Tattoo Crow: Value and Decoding


I prefer not to communicate with people who have a tattoo with a raven on the body, because the meaning of such a picture almost always talks about aggression, unreliability and danger. Considering that the tattoo has repeatedly strengthens the character traits, the symbol of which is, communication with a similar person can be extremely unpleasant. We will understand more.

Tattoo history

Since ancient times, people decorated their body with images of animals and birds. Raven is a symbol with its definite meaning, which in different cultures has its own characteristics.

Raven Tattoo Men for Men

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What meant this sign from different nations:

  1. The Celtic people associated the image of the crow from the goddess of war and the death of Morigan. They believed that this is a sign of the dark forces, which promises only suffering, and may also mean communications with the devil himself.
  2. Celts caused the spirit of the crow in magical rituals and to predict the future. It was believed that this bird was able to tell about the upcoming events, about the outcome of an important battle.
  3. The population of Africa will honor the crow, considering his spirit with his sacred assistant. The killing of the bird is an ominous sign that promises bad weather and crop death. Therefore, they defeated the raven and did not allow anyone to offend them.
  4. The Scandinavian peoples associated the image of the crow with God Odin, the patron saint of the military. Raven personified for them the highest degree of mind, excellent memory and unsurpassed wisdom.
  5. Aborigines of America used a crow in the shamanish rites. According to the ancient legends of this people, the bird was one of the progenitors of the human race.
  6. In the ancient Romans, Crow symbolized faith and hope. Their neighbors - the Greeks also respected the bird, considering it by the patron of farmers, a symbol of fertility and abundance.
  7. For the Egyptians, the raven is an ominous symbol. They believed that this bird could bring only destruction and evil.
  8. The Chinese consider the corona of the bird of a strong, powerful, according to its strength comparable only with the sun. It is also a symbol of long, strong, harmonious and happy love.
  9. Orthodox people were afraid of a black bird, considering it a sign of gloomy, creature avenge. It was believed that she brings pain, disappointment and suffering. Antipode pigeon, birds of the world.

Next, we'll figure it out what can mean a tattoo with the image of a strong black bird in modern realities.

Tattoo value

Interpretations in various sources give different interpretations. The value of the tattoo will depend on the fact that the floor is the bird depicted on the body.

Raven Tattoo

What can mean a tattoo with a raven or a crow:

  1. Emphasizes the domineering nature of the owner. It is well suited to people who occupy senior positions manage business. They are somewhat aggressive, may be cruel and uncompromising.
  2. The female crow is a symbol of loneliness, but at the same time cunning and tricks. Speaks about the villages of his owner, his greedy motivations and thoughts. Not the most favorable sign.
  3. Very often, tattoos with black birds are applied to the body people possessing magical abilities. Mostly it is "black magicians", which in their rituals are not bended to the dark ways to achieve the desired. In this case, Raven is the personification of secret knowledge and a strong assistant in esoteric rituals.
  4. Raven is also a symbol of magnificent insight. The sign suggests that you do not hide anything from a person: he sees those surrounding literally through.
  5. Sometimes the image of the crow identify with innocence, unfairly punished person. The roots of this value goes to biblical legends.
  6. Picture tattoo with raven can people who dream of living for a long time, because the bird is a symbol of longevity. But do not forget that she is also a dropner - in the association, a person can literally "eat" the energy of people who came to hopeless situations.
  7. A couple of raven - a symbol of strong, long and happy family, a cozy marriage or comfortable, harmonious relationship.

Important: It should be remembered that the tattoo is not just a decoration on the body, but also a strong energy symbol that may affect the entire future life of a person. Therefore, the choice of drawing should be approached with full responsibility.

Value at zone

In prison, their laws: tattoos of prisoners always indicate their status, position in the "thieves" circles.

Tattoo raven value

What does Crow mean:

  • Indicates that the criminal was doing theft. Raven - "Thief He.
  • At the same time, the raven is a symbol of hatred. This means that a person with a similar pallium takes away from other people property and money, because they hate them.
  • "ADVANT" such a tattoo is also especially dangerous, aggressive criminals who are completely unpredictable in their actions and often shock even the most motive zeks.

Check the video on the topic:

Decoding Tata

The tattoo value may vary and depending on exactly exactly the bird is depicted.

For example:

  1. If it is drawn in the nest either near her small chicks fly, then the owner of the tattoo is a man who seeks to the quiet comfort of a family hearth, feels a deep connection with his native.
  2. Raven in flight - a sign of an aggressive person who is born to attack. All his life he pursues weak and defenseless to cause them pain and suffering.
  3. Raven on a branch - a sign, symbolizing deep loneliness. This is an introvert person who uncomfortunely feels in society, seeks to close from everyone and most often only alone with him.
  4. Bird with a skull is the most dangerous option. The character of a person with such a tattoo is extremely aggressive and dangerous. From him you can wait for any meanness, it is capable of even murder.
  5. A pair of raven male floor - a sign of proximity with friends. Most often it is an exceptionally male symbol. Such a person aims to strong partnerships is not capable of betrayal, always puts his shoulder in a difficult situation.
  6. A flock of raven or only bird wings - the personification of power and its own superiority over others. The owner of such a picture on the body believes that it is best of all others, and it is almost always justified. But he can sway in his arrogance and get a lot of enemies, so you need to be extremely careful with a similar tattoo.

I especially do not recommend making tattoos with crown girls. They completely destroy femininity and softness inherent in the female floor, turning their mistress in an unpleasant and threaten personality.

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