Prayer martyr Vonifatia from drunkenness husband, son or daughter


Drunkenness in Russia and the world is a big problem. Families, close and drunk himself suffer. Mortality from alcohol poisoning has acquired a universal scale. For many years we fought with addiction at a cousin, because of which he lost his job and family. Prayer martyr Vonifatia from drunkenness helped to defeat the Green Zmia and free the soul of a man from a deadly sin. In the article, I will tell you how to pray correctly.

Prayer martyr Vonifatia from drunkenness

Saint Wonfatiya

Before leaving the prayers to the holy and the wonderworkers, you need to learn a little about their lives and serving God. Voniphati in his youth indulged in sin of solvents together with a rich woman who served as the manager. The young man lived a slit life, not aware of his fall.

The miracle of God's mercy is manifested exactly when he encourages a person to serve from the bottom of life.

Voniphati gradually began to realize his demandless life and secretly pray to God about salvation. A rich roman has become aware of his sinfulness with which inhibited by Voniphati. Once she asked the young man to bring her the relics of the saints to the house. In those terrible times, the persecutes of Christians sold the relics of the righteous killed by them, trading went in full swing. When the young man went to execute the request of his Mrs., he did not suspect that he would bring his power.

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When the young man arrived at the place where the followers of Christ were tormented, and saw the mutilated bodies, his heart was transformed. He began to cry and embrace sufferers, began to ask Jesus blessing to help tormented people. To this day, holy vonifatius helps suffering, tormented and disadvantaged people. The heart of the saint is filled with compassion to everyone who needs help and support.

Prayer SV Vonifatia from drunkenness

Martyr death of vonicaty

When the venel saw the experiences of the young man for the expelled Christians, he demanded from him to bring sacrifices to idols. The brave young man categorically refused to worship dead idols, for which he was hung upside down. During the torture of Vonifatius, Jesus prayed to strengthen his spirit. The miracle of instant healing could not remain unnoticed, because wounds from shocks and copies completely disappeared from the body of the brave young man.

Then the venel of the city ordered the split tin in the throat throat. However, this cruelty agitated by the people, and torture did not fulfill. In order to temper the folk unrest, he was given the order to cut off his head in Vonifatia. So the martyr died for the Christian faith, which was counted for the face of saints.

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The satellites of the young men, with whom he came to the city, bought the remains of the vonifati and brought Roman Mrs.. A rich woman built a temple in which he placed the relics of vonifati. Since then, many wonderful healings occurred in that place. The woman spent the rest of his life in a post and prayer and quietly went to heaven with a clean soul and heart.

Prayer of the Holy Martyr Vonifatia from drunkenness

Prayer from drunkenness

Prayer Vonifatia can make miracles if a person sincerely wants to correct. Saint pray for healing from bodily and mental illnesses. The maternal prayer for children obsessed with the sin of drunkenness is very strong. Together with the mother can read the prayer of St. Vonifatia and a loving wife, if you want to help your husband get rid of addiction to alcohol.

If a person independently wants to get rid of the influence of Green Zmia, he must:

  • regularly confessed in the church;
  • Take a curse;
  • comply with all Orthodox posts;
  • Find a decent lesson in life.

If you decide to pray for the liberation from the sin of drunkenness, talk with the priest. Holy Father will bless you to prayer work and will mention your name in daily prayers. It is also necessary to order the organizer service - akathist or prayer. If the akathist is a water binding, you need to drink consecrated water daily on an empty stomach with prayer.

Keep patience, pray daily and do not lose faith in healing.

The post is of great importance to the human soul, when he fights his bodily attachment and defeats her spirit. Wishing to correct and find a sober lifestyle It is recommended to withstand a 40-day post without rapid food and alcoholic beverages . During the post, it is necessary to read prayer to prayer daily from drunkenness.

However, the sin of winey can again return, so you should be vigilant. To resist temptations, it is necessary to constantly pray, confess and communion. All the rest of life.

Can the prayer of Saint Vonfatia from drunkenness to help without a person's knowledge? Not only can be, but it is necessary to apply to the saints for dependent on alcohol or drug drugs. Only before this should ask the blessings from the priest. Holy Voniphati himself in his youth led a slit life, but then corrected and repented. Therefore, he can take a prayer petition about the dead souls.

Do I need to pray sv. Vonifatya, if a person passes a course of treatment from alcoholism in the clinic? This must be done, since prayer strengthens the spirit and contributes to better healing.

Prayer of the Holy Martyr Vonifatia from drunkenness:

Prayer martyr Vonifatia from drunkenness husband, son or daughter 4928_4

Prayer martyr Vonifatia from drunkenness husband, son or daughter 4928_5

Prayer martyr Vonifatia from drunkenness husband, son or daughter 4928_6

Prayer St. Vonfatia from drunkenness Abbreviated:

Prayer martyr Vonifatia from drunkenness husband, son or daughter 4928_7

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