Strong Prayer from Son Drunkenness


Alcohol dependence of Chad becomes particularly severe for mother. A few years ago, my close girlfriend faced a similar problem when her son was addicted to drunkenness. Drug therapy helped weakly, the coding period was not solved. Therefore, a believer woman decided to strengthen the treatment strong Prayer from drunkenness According to the advice of the priest. Appeal to the miraculous images from the whole mind and with deep faith along with the help of medicine helped save Son From deadly dependence.

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Cunning effect of alcohol

The alcoholic dependence of a modern person can be classified as a terrible mortal sin, when an alcoholic is not even aware that he betrays faith, poisoning himself with a terrible poison. Alcoholism patients not only represent the problem for society, but also themselves suffer from the destructive health and psyche of the illness.

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A drinking person becomes addicted to the next portion of the fiery drink, since ethanol due to constant swallows does not have time to take off the body. All internal organs are poisoned by alcoholic poison, it is embedded in the life support system, which leads to the formation of a detrimental need.

Recently, the drunkenness of the population has become a real misfortune, but people do not stop fighting the evil by all available methods:

  • Medicine offers treated with the latest drugs using progressive techniques;
  • Adepta Magic Fighting Alcoholism leads at the energy level, recommending assistance from conspiracies and rituals.

Believers advise not to turn to conspiracies, but to the miraculous images of Orthodoxy, helping to get rid of alcohol addiction. Of particular power are the prayers of the mother who has become on defending the Son from drunkenness.

According to the servants of the Church, the only force that can withstand evil inhuman crowd of alcoholics is faith in the Lord of our Jesus Christ. Only with faith in God will be able to defeat the terrible disease, to break the person from the networks of rampant drunkenness, to return his sincere equilibrium, clearing the soul from the networks of "Green Zmia".

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It happened in the family of my close friend, her son grew nervous boy with unstable mentality, so that the fault had been premature labor. The daily struggle for survival in our difficult time parents probably have missed the moment when the offspring become addicted to alcohol. It all started with a light intoxicating beverages, and over dependence on vodka. Parents coded grown-up child, but the procedure is stopped to help, which was a reason for seeking medical treatment.

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While the guy was lying in the hospital, the mother walked most of the churches of the city, ordered the service for the health of the sufferer, the saints prayed for help. In one of the temples of the father suggested my friend to turn in prayer to the miraculous image of the Virgin - Icon Inexhaustible Cup. Unhappy woman in the church has got to heal many ailments icon, learned by heart a strong prayer to the Virgin and read it with unwavering faith in deliverance from drinking son destructive drinking. Now the family have come times of calm, but the miraculous icon will always remain in the house, and word of prayer - in the shower.

How to correctly perform the ritual of salvation

On the sacred cloth, known as the Inexhaustible Chalice, the Mother of God is depicted with the Divine Infant, but he was not in his mother's arms, and the inside gilded bowl. This unusual vessel, it is called the Cup of Communion, spiritual thirst-quenching, endows believers with joy and consolation. Reading the words of prayer in front of her mother in a divine way, coming from the depths of the soul, has great power and helps even at a distance.

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Getting prayer ritual, the mother is necessary to defend the service in the church, go through the rite of penance for their own sins, and to make it useful to the drinker son. If a person is not aware of their dependence and does not want to get rid of it is allowed to do the ritual secret from him, observing the simple rules:

  • read a prayer treatment is better in the temple before an icon Inexhaustible Cup, but you can at home (at least 3 times);
  • to gain the help of the Mother of God the sacred words of prayer uttered strong 40 consecutive days without a break;
  • reading a prayer book, it is necessary to present a healthy child to break the drinking, with a pure soul without a grave sin;
  • He thought his mother, a strong creative prayer, must be free of any thoughts other than focusing on the problem of alcoholism son;
  • to enhance the image of Marian help is desirable to surround the faces of Christ the Savior and St. Nicholas, light candles.

If you are dependent on alcohol son lives with his mother, it is recommended to put the icons in front of a bowl of holy water. After the ritual water, charged a strong energy Prayer text, pour sneaking in food and drinks drinking person. These actions will help to more quickly get rid of the fatal passion.

