Thanksgiving prayer Nikolai Wonderworker for help


Many know that during difficulties the best help is a prayer. But people often forget that the Saints and God should definitely be thanked for the help. Heart gratefulness is a sign that you address to the highest forces not only because you suffered problems, but also because of genuine love for God.

I always read a grateful prayer to Nikolai pleases after my requests addressed to the saint are executed (and it always helps, even if we do not notice it). And I noticed that all my material achievements have become more serious: if I achieve success in any matter, then in this area there is no failure. Success is fixed. So Holy Nikolai helps, especially if you thank him and tell him about my affairs, as well as about love for God.

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Nikolay Wonderworker - our defender and patron

Why is it so important to contact the Saint Nicholas why it is worthwhile to expect help in difficult situations to all people, even those who have already desperate?

Nikolay Radio - the Great Saint, famous in ancient times, Archbishop, who lived many centuries ago in the Christian state of Lycia, which was located in the territory of modern Turkey. Nikolay was so kind to people that, in his life, the inhabitants of Lycia understood that the Holy Man was in front of them. About his kindness and love for God went legends.

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The saint was so close and dear to the Creator that God awarded his selfless servant for the gift of the Wonderful: Nikolai could heal people with the name of Christ, save innocently convicts, as well as those who got into trouble. He helped the beggar, starving, suffering from failing and diseases.

Especially kind of Archbishop Nicholas to children and all disadvantaged. He also loved animals very much, so it is still believed that it is St. Nicholas that protects domestic animals from misfortunes and diseases.

He is a patron of wanderers, especially sailors. The case is widely known when sailors who lived in the time of Nicholas and who knew his special merits before God, got into the storm and began to call upon the good archbishop. According to their prayer, the sea calmed down, and they easily saved, although initially there was no hope for salvation, so there was a strong and dangerous storm.

What does Nikolai Wonderworker help

Saint Nicholas helps in any problems and misfortunes. The main thing is not to refer to it with such a request, the execution of which implies harm to another person. Evil, unrighteous prayers will not be heard.

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Otherwise, any of your request will hear and fulfill how much it is possible. Believe that it really happens! For Nicholas, the Wonderworker has nothing unfulfair. That's just the result can be different from different people. My two girlfriends prayed to the Holy to make their husbands stop drinking. And the saint did not remain indifferent to their plea, but their fate has developed in different ways. At one woman, her husband really appealed to narcologist specialists and began to be successfully treated from alcoholism.

But another girlfriend prayed long enough, and the changes in her life did not come. At some point, she realized that it was time for her to leave her husband-alcoholic. And here the real miracles began to happen: the familiar offered her an apartment for a penny, a very good offer came regarding new work. She understood what he did the right thing that for her a good decision began to leave the husband, and then he was supported by St. Nicholas.

Why are the words of gratitude for the higher forces

Very often people live as living. They do not think about how ethical their actions are, how much is chista and their life is correct. Life goes - and good! But when some trouble occurs, problems begin, then many of us are first of all begin to blame God and fate for their problems without thinking about what they have attracted problems in their lives on their own.

If you do not think about God, you do not fill your life with good deeds, then the holy place is beginning to occupy completely different entities, which is why different misfortunes arise.

At the same time, if there is something good in life, then not many of us hurry to thank God for their happiness. And it is also wrong: you should not blame the highest strength in our misfortunes, but you always have to thank them for good luck and success. Everything is good on this light comes from God, and if we thank, it is only improving the situation, we fix the success, because we establish contacts with the source of all the good and Light - with the Lord.

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Thanksgiving prayer Nikolai Wonderworker for help

How can a gratitude prayer be sought by Nikolai please? You can read any canonical prayer from the Orthodox prayer room, but before reading in your own words, thank Nikolai Wonderworker for support in a specific case (name this situation, tell us how its favorable resolution is important for you).

It is best to pronounce a grateful prayer in front of the saint, with burning church candles. The icon of St. Nicholas of the Raznik can be bought in any church shop, this is one of the most beloved and revered saints.

Do not skimp on kind words, feel the love of the great holy, which for many centuries has been disinterestedly helps everyone who asks him about support. Let your gratitude sound warm and sincerely. You will see how much more kind miracles will happen in your life!

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