Prayer for lost things


My story is as follows: I lost my passport two days before the departure of the sea. Rummaged through the house, I looked through every folder, each shelf. It was a pity to tears that leave will be gone just like that. When finally in desperation, I decided to read the prayer of St. John the Warrior (heard that this holy helps you find the loss). After the prayer, my condition improved, I calmed down and even internally agreed with the situation. Everything that happens, you need God! And passports miraculously found!

In the evening, when it was about to go to bed, suddenly I remembered that came to a neighbor scan documents. It was late, but I could not resist, knocked on the next door. As a result, my hunch was correct! Joy I nearly kissed her neighbor passport really was under the scanner lid! They did not use the device, so do not notice that there is something extra.

Such a miracle created for me a saint John the Warrior. I've been through the Holy, and while on vacation and found the Orthodox church to light a candle before the image of St. John the Warrior. By earnest prayer believer is given a real help in any matter, including the loss of things.

Miracle prayer

Prayer for lost things helps, so do not be afraid to ask a higher power for help if you have lost something valuable for themselves. Pray to God in prayer, the saint (often John the Warrior or Saint Spyridon) open your eyes and went to where the search will be successful.

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If you feel that you are asking about the little things, do not worry. Ask forgiveness from God for that distract him from the loss, but explain that the missing thing is very dear to you (tell me why, and describe what you feel, losing the item).

Then you can read the canonical prayer, dedicated to John the Soldier or St. Spyridon. It is also believed that the search for missing will be successful if the great pray to Saint Nicholas. This saint can help almost any business, including in the search.

My friends found the missing car keys, rings, jewelry, phones, books. It was even lost on sending mail and forgotten in a cafe credit cards and wallets. However, some people have lost valuables in crowded places - in stores, on the beach, in the park.

It would seem that there was no chance that the lost thing there. But everything went well! Have you seen the good people who are missing and without any remuneration returned to its owner. Other people find their missing in the places where there are many times looking for.

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Many tell that the lost thing appears in the apartment as if from nowhere. Others, like me, after prayer, suddenly appeared new ideas where you can search yet. And these ideas turned out to be true!

But, as a rule, sincere prayer is rewarded: your desire is fulfilled quickly and accurately. Therefore, be sure to pray, and you will be heard, there are no obstacles for a truly believer.

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Is it worth reading conspiracy?

The people are believed that the loss of any thing is the tricks of household, led or other demons. They are having fun, tease us to steal different items. In this regard, there is a popular idea that to return the loss should turn to the unclean strength, which stole one or another item.

Perhaps after such conspirass the loss can be found. But the believer is worth thinking: and who helped her find it? Obviously, it is the demons who stole it, to which in conspiracy and sounds appeal. Does it make sense to enter with them in contact and ask them about anything?

Orthodox person will not communicate with the forces of darkness. It is dangerous, and unreasonable, and goes against the Christian faith. Even if you all recommend reading some kind of "miraculous" conspiracy, do not listen to anyone. It is better to pray, and then do not demons, and God himself will help you find a loss. Even if the texts of conspiracies look quite harmless, it is better not to risk and not communicate with demonic forces.

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Appeal to John Warrior: Prayer to find a lost thing

As already mentioned, one of the best assistants in loss is John the Warrior. The Great Holy lived in ancient times, in the era of persecution of Christians. John, as a mercenary professional, was sent to kill Christians. But the warrior himself received the Christian faith and became a defender of all oppressed. He provided the patronage of those who stole something meaningful, fought with the thieves.

That is why we and today we appeal to John the warrior for help with a loss, and the holy hurry to tell us where it is better to look for.

The most important thing during prayer is faith. Just believe that you will help you that you hear and trust you, and the words of your prayer will be heard.

If there is a desire, you can contact God directly to God or to Nikolay the Wonderworker, but with a detailed explanation, about what exactly you ask for (which disappears and why you this thing is so expensive). There is also an idea that the lost thing will definitely be found if you read the prayer "believe" and 50 psalm (repeated) many times.

Read the text of prayer or psalm thoughtfully, slowly. Tune in to what you are talking to God (or with His Holy). Think about the fact that there is nothing impossible for God and that in the sincere request from believers he will definitely come to the rescue, and your search for your success.

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