What is useful than Hatha Yoga and how it is right


Hatha Yoga stands for a fairly capacious concept. It is one of the techniques aimed at spiritual development through physical practitioners. And if we consider the Hatha yoga from the position of physiology, then it is a way to find a compromise with your body for harmonious interaction with it.

In this article, I want to tell you more detailed about Hatha Yoga and its features.

Hatha yoga photo

Hatha Yoga: What is it?

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Ancient Master of Art Patanjali called yoga with a certain state of consciousness, free from involuntary vibrations of the mind (represented by thoughts, emotions, desires).

And the Hatha yoga can be distinguished as "hard work over his body" - "Hatha", which allows to withdraw their consciousness to higher plans - "Yoga".

Review of the close connection between bodily and mental

Not only neurologists and physiologists speak about the presence of a close connection between corporal and mental. Absolutely all variations of the movements made by our body (Mahi, shaking, blood ripples on the veins and so on) are a response to the brain signals.

And vice versa - on the reverse signals, we can understand what a certain organ (tissue or cells is either) is needed, and from which substances he should get rid of. It becomes clear that the speed and accuracy of the links described has an impact on the vital activity of the body in general.

In case of failures in the signaling system, we face a common discharge in the body: its manifestations will be less and more for specific parts of the body, but in general the entire body will use.

These failures are often manifested as injuries, but often provoke them not injuries themselves, and communicated properly channels.

When a signaling system, controlling the body, turns, we begin to spend a lot of energy into the back. Also due to the fact that organs and systems work incorrectly, the body faces their starvation or pollution, accumulating a large number of waste, and according to the result, all this is fraught with various pathologies.

Action Hatha yoga on the body

Physiologically Hatha Yoga stands by gymnastics, a kind of physical education, which develops a signaling system between parts of the body and the brain.

If you at least a couple of times were in yoga classes, then you probably know that after training, you begin to feel such muscles, about the presence of which before and did not guess. And if you work out for several months, the connection between the brain and various bodies will be restored in full.

Try to imagine yourself what is happening with the brain during yoga classes? If in the usual life there are signals pointing to stress in different parts of the body, he has to study again to contact them.

Thanks to the development of the network of neural connections, you help your brain distinguish signals, which is definitely very useful to him in daily life. You get a unique opportunity to make ordinary actions, but with minimal muscle tension, and therefore with minimal energy costs. Thanks to the establishment of the body regulation mechanism, you get a general recreation impact that will be higher than any expectations.

Due to the economy of energy, there is a potential for awareness. When you have a lot of accumulated inner energy, you can spend it on various creative classes and start growing as a person. You can also direct the energy to the awareness of his personality and its nature (that is, on spiritual self-consistency). It will be the completion of the Hatha yoga and the beginning of Raja-Yoga - the yoga of awareness.

With the help of yoga, you can achieve a state of awareness

When a person learns the concentration of his attention, he can capture the movement in the body of subtle energies and is able to consciously control them.

Then the practitioner transfers its attention from what is "outside", on what is happening inside, the maximum concentrates on its internal sensations. At that moment, when the concentration turns out to be at the highest level, it becomes possible to complete the perception of irritants from the outside, and you are completely immersed in yourself.

At such moments, you are aware of ourselves as a single, holistic and infinite creature, which is not limited to any space, nor with the help of time (according to the reviews of practitioners).

Why do you need a mentor in yoga?

Asanas of yoga have a powerful impact on the human body, but in case of incorrect execution, it will become destroying instead of a positive.

Of course, you can parry that there are enough different books today, as well as training videos on yoga that will help master this art yourself. Yes, they can really help you, but to study yoga as art is necessary solely personally in those who have been practicing it for a long time.

No wonder there is a saying: "It's better to see once than 100 times to hear," our body will be much easier to understand the language of another body than the verbal description.

In the same way, the tradition of yoga since ancient times and was transmitted from the mentor to the student.