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Interesting fact. It is not by chance that, from a long time, the folk creep into the image of the reptile reptile. After all, according to the Christian legend, the culprit of the sin of mankind is called the Biblical Zmia-Tempener, who is still ruining the immortal souls of people.

History of the fertile image of an instant bowl

The icon depicting the Mother of God with the Boggladesman in a piece of communion, became an inexhaustible source for the suffering burden to wine. The approval of the healing force of the image is associated with the history of the Tula peasant's obsessed with drunkenness, whom a destructive passion wriggled into poverty. The unfortunate even the legs were taken away, his disease was defeated, but even these misfortunes did not stop drunkenness.

One day, in a dream, the "green serpent" saw a relaxed senior who had healing healing for his knees during the prayer in front of the inconspicuous icon of the local temple, called an inspired bowl. After following the emergence, the drunkard defended prayer and received not only healing from diseases, but also from alcohol dependence. Description of the event of the Momarodual Image of Almighty Power dated 1878.

Where at home can be placed a miraculous icon:

  • hang in the corner that is focused on the east side;
  • Light image can be positioned opposite the door (input);
  • In the room of a small child to ensure future protection of the baby.

From the point of view of iconography, the most ancient image of God's mothers belong to the category "Oranta". The bowl symbolizes the unfortable vessel, and the Bogomladniets is the ignorable sacrifice in the name of the salvation of mankind. Abstract Mother's Mother's Prechainable Hands are associated with a petition before God for obsessed with the destructive addiction of sinners.

With what other prayer you can contact the Queen of Heaven to protect the Son from Drunkenness:

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The strong psychosomatic effect of the prayer rite is explained by the influence of blood bonds between mother and child. Drinking son acquires not only physical, but also spiritual support for the closest in the world in the world, the strengthening desire to get rid of alcohol addiction.

Who else from the saints can be treated for help

The ailment of drunkenness cripples not only the health and fate of people, but ruins the soul of a drinker, turning the crown of God's creation in the likeness of the animal. Church believers argue that alcohol addiction is the fact of obsession with demons, their subsidence is partially or fully suppresses the spiritual forces of the person, turning it into the puppet of evil spirits.

The situation is aggravated by the fact that the person who suffers with alcohol addiction himself opens the soul to devilish minions as a result of a permanent admission of excessive doses of alcohol. If the drinker has a realization of his own obsession, the most powerful method of deliverance will be the daily reading of special prayers with great healing power.

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Appeal to the shiny face of our Lord Jesus Christ

The very first prayer consolesing the soul of the mother's soul about the child, should be the words of the prayer appeal to our:

With this prayer rite, all believers begin and finish their day, turn to God for promoting good deeds and thank to the assistance received. This is the strongest prayer of Orthodoxy, creating real miracles, it is necessary to know everyone.

Power of praying Nikolai Wonderworker

Reaching at home, praying for a drinking son before the icon of Nicholas the Wonderworker, the most revered on the Rus of the Holy. During the praying against the alcohol dependence of the Son from the mother, the presence of real faith in the help of heavenly forces is required.

If the prayer creates his own sufferer himself, it should be baptized, having in the soul unshakable confidence in his healing. Addressing the wonderworker with the following words:

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Everyone who creates strong prayers from drunkenness of their own or close relatives, it is important not to forget about the regular presence in the service in the church. For the accomplishment of a homely rite, the icon painting faces of the strongest saints, church candles and holy water will be needed. They are acquired in the temple.

Protection of Holy Wonpathy from Alcoholism

During the worldly life, the slave of the rich Romans named Voniphati was obsessed with drunkenness and blob. Once, hitting the execution of Martyrs-Christians, the sinner was horrified by the cruelty of the executioner. The suffering of Orthodox martyrs so hit the vonifati that he renounced alcohol addiction and became a supporter of Christ, for which he accepted a martyrdom.

To the martyr, Vonifatia is treated with a prayer for helping drinking relatives, intercession from debauchery:

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The unique prayers of Orthodoxy, facing the faces of Christ the Savior and the specially revered saints, have already healed thousands of people. Choose the strongest, in your opinion, the prayer, to cleanse the mind from doubt and bad thoughts, so that with confidence in healing to pray for the protection of the Son from drunkenness. It is necessary to create a strong prayer until a destructive passion retreat.

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