Wolf Tattoo: Value for Guys and Girls


When I see a man with a tattoo of a wolf, I literally "read" his character, even if he did not say a word. The value of such an image suggests that its owner is a tough, uncompromising, purposeful, but at the same time faithful and devoted to loved ones. Let's try to figure it out more.

Who comes up tattoo with a wolf?

Fill the image of the wolf on the body can be dependent on the floor and age. This beast is a symbol of determination and mind. If you want to emphasize these qualities in yourself, strengthen them or buy them, feel free to go to the tattoo salon by selecting the right image.

tattoo wolf going to the moon

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It is known that tattoos are not just a decoration, but are able to change their owner, help him acquire the missing quality of character. As for the wolf, this is the choice of people of independent, bold and freedom-loving.

If you consider yourself a weak, infantile and dream of getting rid of these features, the tattoo will help.

Where to make a tattoo?

The area on which the tattoo with a wolf is fastened - this is most often shoulders, hands, breasts or back. The choice of space on the body depends only on personal preferences and size of the image.

Tattoo Wolf value for men

As for the color, the wolf is more often depicted in a black and white version, but you can try and color option.

Important: It is advisable to do a tattoo with a wolf at some turning moment of your life. The event can be coincided with some memorable date, then the properties of the image will increase and will influence your life more.

Value for guys

Men most often choose the image of a wolf for a tattoo. And not surprising: this is a symbol of aggressive, courageous, which girls are not always decorated.

Wolf tattoo value for guys

As for the image value on the body, it may be:

  1. The wolf is a symbol of qualities such as appeal, freedom, the desire to achieve their goals, work at the limit of opportunities. If these qualities about you, the tattoo fits you perfectly.
  2. In some interpretations, the wolf symbolizes the strength of the Spirit and a deep connection with nature surrounding the world. Also, the wolf can be a symbol of strong related links. It helps his owner to enlist the strength and support of the genus and the entire generic system.
  3. Recall the character of the beast: he is strong, deft, merciless with the enemies, but very faithful and devoted to his family, a flock. Anger and aggression exhibits only during hunting or defense, and in peacetime calm and serene.
  4. The wolf, going to the moon, symbolizes self-sufficient, solid man who is comfortable and alone. Happy people do not do people and circumstances, and he himself. Sometimes such tattoos are made after a serious betrayal from a close person as a sign of mistrust to people and deep mental injury.
  5. The wolf is a Celtic symbol. Ancient Celtic warriors decorated themselves with this sign to enlist the care and support of their people, spirits, guardian angels.
  6. The wolf with a dumbfounded mouth is a symbol of aggression, cruelty and extreme malice. Such a tattoo is suitable for a person who lives in its own laws and denies public. He does not want to live in the power of stereotypes, obey other regulations. There is always its position and opinion.
  7. The beast in motion personifies a person adventurous. He loves adventure, can not live without bright emotions and impressions. In his life there should always be a novelty feeling. The motto of such a guy is "fucking while I breathe."
  8. The wolf jumping figure says that a person with honor meets any trials on the life path. He is not just ready to overcome difficulties and solve problems, but also looking for them intentionally, believing that difficulties are developing and hardened.
  9. Wolf waswolf personifies contact with the "Lower", magical and mystical world. By making such a tattoo, a person confirms his willingness to be in touch with the dark forces, serve them and obey.
  10. Wolf - a softer sign, symbolizing loyalty and dedication. If it is beasts next to it, it is also a symbol of motherhood, dedication, guardianship and care, disinterested love.
  11. White wolf characterizes a person as a single. He is accustomed to everything to seek himself, never waits for help and counts only on himself. But this state of affairs does not oppress him, he is fearless in his loneliness, a solid and free personality.
  12. Wolf on fire or with bright red eyes - also sign mystical. Such a tattoo is worth making only people who are engaged in esoteric or magical practices. Energetically very strong sign.
  13. A whole flock of animals led by the leader - a sign of the leader who leads all. He and the patron, and the leader. The head of the family, the team, a suitable sign for the owner of a large business aimed at build a whole corporation.
  14. The skeleton or skull of the Forest Beast, depicted on the body, says that a person is not afraid of death. He is not looking for her, but not afraid. Often engaged in extreme sports or rest.

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Value for girls

The tattoo with the image of the wolf, the value is very aggressive, so the girls are rarely stuffed by such a sign on the body. In fact, for the representatives of the fine floor, this tattoo does not carry any danger.

For them, the wolf or a wolf becomes a symbol of loyalty and devotion to a partner, family and children. But also a strong character. This is a sign of not a housewife, which is engaged only by the house, but a purposeful and ambitious person, capable of working on a par with a man.

It is unwanted to fill such a tattoo and without that strong young lady. "Men's" features of their character can seriously increase and prevent building harmonious and happy relationships. The wolf literally "quit" all femininity of his owner.

But if the woman in nature is weak and dissatisfying, the tattoo will help to temper the character, learn to defend their borders, say "no" and solve life problems without someone else's help.

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