol can be found in the origins of ancient Egyptian culture. The inhabitants of the ancient Egypt have an all-seeing eye associated with vital energy, fertility and royal power.

Interesting fact! As a rule, the clergy expresses a rather skeptical attitude to this face because of its mysticality, which, however, did not at all reduce the popularity of the icon among Orthodox believers.

What is the icon of all-seeing eye

An image of a similar shrine is distinguished by a multi-faceted, so if you wish to get a maximum of information about the icon, be patient.

In the central part we can observe the village of Emmanuil - the young Son of God, blessing people. In some cases, he keeps the gospel in his left hand, in which phrase was written on the Church Slavonic Vizia: "Come to me all who needs me."

From the circle, in which Jesus is depicted, four rays of the triangular section are diagonally departed. They may be triggered to external halo or go for its borders and end with Tetramorf (small faces of the apostle Matthew, Mark, John and Luke). In the bulk of cases, followers of Christ are depicted in the form of allegorical images as an angel, lion, calf and eagle and marked with the help of appropriate titles-titles.

The next circle (scarlet) is an image of an eye, nose and mouth - the symbol of the constant presence of the creator in the life of Orthodox laity, and also - his sincere desire and desire to take care of every sinner. It is this circle that has led to obtaining an icon of its name. Above this part is the inscription: "Isaiah's coal show, the sun from the virgin womb will assume in the TMA with a stunning prudent." And the above is the face of the Holy Virgin Mary, who assumed the hyposta of Oranta, which prays.

For this circle, we can observe the presence of a green (in some cases a dark-red ring), destroyed by a large number of stars. The ring acts as the personification of God's grace, descended on believers after Jesus brought himself to sacrifice. The reminder of this is the statement from the Gospel of Luke, which are inscribed on the rim: "My Lord's soul is Major; And the Spirit of God referred to God, my rescue, Yako wishes his slave to humility. "

The outer ring (dark-blue or scarlet color) depicts serafimers with six wings. This is the symbol of the monastery, where the eternal peace of the Saints and righteous, praise the creator.

Angelic creatures with a huge sense of joy and soulful tremies look at Savaof, which is depicted in the halo at the bottom. The creator itself is drawn with open hands, as if he seeks to hug and press her chest, who will pay attention to the relic. In some versions of the icons, the image of the Creator is decorated with the help of clouds and rainbows, and on his chest it is depicted by a snow-white dove - protruding the emblem of the Holy Spirit, who visited the virgin Mary.

Of course, the perception of such a complex drawing is not immediately given - you need to do a gradual and very detailed study by it, concentrating on each of the characters depicted. But at the expense of the created unusual filing of the icon, it acquires even more important importance - the Savior seems to enlighten our land, giving a vow to protect and protect Orthodox people as much as it takes.

However, he also carefully monitors the actions of all people and shows a fair condemnation towards them.

Central figure on icon - Jesus Christ

In which cases are applied to this icon?

So, the most interesting question: when should I read prayers before the icon of the "all-seeing eye"?

This image is fully universal, which does not have any limits in the request, as a person does not have the ability to impose restrictions on God, created and controlling everything on our planet. God has limitless power: he is able to eliminate the failure of a person's life, to give him health, vigor, and also help to fulfill his innermost desires.

As a result, it is possible to read absolutely any prayers and petitions before this icon, which is disturbing your soul.

Icon "Ovupying Oko" will help in a number of situations:

  • Slaves from adverse effects, the evil eye;
  • will contribute to the disclosure and manifestation of the potential capabilities and talents of the individual;
  • healed from blindness, normalizes vision;
  • Solves from various seals, worries and pathologies;
  • will help a person to resist the lack of interest;
  • slows down sinful thoughts in the brain;
  • sinful people - helps strengthen their faith;
  • Parents with the help of this facial become more wise in the upbringing of kids;
  • And another icon will contribute to the adoption of faithful solutions, both spiritual and carnal.

But do not forget about the fact that God is not Santa Claus or a magic wand, it will not fulfill absolutely all your whims and whims. And the icons do not relate to the magical subjects like Gina lamps. They are only called upon to set up a person on the right wave and contribute to the purification of consciousness, which adds greater sincerity prayers.

Where it is recommended to hang the icon how to pray

As mentioned above, the described image in infrequent cases is found in the church, which is affected by its ambiguity and non-connivance, as a result of which the icon is not in demand in most of the priests.

Despite this, initially the Full-Grants Oco face was used as a decorative element, which were decorated with walls, dome and plus it was used as a temple painting. Until today, it can be observed in such places in churches belonging to the eighteenth-nineteenth century, and more modern temples have no such painting. Over time, said Lick began to arise as a full-fledged image on iconostastes in churches and dwellings.

Useful recommendation! The described image can be bought in your personal iconostasis at collectors (now we are talking about more long-standing options for paintings) or in a specialized shop.

Pay attention to the fact that the acquisition of such an icon is allowed exclusively in those situations where the body and the soul will also be shattered. Most of the believers doubts about this issue, in addition, the highest clergy also cannot definitely answer the question: "When is the acquisition of an icon?"

When purchasing has already been made, it is necessary to pose with the right placement of the icon among other images.

In the older times, all the icons traditionally placed in a special "red angle", which was located on the east side of the house, necessarily in a qualitatively illuminated place. At the moment, there is no longer such an angle, but the icons are still advised to parse exactly along the eastern walls in those areas where there is enough good lighting. Of course, this is done only when there is an opportunity.

In the church such an icon will meet infrequently

Try to the icons as far as possible from the items of technology (televisions, radio, computers), as well as bookshelves. On the shelf with icons should be exclusively icons, refuse to place any foreign objects (paintings, decorative elements, shelves with books, and so on) on it. An option is allowed to decorate this place with the help of colors or towels of its own manufacture.

In the open shelves, the lampada is allowed, in which candles are mounted in the process of making prayers. In the central place in the iconostas, the images of Jesus Christ and God's Mother should be located. It is important that they have a sufficiently large size. And from the side of the sides it is possible to accommodate other icons at the request of the hosts (saints, angelic creatures, and so on).

Mandatory condition for iconostasis - you should not distract anything from prayers.

Along with other images, place the icon of the "all-seeing eye". It should immediately note that it does not have any special prayers, but it does not mean that you cannot express your sincere prayer using ordinary words emanating from your heart and soul. Just talk to the Almighty, tell him about my problems that are tormented by you, and ask him to help you. If your request is sincere, it will certainly be heard.

Now you know the meaning of the icon of the all-seeing eye, as well as what she helps. At the end of the topic, we recommend you to watch an interesting video material:

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