The value to which the colorful tattoo with hummingbird has


To date, I am very difficult to surprise someone's tattoos on the body. They can be observed completely and nearby, in people of different age, social layer, worldview and with a different life position.

Each tag has a special meaning, the understanding of which will greatly facilitate the choice of a suitable tattoo for itself. In this article I will give a detailed overview of the value of the tattoo of Hummingbird.

tattoo with hummingbird photo

Historical Excursion to Hummingbird Bird

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The habitat of miniature and incredibly attractive poultry kolibri - Western hemisphere, for this reason, the old legends about them are found in the myths of the peoples of North and South America. But at the same time, there are so many of them, and the storylines of stories are characterized by such a diversity that it becomes quite obvious that this little bird was very read in ancient times.

Then we will look at how they treated the hummingbirds in different peoples of antiquity.

In North America tribes

In the tribes of the Indians Mojave, they tell the legend, according to which people used to live at the level of land, namely the pummy bird helped them get to the surface.

And according to the legend of the nation, Hopi Khibri saved a tribe from hungry death. Then adult members of the tribe went to seek food, and children left some. One boy came to mind the idea of ​​cutting a wooden figure Hummingbird, and the girl threw it to heaven, and the figure miraculously came to life.

Daily, the bird began to bring it to me, thus protecting the kids from the hungry death, and then flew to the deity of fertility and began to ask him to revive the Earth. The deity was walked, thanks to which people were saved.

And the Pueblo tribal has its own Hummingbird's dance. Also, the hints of these miniature birds use shamans, trying to cause rain. There is a belief that the hummingbirds transfer the messages of people of the Great Mother, as well as what exactly the hummingbirds taught people with tobacocuria, which helps shamans when they spend cleaning rituals.

At the Mayan tribes

On one legend of Maya, we learn how the first two birds hummingbird appeared on Earth. They were created by the highest forces from the pynes remaining after the creation of other birds.

The gods were very pleased with their new amazing creatures, so they organized a large-scale wedding ceremony: the path to the altar was splled from spiders, and the whole earth was covered with beautiful floral petals. Near the altar of the bride and the bride flew a huge number of multicolored butterflies.

The Maja people, as, in principle, have more peoples of mesoamerics, there was a belief that the pummy birds are able to bring good luck in the love sphere.

Therefore, the stuffed birds in ancient times were used as talismen contributing to the involvement of real love. The tradition has survived to this day, today you can also meet the scarecrow the hummingbirds produced in the form of amulets.

In addition, special love potions were manufactured in antiquity, the main ingredient of which was the dried heart of the bird.

At Aztec

These nations have been made to decorate the ceremonial clothing of the elite of society with the help of bright hummingbird trips. Also, the cerebrals of the priests were decorated with the plumage of birds, and in the ears of the leaders it was possible to observe the seelings depicting birds of birds.

There is a legend that tells about the great warrior Witzilopocytley, which appeared on the light of the mystical ball feathers. He struggled with honor, trying to protect his people, but once suffered a defeat in battle and was killed. Then his body began to fall apart on a huge number of miniature birds that were tested to heaven.

Aztec believed that the souls of warriors were reincarnated in the hummingbird after death, so they treated the birds with all respects and respect.

Modern interpretation of this symbol

It is noteworthy that the characteristic of the Hummingbird tattoo will be the same for both girls, and for representatives of a strong floor, but, of course, the representatives of the beautiful floor are much more likely to stop their choice on similar images.

This is due to the fact that men in more rare cases are ready to apply such bright and elegant pictures on themselves, preferring more rude and courageous eagles, hawks and owls.

And what will be denoted by a tattoo with a bird's hummingbird?

  • Love. It is not for nothing that this beautiful bird of the ancient peoples of mesoamers associated precisely with a sense of real arms of love. Therefore, the knocker with the hummingbird will become a kind of amulet who is designed to help attract love to his owner.
  • Help. Hummingbird, although it has miniature parameters, but is very brave, because when it protects its territory and chips, it is boldly and fearlessly throws even on very large birds.

Hummingbird - Little, but brave bird

Therefore, the characteristics of the spangles of the hummingbird may indicate the courage and the desire to protect its position at any cost. This tattoo is designed to demonstrate that it is impossible to associate the external fragility and softness of character with weakness and defenselessness.

  • Freedom. This characteristic is relevant in general for all pennate representatives. The ability to fly high under the clouds since the distant antiquity symbolized freedom and the possibility when it is necessary to easily part with a spaced place.
  • Energy. The most miniature varieties of hummingbirds are able to make up to 100 swings wings per second. The birds are not relaxing even in the process of absorbing food, because they hang in the air, and not fall on the ground. Hummingbird distinguishes increased mobility.

And the pallium of the hummingbird will tell about the presence of a large energy potential among its master and will indicate the reluctance to sit in one place. Tattoo with hummingbirds are performed by people who hold a very active lifestyle.

  • Bright life filled with pleasure. If the flower is additionally present in the tattoo with the hummingbird, it means that the condition of comfort and the opportunity to have everything seeks to have it is extremely important for such a person.

And the little hummingbird is distinguished by a very good appetite and can eat more food over the day than it weighs. Its image can symbolize the focus on the luxurious life and the desire to have those things that many will be delivered to the category of excesses.

  • Communication between visible and invisible worlds. This characteristic goes to its roots to the beliefs of the Indians in the fact that the souls of the dead are the hummingbird. Little birds act as a kind of intermediaries between our reality and the other world.

Stylistics and composition tattoo with hummingbirds

A very colorful dolls of birds depicted with watercolor look. This style is ideal for drawing a small bright bird. Due to the smooth transitions of the shades, the easier flight is passed correctly and the wings fluttering in the air.

Such works have a colorful and gentle look, and due to the like random splashes and flutters, the drawing becomes even more original. The miniature images of the Hummingbird Birds in the neck or wrist area have a very cute and harmonious look. And the work of a larger scale, for example, the hummingbirds, squeezing on the flower, more correctly placed in the shoulder area or forearm.

The view involuntarily delayed on realistic tattoos that demonstrate very high similarities with real feathers. Of course, this is able to make such an exclusively professional of his case. Often, similar works are depicted in the form of whole landscapes where the beauty of the birthplace of Hummingbird can be seen.

Colorful tattoo with hummingbird photo

It looks very colorfully a realistic sleeve, a large-scale tattoo, applied to the leg either.

In the bulk of cases, tattoo with hummingbird is depicted with color, not black and white, which is rather logical, because otherwise it is quite difficult to convey the beauty of their plumage.

Although sometimes it is possible to meet the options for monochrome works. As a rule, they are depicted in the form of miniature uncomplicated ornamental sketches.

Of course, a tattoo in color will have a more natural look, which is much more effectively, but the black and white drawings are distinguished by greater durability and are not inclined to burn out so quickly in the sun, which is their obvious plus.

This is the meaning of a small cute bundle of hummingbird in the art of the tattoo.

Finally, be sure to get acquainted with the interesting thematic video of this topic:

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