Icons of the Mother of God - photo and description to them, meaning


Orthodox reproduced in faith are lost among the variety of images of Our Lady. What kind of image you need to pray and what to ask? In this article I will tell you about everything and show the icons of the Mother of God, photo and describing them.

After reading the various icons of the Virgin, you will not be confused to stand near the iconostasis and guess what kind of appeal to. It was in this situation that was my newlyracted friend, who set the candle to the first seen icon in the church. She was so promoted that he almost dispersed from despair. This awkward position can be prevented by knowledge.

Icons of the Mother of God Photo and Description

Four types of images of Our Lady

If you look into the Orthodox calendar, you can see a lot of dates for the worship of the Virgin Icons. Orthodox church was replenished with new traditions and saw many wonders of the Holy Spirit. The accumulated experience was so much that today the believers are quite difficult to navigate in all the variety of traditions and holidays. We will understand which images of the Virgin exist.

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Images of the Virgin:

  • odigitria;
  • Elyus;
  • Oranta;
  • Akafiste.

The type of images "Odihythrius" is characterized by the fact that the Mother of God indicates a man of God. Translated from Greek "Odigitria" means "guide". Widespread images of "odigitria" - Smolensk, Georgian, Kazan.

On the images of the "Elyus" style, the Virgin Mary is gently hugging the Boggobyman, pigeon him. These are very penetrated images of the Mother of God, who do not leave anyone indifferent. Elyus translated from Greek denotes - Milic. Extensive images of "Elyus" - Donskaya and Vladimirskaya.

The type of images of Oranta is distinguished by the hands of the Virgin's hands as a prayer. The most revered image of this style is an indelible bowl. Translated from the Greek word "Oranta" denotes "sign". God's mother is petitioning for the human race, puts out the sins of people in front of the Lord. The Godhead has not yet been born, he is still in the womb of the mother. Also, this style of iconography includes the image of Yaroslavl Oranta.

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Akafisite type of images is inspired by gospel texts. On these icons, the Virgin is involved in the life of his son. Widespread images of this type - an inadvertent joy, unhapable bunk.

Stock Foto Icons of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Description icons

The icons of Our Lady have a strong impact on believers and even atheists. The image of a woman who gave the only son on flour for the sake of salvation of mankind, could not leave anyone indifferent. The Mother of God worship the intercession of the entire human race, they are treated in the most difficult and joyful moments in life. The news of the wonders who create her images have long reached the most remote corners of the planet.

Looking at the image of Our Lady, every believer feels her warm love, mercy and the forgiveness of sins. This meek woman won honored to be the mother of Jesus Christ himself. So, the beauty of her soul and holiness was noted by the creator of the universe.

The recovery of the dead

Before this way, they are praying for exemption from severe spiritual / bodily ailments, about deliverance from enhancement to guilt and curious, about delivering from gambling and various dependencies, on approval of faith and apostates from Orthodoxy. You can also ask the Virgin on the strengthening of the marriage if he begins to decay.


The image refers to the type of "Elyus", the Godhead gently adhered to the mother, and she gently presses him to her body. The Lick The Mother of God is praying for help at the birth of a child.


According to legend, this leak wrote the evangelist of Luka even before the Assumption of the Virgin. Find out the icon easily by the scroll in the hand of the Bog Master. The icon is praying for the health of children, restoration of vision and mobility of the joints. Also with the help of it bend demons.


This icon can be immediately recognized at one posting - a seen heel of a little Jesus. Icon is considered the patroness of Russia, the main domestic shrine. The icon of Vladimirskaya is raised by molbo about enemies, reconciliation of nonsense, protection against heresy.


This icon belongs to the style of "Odigitria" and something resembles Tikhvin. This image is worshiped by miraculous, and its feature is considered a quick response to the requests of the suffering. Molves on healing of view, relaxation and chromoty are raised to the icon. Also, the image helps to free themselves from the captivity, from any addiction. In former times to the icon, pleads were raised about people who fell into shipwreck.


This image is very honored among Orthodox believers. In the breast of the Virgin, 7 arrows who cause her pain. Lots of seven stirster, some of them are called "softening evil hearts". Molubs are raised to the icon about the reconciliation of the warring, deliverance from enemies and terrible ailments.

God's Mother Icons All Images

  • Ostrarm icon - protects marriage bonds.
  • Unaltable buggy - protects property from fire.
  • The sign of the Most Holy Theotokos - guards from the trouble, protects children and gives them happiness.
  • The icon of the Donskoy pray for the world, protection against enemies, healing from wounds and ailments.
  • To the image of the Assumption of the Most Holy Theotokos, pleadings to get rid of death fear, healing, for the approval of faith and finding humility.
  • The Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos is praying for liberation from the dungeon, about the prosperous completion of cases, about receiving a favorable news, about freedom from spiritual / bodily ailments.
  • The image of the Iverland of Our Lady is still referred to as the "goalkeeper". The icon is praying for exemption from diseases, protection against enemies, protection against heresy, to strengthen faith, protection against natural disasters and accidents.
  • Icon Tempered was a favorite way prep. Seraphim Sarovsky. The icon refers to the miraculous, and even lists from it have an incredible spiritual force. The icon is praying for the birth, protection against ill-wishers, about reconciliation of quarrel, on the hardening of marriage and many other problems.
  • Icon Christmas Blessed Virgin Mary is settling family problems, the birth of babies, claims faith, gives long-suffering and humility.

Virgin Mary Photo

Icon value

Virgin Icons symbolize the unity of Divine and human nature. The earthly woman was honored to give birth to the Big Mounty, who gave salvation to all the mortals. The image of the Virgin is intuitively understandable to every person, because it symbolizes mother. Every person is clear that only a mother can take and forgive child. As if the child would noring, no matter how she guessed, he will always find comfort on the mother's breast.

To the image of the Mother of God, you need to approach with a sincere crushed heart, not allowing indifference or disbelief. Only the sincere heart will be able to hear the Major Virgo and will certainly comfort the suffering, reassuring journey and grieving. The miraculous image of the Virgin teaches humility, godoidal, obedience and virtue. It is important in any situations to remain a person and adhere to the commandments of this Christ: "Yes love each other."

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