Which icon is praying to get pregnant and give birth to a healthy child


Families where children are like, are often not realized which happiness fell. However, there are those where the desired child does not appear and parents do not know which icon to pray that the wife can become pregnant and give birth to a healthy child to joy to everyone.

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Sometimes there is a completely disappointing diagnosis, and with all the development of medicine, doctors cannot promise that a woman can become a mother. Then she remains only to hope for the mercy of the Lord, sending his prayers to him.

Which icon ask the child

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In any Orthodox family there is an image of the Savior and the Virgin. With a strong faith in the soul and hope in the heart you can contact them. There are, however, other icons are believed that they are how they would be responsible for the appearance of a baby in the family. Consider options in more detail. Before proceeding with the prayers to get pregnant and give birth to a healthy child, it is better to get married to the spouses.

Icons of the Mother of God

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They are considered very strong, because the image itself is the embodiment of motherhood. it

  • Mammal;
  • Georgian icon;
  • Feodorovskaya;
  • Help in childbirth;
  • Putting a baby.

It is better to turn to the miraculous originals and lists in the temples, but if there is no such possibility, then buy any of them and hang at home. Send your prayers every day, focusing only at your desire.

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Which icon is praying to get pregnant and give birth to a healthy child 4906_3

Those who want to pray precisely before the miraculous icons, you need to visit the temples where they are. The above five icons are stored in Russia. For example, a mammal - in the city of Tula. Putting the baby - in Moscow (Novodevichy Temple). Feodorovskaya is kept in the Moscow monastery of St. Nicholas. Georgian icon is also in the capital, in the Church of Pokrov. The assistant in childbirth pray in Serpukhov.

There are still a number of icons of the Music Virgin, who will help the family who wants to have children. Each in its own way is unique, and resort to it with specific requests.


This image is praying for the occurrence of pregnancy and healthy fruit.


It helps to keep the forbating strengths, protects it from diseases, gives a baby's infant.


Ensures female diseases, helps during pregnancy and difficult birth.

Inadequate joy

Those who have completely lost hope of doctors and almost never believes in a miracle. Namely, it sometimes helps them.

Cooked my sorrows

If it does not manage to conceive, you need to contact this image.

What icons of the saints of devotees pray to get pregnant

In addition to the Queen of Heaven, assistance can also have other icons. These are associates who, both with their lives, continue to patronize and help people. The main are presented below.

Saint Matronushka

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Always helped women, and it is her who most often asked for the birth of a child. Miracles were made a lot of lifetime, even more after the death.

Not yet born, the saint has already created a miracle. Her mother, being on demolition, planned to pass the newborn in the shelter, as she lived in extreme poverty and was afraid that not torture the child. However, in one of the dreams, shortly before childbirth, a white bird with a children's face was taken to her hand. It was considered a woman that sleep with the prophetic and left the girl in the family.

The child grew even blind, but in a sensitive heart. A little matron claimed that she was given a lot, although at first she did not believe! She spent a lot of time in a corner with the images of saints, playing and communicating with them. Help everyone, but most of all women with their everyday issues.

Ksenia Petersburg

Icon have many, if not, it's worth buying it, especially childless, wishing to have their own child. You can pray at home, but it is better to visit the temple on the Vasilyevsky side, because of him, according to legend, the blissful helped to build.

Release not only in Russia, but also beyond it, as it helps to get rid of family troubles. Young girls contribute to a happy marriage. Many assists with a heavy loss.

Crimean bow

Known and as a healer. So that the births were without complications, and the newborn is healthy, many send him their prayers.

There are many facts when there was still help in the saint's life and rescued the fencers, sometimes being in the balance of death.

Righteousness Anna and Joakim

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As you know, for a long time yourself were childless. These are the parents of the Virgin Mary, in their honor, one of the Moscow rulers built the temple in order to pour themselves the heir.

Spouses before the oldest did not have children. They were subjected to ridicule, and in the temple did not even take offering from them. Without sustaining this, Joachim goes to the desert, where he begins to pray, praises to give birth, and his wife. Soon they comes to the news that they will have a daughter who will glorify humanity.

Seraphim Sarovsky

Pray the wonderworker and at home, and in the temple. Apply for help to the relics of the saint.

How to pray for the gift of children

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For requests to be heard, it is better to do it in silence. It is advisable to be in front of an icon alone. Prayer send with all my heart, with all sincerity. It should be started with the burning candle. Often it is precisely the nonsense couples cannot conceive, so it is better to get married.

It should be praying not from occasion to the case, but regularly. If a miracle happened, it is impossible to stop your prayers. Even after giving birth, it is necessary to thank God for the happiness of motherhood and ask him about health for his garden and himself.

Who to pray to get pregnant and give birth to a healthy child, chooses the woman herself. The main thing is that the solution is conscious, and the prayers sincere!

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