Icon of the Mother of God Healer: Meaning, Prayer, Help


Nobody insured against serious diseases, anyone may be in the challenges of the ailment. In these difficult times, the Queen of the Heavenly Virgin comes to the rescue. The Icon of the Mother of God The healer has a centuries-old history, she raised many people with a mortal evidence.

In our family, Icon made a miracle of healing a sister chained to bed when doctors simply diluted with their hands and could not help anything. In the article, I want to tell how to pray the icon and ask the Virgin about mercy.

Icon of God Mother Healer

Istria Image

The healer icon is particularly revered in the Orthodox world, it is located in every temple in any corner of the Earth. At the bottom of the miraculous image was written a brief story about a miracle, which made the Muchi Virgo. Some lists from the icon depicts holy worships.

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There are a lot of evidence when the Virgin was sick people in a dream and pointed out what facility need to be reached by prayer. So, repeatedly God's mother healed the Saint Seraphim of Sarovsky from deaths.

Holiday reading of the Holy Image - October 1.

The history of the miraculous face rises to the IV century of our era. Once a serious illness struck the Georgian priest of Vikence, who was distinguished by God-fearing and a prayer feat. The pain was so strong that the Holy Father was losing consciousness. One day, an angel who prayed in his dream, who prayed to the Virginia for the recovery of Vikentia.

After the zealous praying of the angel to Vineti, the Mother of God was healing and healed. The priest fully recovered and gained bodily power. Vincent immediately went to the temple and together with the singers glorified the Virgin Mary. It was a real miracle, since the priest's disease was considered insecheme. After that, the icon painters began to write the healer icon.

In Russia, Icon appeared only in the XVIII century, it was located in the Alekseevsky women's monastery. During the war with the army of Napoleon, the monastery was destroyed, but the nuns managed to preserve the miraculous icon and other church utensils in the ground. A hospital was installed in the same place, thanks to which Napoleonic troops were afraid to approach the shrines (feared to get sick from the patients).

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During the revolution, the miraculous image was postponed to Church of the Resurrection of Christ in Sokolniki. He is located there and today.

Prayer Virgin Mary Healer:

Icon Healer Photo and Prayer

What helps

The icon of the Virgin Healer will save from different ailments, including incurable. The Mother of God is so pretty that he hears the hearthons of sorry and soften the feeling of pain and suffering. In addition to bodily healing, Icon grants:

  • Healing from mental torments and passions;
  • strengthening the spirit during testing;
  • protection from troubles and misfortunes;
  • the liberation of innocent convict;
  • The joy of motherhood is childless;
  • Help in raising children.

The bold must sincerely pray and ask for help, without losing faith in healing. Prayers are raised daily and daily thank the healer for mercy and assistance . Some diseases are so serious that it is necessary to strengthen faith in God and the help of the Virgin. In these difficult minutes, the tests should come closer to God and strengthen faith. Many people are tested for this. A person aware of his disigma and begins to rely only on God's help.

The believer should continually take prayers to God and in Mount, and in joy. This teaches the Gospel and Holy Fathers.

Bodily diseases are easier tolerated with prayer on the mouth.

Do not forget to confess and communion, and you also need to pass the sacrament of cobble . The Apostle Paul commanded the believer, which helps to get rid of those sins about which a person does not suspect. Any sin, even the most insignificant, heavy cargo lies with the soul and leads to suffering.

During the prayer permission to the Virgin, the healer need to order a forty-head for health . Holy people will pray to pray for health and healing the patient within 40 days. Also You can order a non-saturated psalm in the monastery for 40 days / 6 months / year . It will be a powerful ability to lend illness together with the prayers of the sore and its relatives.

When writing a health note, you need to properly inscribe names. Indicate the baptismal name of the person in the parental case (Sergius, Fotinia, Lyudmila). The patronymic and surname do not indicate. You can record the "sorry" so that the father mentioned it in prayer.

Prayer The Mother of God Helytner

Water bubble prayer

A very strong effect has a prayer with water and a healer icon. Consecrated water bring home and give a patient every morning on an empty stomach. A small sanctification of water is of great strength, this prayer is ordered at any time in the church (the presence of the patient is not necessary).

It is also necessary to have Epiphany Water in the house, consecrated in the Epiphany Christmas Eve on January 18th. Water is sanctified immediately after the end of the liturgy. You can take baptic water and 19 numbers, as this day is performed exactly the same sanctification. It is impossible to think that the water of the 18th day is something better or worse than that which 19 numbers are sanctified.

Holy water is well and long kept, without losing its properties. Just need to remember that it is taken on an empty stomach, and not after eating. Holy water requires a reverent relationship, so it is stored in a clean and bright place, not under the bed or in Chulana.

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