Prayers for cleansing at home


If they swear in the apartment, they are told or quarreled, the negative energy is accumulated in it. Such a place should be cleaned with prayers so that all family members have a good mood, good health so that no one is angry with each other. When my husband and I moved to a new removable apartment, at first I did not notice anything strange.

But after a couple of days, I realized that we always had a bad mood, we began to quarrel more often. I clarified the neighbor, and it turned out that the drinking family lived in this apartment. To improve the atmosphere of the house, I started reading the cleansing house of prayer, and soon we felt the result: the apartment I became cleaner and Sunsenter, we began to go home to home after work, the differences stopped.

Such is the power of prayer! I read prayers just a few times, but every time with candles and the icon of Nicholas the Wonderworker. Therefore, now I recommend to clean my housing with prayers, even if it is your own home: periodic cleansing with a prayer will make it still lighter and more comfortable.

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The main reasons for the air atmosphere pollution

Each of us is not without sin, and even in a friendly good family, people sometimes quarrel, they are offended by each other. If the family is unfavorable, then in this case the reasons for pollution of the atmosphere of the dwelling are a lot: it is alcohol, smoking, poor attitude towards each other, bad thoughts.

It happens that people curse a friend, without thinking, what will be the consequence of this action. All this is reflected on the energy industry of the apartment: over time, if you do not clean the house with prayers, negative will accumulate in it. And the relationship in the family can only worsen.

So that our life has improved, you should read prayers for cleansing the house. Even if you live together, your guests can bring uncomfortable thoughts to the apartment, envy your well-being. That is why the cleansing house of prayer should help you as often as possible.

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Do not comprehend time to the prayer for the house, and you will have a bright atmosphere. In the house that is regularly cleaned by prayers, it is easy to breathe, people feel cheerful and good mood, joy. I do not want to swear with anyone, there is no desire to be offended by relatives. All questions are solved quickly and without conflict.

How to pray to cleanse the house

It is best to pray for the cleansing of the house with a candle in hand, bypass housing with a prayer perimeter. In order for your prayer to have a great strength, you yourself must first feel clean before God. To do this, you need to prepare: read the cleansing prayers for 3-5 days, go to confession, compete.

After that, you can with a pure heart begin prayer for the cleansing of housing. Buy a few church candles in the temple, pray to God that he blessed you to a good deal, and proceed to prayer.

There are several options for cleansing the apartment. You can, bypassing your dwelling around the perimeter with a burning candle, read ours. Most likely, you know the text by heart. If you do not know, this is an excellent reason to learn the most important Christian prayer.

Another option is to ask for the cleaning of the house in your own words. Your requests can be addressed directly to the Creator, Jesus Christ, the Virgin or Holy. The purification of the house is most often asked by Nicholas the Wonderworker, but if you feel strong love for another holy, you can ask for help in cleansing it.

What can I ask God and Saints

Even if you are annoyed by the fact that people who lived to you or your guests polluted the atmosphere at home, you should not keep offense on them. It is important to start prayer, a promotive of all ill-wishers, only in this case your request will be fulfilled.

If you are in prayer using your own words, try to pronounce them with love, with feeling. Better do not remember what was in the apartment before (quarrel, drunkenness). Focus on the future: ask God or the saints to clean the house, make it the brightest and cozy for your family. In no case do not ask for retaliation for those you consider to be blamed in the pollution of the atmosphere of the house: this is not a Christian.

An example of a prayer for cleansing at home Nikolai Wonderworker: "The Blessed Nikolai Wonderworker, I ask you, help me to make my home better, clean it from all unnecessary influences and pollution. I ask you, may only sound words, baby laughter sound in my house, let him be joy and happiness. "

In the same way you can contact the Virgin or Jesus Christ. Do not forget to thank God for help in cleansing an apartment.

How to carry out a rite with candles

It is important that you can bypass the whole apartment, look at every corner and consecrate it with your prayer. If you have like-minded people in the family, you can hold the rite together, the second person can carry the icon, lighting all the rooms at home.

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Candles are best acquired to get fat so that they are longer, so that your prayer is not interrupted so that you can freeze a new candle. Your task is to get around all the premises with a prayer, so think in advance how much you may need a candle. If the apartment is big, then you can use 5-7 candles.

Do not hurry while bypassing the apartment, read the text of prayer or live applying to God thoughtfully. It is important for you that your home is really a bright, blessed place. For this, it is important not just as soon as possible go through all rooms, but really clean the space.

If you feel strong malaise in your home, you can get around it with reading the prayer of Archangel Mikhail. In this case, it is better to take the text of the canonical prayer and read it on a piece of paper, if you learn hard.

We wish you a clean, clear space in your home!

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