Benefit and harm Hatha Yoga

Yoga will have a healing effect on the human body in a number of situations:

  • in the presence of the pathologies of the ridge (if you suffer from osteochondrosis, scoliosis, lordosis, kihosis, hernia intervertebral disks);
  • in the presence of arthritis and arthrosis;
  • If you suffer from chronic exhaustion syndrome, increased anxiety, sleep badly;
  • are in a state of chronic stress;
  • suffer from asthenia or vegetative dystonia;
  • You have violated the functions of the internal organs.

However, be sure to pay attention to the fact that yoga has its own contraindications of a sustainable and temporary nature. Next, we will look at both categories in more detail.

Sustainable contraindications include:

  • common condition;
  • The presence of psychological disorders or border states of the psyche;
  • The presence of organic pathologies of the heart - noncompensated vices; paroxysmal tachycardia; flickering arrhythmia; aortic aneurysms, myocardial dystrophy;
  • in the presence of blood circulation pathologies;
  • with severe infectious lesions of the musculoskeletal system;
  • with serious cranial injuries, damaged spine in a situation where unsatisfactory compensation takes place;
  • with neuroinfection;
  • in case of serious violations of the proportions of the body;
  • If there are malignant tumors.

It should be noted that even in all states listed above the correct performance of yoga exercises can be useful, but it is imperative that the experienced mentor controlled you. To do this, it is recommended to record on the yogotherapy course, before which it will be necessary to undergo a preliminary individual interview.

In front of the yoga classes need to be examined

Overview of temporary contraindications

  • regular consumption in large doses of potent medicines;
  • exacerbated chronic pathology;
  • period after surgery;
  • state of physical exhaustion;
  • state of overheating and supercooling;
  • Temperature above thirty-seven or less than thirty six and two degrees;
  • Performance of heavy physical labor;
  • condition filled with stomach;
  • Passage of a deep massage course on Zhen-Tszyu therapy;
  • You can visit a pair or sauna at least than 6-8 hours after yoga class, or four hours before it.

Compound Hatha Yoga

The practice of Hatha Yoga form such components:
  1. Pranayama - Practice concluded in the performance of special breathing exercises, which are designed to teach a person to control their emotions. And pranayama allows massaging internal organs.
  2. Asana - Exercise performed in special positions that complement special respiratory techniques and concentration of attention.

In Hatha-yoga, static exercises performed on inhales, exhalations or breathing delay are practiced. It is unacceptable to perform an Asan within the limits of its physical opportunities, because, on the contrary, they must contribute to relaxation, peace.

It is very important that, doing hahatha yoga, you did not feel physical discomfort. But the pleasant sensations arising in the body in the process of execution of Asan are a good sign - they indicate the correct circulation of prana by body.

  1. Meditative practice. Her main goal is the ability to hear itself, get rid of all extra, intake. When relaxation, a person is relaxing physically and mentally, the direction of energy on its spiritual development also occurs.
  2. Shakarma - Exercises and methods of Hatha-Yoga, contributing to the purification of internal organs. Translated from Sanskrita denotes "six acts". In fact, there are six cleaning practices:
  • Joti - cleans the digestive tract;
  • Basty - tones and washes a fat intestine;
  • Nauli (Lauliki) are special techniques in which the abdomen area is massaged and internal organs are strengthened;
  • NETI - cleans and rinsing nasal passages;
  • Capalabhati - three simple techniques that contribute to the purification of the front lobe of the brain;
  • Tractak - strengthens the optical nerves and eyes, improves eyesight, develops attentiveness.
  1. Healthy diet. In practice, yoga is very much attention paid to the right nutrition. Yoga Masters are confident that health and life satisfaction will provide simple natural food and rejection of overeating.

With the help of the practice of Hatha Yoga, such goals are possible:

  • awaken the kundalini energy - special energy concentrated at the base of the spinal column;
  • restore either support health;
  • provide a long life;
  • Realize your higher me;
  • Achieve a harmonious state between the inner and external, that is, to be in a state of enlightenment.

