Tattoo Deer: Meaning for girls and guys


Despite the fact that I am very careful about any kind of pictures on the body, a tattoo with a deer always causes only positive emotions. His value is good luck, longevity, abundance and happiness. Therefore, such a tattoo will bring its mastery of all the best, able to change fate for the better. This is a wonderful sign even for girls with which many other "animal" symbols are contraindicated.

Deer in antiquity

The history of any tattoo is rooted in ancient times, when people deified the spirits of animals and endowed them a special, magical meaning.

Tattoo deer value for girls

What meant a deer symbol in cultures of different countries and nationalities:

  1. Scandinavians considered the deer of sacred animals, guarded and worshiped him. He was a permanent companion of one of the strongest goddesses - Isa, patroness of motherhood, giving people fertility and abundance.
  2. Celts believed that the horned animal is a symbol of rebirth and longevity. As well as a sign of long life, abundant, happy, full of love and wealth.
  3. In Europe, deer has always been an equity and strong character. Animal image personified the best male qualities - purposefulness, courage, wisdom, exposure and resistance.
  4. In China, this is a symbol of fertility and abundance. Deer sign used in cases where it was necessary to enlist luck and luck, as well as to solve complex, confusing family problems.
  5. In the country of the rising Sun deer - a symbol of long and healthy life.
  6. In the ancient Slavs, this symbol was revered as a divine. He personified sinless life, self-sacrifice, altruism.

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Conclusion: Deer - Animal practically sacred and extremely favorable sign. The tattoo with his image can bring only positive events in life to its owner, will strengthen the best features of his character, give good luck. Of course, if you believe that this is not just a picture on the body, but a sign with a special magical force.

Tattoo value

Tattoo depicting a deer has a very deep meaning. In principle, it is not worth treating a tattoo only as a decoration of the body. It is always a symbol that is able to influence your destiny and radically change life.

Tattoo deer value

Tattoo can strengthen any qualities of your character or help you develop them. As for the image of a deer:

  1. This is a symbol of vital energy and abundance. A person with such a sign will always be full of forces, which is enough to achieve any goals. All tasks to him on the shoulder, and luck is always on his side.
  2. Also this is a symbol of fertility and deep connection with the generic system. Deer helps to enlist the support of the genus, always be under invisible protection and patronage, feel safety.
  3. Oleni horns personify the tree of life, and in some sources - the rays of the sun. In the east, this is a symbol of rebirth, updates, the origin of something globally, high-quality, meaningful.
  4. According to Chinese traditions, such a tattoo will bring its owner success in all life spheres, and will also help become a rich, successful person who gets everything easily and effortlessly from life.
  5. In some sources, deer personifies the victory of good over evil. This is a symbol of light, life, the most positive and favorable. It is also a sign of longevity and deep vital wisdom.
  6. This is a very strong energy symbol. Enhances in man such traits such as a sense of justice, masculinity, resistance to life adversities.
  7. Sometimes a deer sign can be regarded as a symbol of loneliness. But not what is going to sadness and in despondency. On the contrary, a person is simply able to be happy and alone with himself, it does not require other people and favorable circumstances for this.
  8. The wounded deer with an arrow in the heart is not a negative sign. On the contrary, such a tattoo means that a person opened his heart for love that he wants to divide with his second half. He is full of passion, but a tattoo can strengthen the feeling of jealousy, so with such a pattern it is worth careful if you are without that jealous.
  9. Deer is a divine symbol that helps to enlist the blessing of God himself. He personifies the purity and innocence, beauty and wisdom. Polon positive energy, literally radiates light and carries it into the world around.

In general, it can be argued that such a tattoo will bring to its owner only good luck and happiness. It is especially good for girls, because it helps to get everything from life easily and effortlessly, to be realized in family and motherhood, reveal femininity and filled with energy. And Men deer can bring fame and wealth, send many favorable opportunities to succeed.

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Deer is an ideal tattoo for creative people. It will help strengthen the stream of inspiration, develop your potential and use talent for the benefit of the world, people and God. Creative people are often not able to organize their own routine of the day, which suffers from the financial sphere of their lives.

A tattoo with a deer will help to eliminate this problem in life - a person will be able to get everything easily and effortlessly, to receive a worthy payment for his creations, even if it does not work on a clear schedule.

Also, the tattoo helps to fully disclose the uniqueness, to understand what it is in your particular case. If you are still searching for your destination or your beloved case, you can easier to decide and start taking steps in the direction.

deer tattoo what does it mean

But people are practical and rational may suffer, become more frivolous with such a tattoo. She will bring dissonance into their worldship, so it is worth thinking about other versions of tattoos.

People tough, aggressive, with clear goals and an uncompromising character, the image of a horned animal on the body will help soften, learn to relax and enjoy life in all its manifestations.

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