The value that the tattoo skull has a culture tattoo


Tattoos is a very interesting option to decorate your body. But it is not enough to choose a similar drawing - it is necessary to find out what is drawn by your squabble. After all, the symbols caused by themselves can provide both positive and negative impact on your health and life in general. Therefore, in the following material, I suggest you to study the value of the tattoo skull.

Tattoo skull photo

What denotes a tattoo with a skull

The skull acts as a tattoo that causes people a lot of diverse emotions. In the main characteristic of TATU Skull touches the danger, the death and awareness of the frequency of human being. In most cases, each person is presented with similar topics, although not everyone seeks to discuss this.

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In addition, a tag with a skull symbolizes the truth, the bitter truth of time, able to destroy and kill everything over time. Another tattoo can symbolize forgiveness and sacrifice.

The specified designation came to us from the beginning of Christianity. According to one old legend, when Jesus Christ died on the cross, his blood spread over the cross and the earth and Omoiding the skull of Adam, who was the first man on Earth. Thanks to this, Jesus was able to redeem the sin committed by Adam and Eve.

It is for this reason that all the crucifix icons from the bottom of the cross demonstrate a skull with crossed bones - the grave of Adam.

In terms of Buddhist religious organizations, skulls are used as a talisman designed to regularly resemble the holiness of human life.

Ancient Celts traveling almost throughout Europe, it was believed that the eternal soul of man is kept in the skull. As a result, there was a tradition to keep the skull of outstanding members of the tribe, famous warriors and treat them very carefully and carefully. It was believed that a person who had someone's skull, adopt the power and greatness of the deceased.

After reviewing the old variants of the interpretation of the tattoo with a skull, we will turn to the review of modern options.

Tattoo value in men

It should be noted that the skull of the skull has a universal value and for the most part there is a common meaning for both sexes. Differences in drawings with turtles can only be in variations of images, as well as parts of the body on which they are located.

In particular, representatives of the strong half love to apply the skulls on fire or black skulls that do not have auxiliary details.

Also, it is also often in men who can observe the dolls depicting the skull with crossed bones (acting as an ancient pirate symbol). In ancient times, there could be similar pallows on their body only with crime links. But over time, the symbol value has changed, and he began to more denote death and everything concerns her.

Persons seeking to fulfill the tath in their body with turtles, repeatedly brought to the face of death or to face her by the will of fate. It is likely that the impressions of eternal thought were able to impose such a deep imprint on a person that he had a desire to capture the death face on his body.

In some cases, the tattoo with a skull symbolizes the victim. Therefore, the image is often selected by guys belonging to a specific subculture or movements that appreciate the image mainly on the back and shoulders. It is noteworthy that in such organizations a tattoo with a skull is likely to tell the openness and even death to death than its fear.

What denotes the tattoo skull in lovely ladies

Often, a fair floor representatives stop their choice on more easy and beautiful variations of tattoo turtles: decorated with flowers or auxiliary details.

And from the most popular areas of the body for applying the tattoo you can call the hips, lower back or shoulders. The tattoo designated plan will indicate the dream to live forever and be forever young and attractive.

If a snake crashes in the tattoo from the eye from the eye, it means that such a tattoo personifies the wisdom, the tests and the eternal life of the soul. Pulling of a similar plan is often performed when people moved some serious shocks in life and seek to perpetuate the memory of them.

Tattoo with a skull in a girl photo

The residents of Mexico once a year passes a very strange celebration, which is called the death festival. This kind of carnival implies the worship of death, as well as the celebration of the opportunity for some time to live in physical reality, the manifestation of respect for every living moment. At the celebration, people paint their body with the help of a wide variety of variations of skulls.

Tattoo value in prison

A special value inherent in a similar tattoo executed by prisoners. As a rule, such a squint among those who are in places of deprivation of liberty, indicates the entry into thieves circles or will indicate some power.

Most of its tattoos with turtles are chosen by authoritative personalities that were in the colony.

Variants of tattoos with their meaning

Skull with roses

Tatoo combines horror and beauty. What will this tattoo tell? It will depend largely on the location of the details of the knockers:
  • Skull who grows the flower, or the plant lies next to him. Sens a symbol of the loss of a loved one, unexpected death. Tattoo reflects grief and deep sadness.
  • Rose in the teeth. He will tell about the risky nature of its owner. In his blood a lot of excitement, he wishes to anyone not limited life and enjoy it to the maximum.

Tattoo with a skull and snake

Although the reptile symbolizes the death, the specified version of the Tattu will tell about the acquired wisdom and the immortality of the soul. Moreover, the value of the tattoo will increase if the snake composition is depicted by crazy.

And besides, a similar combination may indicate knowledge and intelligence. Many believe that such a tattoo can make its owner more successful and bring him a lot of easy money.

Tattoo Skull, Snake and Roses

Skull in which the dagger sticks out

The value of such a tattoo will be one - death. She can also tell about the readiness of any actions, in particular immoral.

Skull with Voronom

Probably, the person who completed such a tattoo seeks to look more brutally than in fact. Most likely, death does not frighten her at all, and she herself can become a source of death for others.

There is another value of such a tattoo - victory over the enemies. Plus, in a similar plot, you can also trace the topic of grief and loss of a loved one.

Skull and crown

It characterizes the powerful person, which will not stop before, if it wants to achieve the desired one. This is the winner in any battles.

Skull in fire

He is a symbol of a bright personality, unable to sit still in place. Life is perceived by such a person as one amazing adventure.

Skull and hours

Such a tattoo is designed to motivate you to think over the guise of being, which is inclined to end, and often unexpectedly. Many are completely in vain do not think about it.

Therefore, such a squint will perform a peculiar reminder that you should always remember the eternal.

Skull Indian

A man who completed the like Tattoo is confident that he is one with nature, and loves to practice self-knowledge.

Tattoo sugar turtle

Known called "Caalacher". He is a symbol of the eternal soul.

The study of the value of tattoo is a very interesting and mysterious theme. You can find all the new interesting details of the designations that will help better navigate the world of Tattoo and Bodyarta art.

If you want to learn more than the values ​​of the knack, I advise you to add this site to bookmarks and carefully read the other sections.

And at the end of the topic, I propose to view the video with sketches of Tattoo Skull:

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