Help in choosing the perfect rug for yoga


Yoga is a very useful and interesting practice, with the help of which to really improve the condition of its physical and mental health. In order to practice it was even more convenient, a special rug for yoga will be required, on which you will perform all asans. In this article, I will tell you how to choose the right rug for yoga.

A rug for yoga: what should it be?

Does the presence of a special rug for classes?

Many newbies, starting to engage in yoga, believe that it is quite possible to do the usual rug designed for fitness classes. However, it should be noted that they quite quickly change their mind after trying a professional yoga mat.

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After all, the rug designed specifically for yoga has a lot of positive aspects. For example, it has a non-sliding surface, due to which the grip and your hands and legs are largely increasing.

Classes on a similar rug will be real pleasure for you - you will not have to worry about that the body will start sliding in the performance of quite difficult exercises, so you can most concentrate on the practitioners themselves.

Is the purchase of "his" personal mat obligatory?

Of course, in the event that you practice yoga is rare, not so important, on which mat you will be engaged. But if your goal is regular and targeted practice, then the purchase of a professional rug is strongly recommended.

We all buy a personal toothbrush, discourse and other personal use objects that are filled with the energy of their owner. The same applies to the rugs intended for yoga.

In general, you can practice asanas and public litters, while, of course, nothing terrible will happen, because here the need for a personal subject is considered more from the position of energy than hygiene.

Due to its rug, the practice of yoga will be filled with greater awareness and depth.

Selection Trouble: High Quality Material and Cost

We do not advise you to save too much on acquiring a high-quality product - because it will absorb sweat, and therefore the energy of man. It should be stopped on a material of natural origin.

What can be said about the cost of the rug? Unfortunately, there is the same principle that everywhere: the more natural product, the higher the cost will be.

Certificates will help you to distinguish synthetic mats from naturally certificates that must be attached to high-quality products. The presence of a certificate indicates that there are no toxic components harmful to health in the rug.

Review of the differences in synthetic material from natural

  • Synthetic products differ in shortness - you can use them no more than a couple of months. For beginners, this option will still come down, but experienced yogis and yogi should choose natural materials that can safely use more than one year.
  • Synthetic mats are not inclined to holding shape. It will take five to eight classes, and your rug will become more subtle, wipe and stretch.
  • Synthetic is inclined to slip. If you do not feel a reliable support during classes, respectively, you cannot fully relax, and therefore all the necessary energy centers do not open. According to the result, you get not exactly the result that I would like.

The use of more dense and rough materials contributes to a good clutch, which will greatly facilitate your workouts.

Ideal options for yoga mats - from rubber, in which Jute or rubber is added. What is the charm of such options?

  • They are not inclined to electrify;
  • do not tend to slide;
  • do not miss chill from sweat;
  • Do not save odors in yourself.

Cotton and polyester bedding are suitable for Hatha Yoga. This is the most acceptable option for people who wanted to balance their internal energies.

Material rug is also very important

If you are considering more economical versions, then you should pay attention to thermoplastic and elastomer mats. They are distinguished by lightness, softness, they hold their shape, are not inclined to burn out in the sun, plus differ in frost resistance. To serve such a product will be approximately four years old.

Planning exit meditations, pay attention to PVC products that are wonderfully withstanding salted splashes of waves, as well as the effects of sun rays and sand. Rubber mats are ideal for practicing yoga indoors.

Yogam with experience recommended Purchase of rugs, which contains natural fibers Jute. Although such accessories are sufficiently massive, but they have high strength.

Ideal rug thickness for yoga

The principle is relevant here: the more severe the rug, the better. After all, on thick mats it will be easier for you to place the elbow or knee. Plus, such fellowships are not inclined to skip the chill from sweat secretions. The latter is very important when performing Shavasan and other long-term meditations, when the main focus should go to the inner state, and not to external inconvenience.

In the numbers of the perfect rug, you can call from four and a half to six millimeters.

Pay your attention to the fact that the traditional width of the yoga rug equates to sixty centimeters. Such subtilities are suitable for most of the fans of Indian culture. And for those who have more complexation, products are available, the width of which is equal to eighty centimeters.

Choosing the perfect length of the rug

  • One hundred eighty three centimeters - the most suitable length;
  • Parameters from two-dimensionals to two hundred twenty centimeters - such bedding are most acceptable to the class of ashtang yoga;
  • From one hundred seventy to one hundred seventy-five centimeters - only those whose growing less than one hundred sixty centimeters will be able to use similar mats.

Useful recommendation: There is a very simple method that allows you to install, whether the length of the rug will come up for yoga or not. To do this, you will need to simply decide to the length of your growth of ten centimeters. The resulting number will become optimal for you.

The length of the rug is very important, because if he does not suit you perfectly, it means that in the process of exercises or a head, or legs will be on the floor.

What is the difference of the rug for yoga from the rug for fitness?

Looking for yoga may well be used in fitness classes. But the fitness practices can no longer apply for meditative practices.

What are these two types of products differ from each other?

  • The difference in stickiness, very necessary in yoga. In the perfect embodiment, the skin cover is connected with the floor, which eliminates the likelihood of obtaining some bodily damage.

