Find out if you can go to church in the days of menstruation


Monthly is an integral part of the life of every adult healthy woman. Surely many believers worries the question, is it possible to go to the church in the monthly? In this material I want to help you deal with him. But initially turn a little to the Bible, namely, to the creation of the world by God.

Creation of the first man and women

If you wish to learn how the Most High created our universe, then you should carefully examine the Old Testament. It tells him that the first people were created on the 6th day by God in the image and the likeness of him and received the names of Adam (man) and Eva (Woman).

As a result, it turns out that initially the woman was clean, she had no monthly. And the process of conception and birth of children should not be caused by torment. In the world of Adam and Eve, in which complete perfection reigned, there was no place for something unclean. The cleanliness was permeated by the body, thoughts, acts and souls of the first people.

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However, as you know, such an idyll lasts a long time. The cunning devil accepted the image of the snake and began to tempt Eve to taste the forbidden fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. In return, the woman was promised to receive power and higher knowledge. And she did not resist - tried the fruit itself, and also gave to taste it to her spouse.

Eva seduced Adam to taste the forbidden fetus

Thus, it was the sin, which spread to the whole human genus. Adam and Eva were forever expelled from Paradise. The woman was doomed to flour. It was said that since then the process of conception and birth of offspring will deliver suffering to her. Since then, the woman, according to the Bible, is considered unclean.

What prohibits the Old Testament

For our distant ancestors, the rules and laws of the Old Testament played a huge role. Not in vain because in that period of time, a huge number of temples were created, in which people tried to establish communication with the Almighty, and also made it imposed.

As for the representatives of the beautiful sex, they were not considered full members of society, and referred to the men. And of course, no one forgot about the pregnancy committed by Eve, after which she began menstruation. That is, the monthly time at that time was a kind of reminder of how the first woman was guilty before God.

In the Old Testament, it was very clearly designated, who has, and who has no right to visit the Holy Temple of God. So, the prohibition of the entry was imposed in the following situations:

  • on the hidden;
  • during seed balance;
  • For those who were struggling to the dead;
  • For those who suffered from purulent discharge;
  • For a woman during menstruation;
  • For women who gave birth to a boy, up to forty days, and for those who gave birth to a girl - up to eighty days.

In times, when the Old Testament was relevant, everything was perceived from a physiological point of view. So, the dirty body said that his owner is unclean.

It was forbidden to walk in the church strictly-setting, and also - in places where many people were going. It was forbid that blood shed in sacred places.

These rules operated up to the appearance of Jesus Christ before the time, when the new covenant entered into force.

Jesus Christ allowed to visit the temple with monthly

The Savior did the main focus on the spiritual, tried to help people realize the truth. After all, he came to this world for the redemption of all human sins, in particular, and the sin of Eva.

If a person did not have faith, it means that all his actions automatically fell into the category of confused. The presence of black thoughts made a person unclean, no matter how clean and impeccable his physical shell.

The temple of God ceased to be perceived as a specific place on Earth, but transformed into human souls. Jesus assured people that the soul is actually and is the temple of God, his church. At the same time, there was an equalization in the rights of representatives of both sexes.

I want to tell about one situation that outraged all the priests. When the Savior was in the temple, one lady, which for many years suffered from constant blood loss, squeezed through the crowd of the people and touched his robes.

Jesus felt unfortunate, turned to her and said that he was now saved thanks to her faith. Since then, in the human consciousness, a split happened: some of the people retained the loyalty to the purity of the physical (the adherents of the Old Testament, who were sacred convinced that for no circumstances to visit the temple with monthly), and the second part listened to the teachings of Jesus Christ ( Adherents of the new covenant and spiritual purity, which began to neglect this ban).

When the Savior was crucified on the cross, the new covenant became relevant, according to which the blood shed began to symbolize a new life.

Jesus Christ made relevant new covenant

What priests talk about this ban?

As for the representatives of the Catholic Church, they have long found the answer to the question for themselves, is it possible to church with monthly. Menstruation in this case is considered as a completely natural phenomenon, so there are no prohibitions for a visit to the church during her. In addition, blood has not been irrigated for church floors for a long time due to the presence of a large number of hygiene.

But the Orthodox holy fathers can not find a right decision on this issue. Some are ready to bring a million arguments, why it is impossible to go to the church with monthly. And others argue that in the visit of the temple there is nothing reprehensible if you want your soul so much.

There is also a third category of clergymen who allow the advent of a woman to the temple, but they prohibit it to take part in some sacred sacraments, namely, the baptism, wedding, confession.

What is forbidden to do in the temple when menstruation

Bans mainly relate to pure physical moments. So, based on hygiene considerations, women should not be descended into the water so that others do not distrust, how her blood is mixed with water.

The process of wedding is long enough, and not every weakened female body will be able to withstand it to the end. And this, in turn, is fraught with fainting, but also - weakness and dizziness.

When confirming, a psycho-emotional aspect is involved, and, as you know, the representatives of the weak gender during the menstruation have a little inadequate state (and behave in accordance with). Therefore, if a woman would decide to confess at this time, she risked to breed a lot of superfluous, what he would later regret. As a result, it is worth abandoning confession during critical days.

So is it possible to go to church with monthly or not?

In the modern world, it is not uncommon when mixing the sinful and righteous. It is not known to anyone who invented the prohibition under consideration. All people perceive the information in the form in which they are more convenient to do it.

The church is a premises, the same as it was in the time of the Old Testament. So, all inertia continue to comply with the rules established by it. And try not to visit the temple with monthly.

But many changes were made in the modern democratic world. If earlier the main sin in visiting the Church with the monthly, the blood spill in the temple was in the temple, then today it is possible to fully cope with this problem - it is invented enough of the hygiene (tampons, pads), wonderful blood absorbing blood and not giving it to spread along the semi of holy places. So, the woman is no longer considered unclean.

However, there is also a reverse side of the medal. When menstruation in the female body, the process of self-purification occurs. And this means that the female is still considered unclean and it is forbidden to go to the temple.

But the new covenant is on the side of the representatives of the fine sex. According to him, if you feel the spiritual need to trigger the shrine, filled with divine support, then visiting the church and even recommended!

After all, the Savior provides his help with those who sincerely believes in him. And how clean is your body, does not matter too much. Therefore, it turns out that the adherents of the New Testament are not forbidden to go to church during critical days.

However, there are some amendments here, on the basis of which, if the church and the temple of God is the soul itself, it is absolutely not necessary that he will attend some particular place, wanting to get help. Accordingly, a woman can appeal with the same success in prayer to the Lord and from his apartment. And if her prayer was sincere, sincerely, it will certainly be heard, and much faster than in the event of a visit to the temple.

Sincere prayer will be heard from everywhere

In conclusion

Nevertheless, no one can give you an accurate answer to the question, whether the church with the month is allowed. Everyone will express his point of view on this. And on the basis of this, the answer to the question should be sought not in the books and articles, but in the depths of his own soul.

The prohibition can both take place and absent. At the same time, an important meaning is paid to the motives and intentions with which the lady is going to go to the temple. For example, if her desire is to receive forgiveness, repent of the perfectness committed, then a permissible visit to the church at any time. The most important thing is that the soul always remains clean.

In general, in the period of menstruation, it is desirable to think about the actions you do. Often these days the woman in principle does not feel a special desire to leave their home. Therefore, we will summarize that visiting the temple of God during menstruation is allowed, but solely if this is really required by your soul!

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