About the litter for fitness this is not said. At the same time, rugs for fitness classes will be more durable, because the yoga products are softer, due to which it is inclined to emit much faster.

yoga rug Durable rug for fitness

  • Professional line products are not inclined to slide. But only if your hands and legs are in a fairly reliably fixed position, you can relax as much as possible and harmoniously perform practices, not worrying to go along with the rug. Fitness mats do not differ similar properties.
  • Nichokes for fitness have a smaller length. For yoga classes, short models of rugs are not at all suitable: in the process of classes and head, and legs should be sure to lie on the mate.

A bit of interesting information: the difference between the rug for yoga and the tourist karemat is that the synthetic is present in the latter and it has a thermally insulating film. The main goal of the tourist rug is to remove from the cold, and it is important for yoga to protect the body from damage.

What yoga do you practice?

Now you need to decide on your chosen yoga direction, as it has a fundamentally important impact in this case. In the bulk of yoga variations, the basis of which is the traditional Hatha-yoga, special attention is paid to the high-quality clutch of the limbs and the surface. It is for this reason that the most important quality for yoga mat is "stickiness".

Most of the budget reinforced rugs made from polyvinyl chloride has sufficient stickiness, but the term of their operation is not very large - approximately two years. Plus products inherent in a slightly specific smell.

The most short-lived options are the options for the so-called "Chinese waffles", to find out which is easy to typical in the cell. The surface of these litters is prone to very rapidly erasing, as a result of which the rug loses its suitability for classes. True, recently, more qualitative models of PVC began to appear, the surface of which is not erased over time.

If you practice the power or dynamic styles of yoga, for example, ashtaga or vinyasaflow, then the presence of a high-quality non-slip rug guarantees success half.

However, when intensive practice is performed, during which the palms become sweaty, the stickiness of the surface of Yoga Mata remains in the second plan, and in the first place it falls as an indicator as absorbability.

A sufficient number of manufacturers offer yoga mats, the basis of which constitutes porous PVC, in general, having quite good indicators of absorption. But the layers of thermoplastic-elastomer (Tre) will qualitatively perform this task.

The ideal option will be the mat from a natural rubber who does not lose its anti-slip characteristics, even if the sweat is just pouring with you.

Whatever it was, if you are going to practice "hot yoga", that is, the Yoga Bikram, experts advise you to prepare a special double-sided rug with a rubberized bottom surface and a darous top layer, very similar to suede.

Using such a mat, you will not be able to fulfill the famous asana dog muzzle down at traditional yoga classes, but as soon as you slightly moisten the top layer, you will be pleasantly surprised by its tenacity.

In addition, for the exercises of hot yoga, it is worth using the so-called "yoga-towels". They are, as a rule, are made of microfiber, which is added silicone inclusions, and allow full resistance to the floor or lower rug.

Place for classes also plays an important role.

Please note that the choice of rug for yoga will greatly affect the place where you plan to train. Will this house, studio, nature, smooth or unequipped surface?

If you are planning to learn yoga in your home or studio, that is, you will not tolerate the litter from place to place, choose options for quite large weight. In the bulk of the most durable and durable, mattes with a mass of two to three kilograms. More easily versions (up to one and a half kilograms) you can do without difficulty with you.

place of classes is also important

There are also options for mats of a very small weight - less than five hundred grams. Such mats are designed to travel, because they are easily folded and placed in a suitcase or a backpack. There are similar products and a negative point - they differ in a small thickness, which means that you will feel all irregularities on the surface on which you will practice yoga.

If you are planning to practice yoga on the closure of nature, then definitely will have to abandon thin mats. For uneven and inhomogeneous soil, tourist karemats are much more suitable, which is recommended to add special towels for yoga or take advantage of the usual bedspread (beach towel).

There are also options for yoga mats made of cotton, very similar to traditional tracks used for kitchen facilities or hallway.

The most important thing is that you can be comfortable to carry your rug with you, as well as clean it after practicing in nature.

Features of the correct care of yoga mat

In most cases, manufacturers are applied to new mats special substance, which is designed to protect the surface from sticking during operation.

As a result, they advise to wipe the mat with a wet cloth, and then deploy and dry in such a position.

Wanting that yoga mat served you as long as possible, it is necessary to constantly wipe it with wet napkins. From time to time, the "big wash" is admissible, in which the economic soap is applied. Of course, now we are talking exclusively about manual washing. Quickly dry the litter you can, if you roll it away.

Special components for cleansing yoga mats are very popular in Western countries. Their foundation is water and essential oils.

You have a wonderful opportunity to create your own unique solution, for this you need to take from a hundred to two hundred milliliters of distilled water and pour a pair of lavender oil droplets or tea tree oil.

The addition to the water of alcohol or vodka in a proportional ratio one to one will add to your solution and disinfecting properties.

According to the opinion of Indian yogis, the rugs for yoga are filled with the energy of their owners, and over time, the practice of practicing energy is absorbed. Thanks to this, you will make your yoga lessons even more efficient and can achieve a more pronounced result.

Therefore, if you are experiencing difficulties related to the implementation of Asan, consider once again, the root of the problem is as if in a frequent change of mat.

Now you know what a rug for yoga will be the best in your particular case and how to choose it correctly. We wish you success in this case, as well as in the comprehension of this great and ancient art.

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