Asana in Hatha Yoga

Asans are static positions that need to retain a certain time in order to redistribute energetic streams in the body.

When holding a specific position (asana), there are overlapping of one or several channels at once, as well as the redirection of energy over the other channels - open. That is why it is important for quite a long time to hold each of the positions, you should not hurry to change it to another, because it is important that the energy is correctly distributed.

Skip from one exercise to another will help special ligament movements, although they do not belong to the obligatory. Indeed, initially Asana did not think as a group of exercises, designed to develop the physical body or to engage in physical education. These are ideal postures to perform spiritual practices, and many of them can be used in meditative practices or self-pressing.

Varieties Asan in Hatha Yoga

Hatha Yoga is formed by a huge number of Asan, it acts as a kind of encyclopedia of positions in yoga. And for greater convenience, all the asians are divided into categories:

  • standing;
  • seats;
  • lying;
  • deflection;
  • slopes;
  • twist;
  • Exercises on the balance;
  • Overting.

Inverted asana photos

In addition, all varieties of Asan can be divided and, according to other signs. For example, some of them contribute to the development of power and endurance, and the rest is a stretch.

For example, Asana Khanumanasan is a typical example stretching exercise from a sitting position, but the position of the caravel (bakasan) or peacock (Maiurasan) protrude with power.

For the inverted positions, the stimulation of blood supply to the brain is characteristic, because during their fulfillment, the blood sticks to the head, and this is very positive effect on brainwriting. Also in most of the asane of this type there is stimulation of digestive organs and the toning of internal organs.

The twists also have a positive effect on the health of the back and on the abdominal cavity.

And exercises intended for the balance, in principle, are versatile. A competent compound complex Asan on the balance helps to strengthen almost all muscle groups and normalizes the activities of the internal organs. In addition, the coordination of movements is significantly improved. If you start regularly practicing yoga, it is very soon noted that even the asians performed on one leg are very easily and familiar.

Overview of the main positions for beginners in yoga

Initially, it is not bad to start performing standing asians, because it is easier to get used to them than to the rest. For them, neither deflection, no twist, although there are such types of exercises that are made from a sitting position and are gradually complicated.

It is recommended to begin with newcomers in Hatha-yoga, as Tadasani, Pischasans, Visarakhadsana.

Next, consider the main options assen with a detailed description.

Sitting Asana

Vajrasan externally is a very simple pose performed from a sedental position, but it is incredibly useful, as it helps the correct distribution of energy on the spine from the bottom up.

With this Asana, as well as other Asan, for example, Sidhansana, Sukhasans, Swastaans and classic Padmashana, you can perform meditative practice.

These positions are stable, drive the spine to the correct position, and it is permissible to linger for a long time.

Lying exercise

Among them, definitely, Shavasan stands out. This is Asana, which is always shifting for daily yogan practice. It is quite easy to perform, and it contributes to the organic completion of the entire Asan complex.

And it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter how much time went to practice - twenty minutes or a few hours, "always remember that the execution of the specified position at the end helps to harmoniously complete the practice, take energy and allow it to begin to dissolve in the body.

Shavasan - Dead Foot Pose Photo

Another Asana is useful not only as finalizing, and also is a basic Asana, which can be practiced in the process of meditation. It has a wonderful impact not only on a physical organism, but also on an emotional state, contributes to pacification and bring into the order of its feelings.

Surya Namaskar - Greeting Sun

Special attention should be paid to the complex of exercises "Suryya Namaskar". It represents a truly ideal option for beginners in yoga.

The fulfillment of the greeting the Sun is based on several major asanas, which form a dynamic complex, and then are already performed separately.

With all this, Suria Namaskar does not take much time with you and, as a rule, is used as a warming complex at the initial stages of practice, although it can be performed separately. It is allowed to make at the same time a few circles of this complex.

How important is the regularity in Hatha-yoga classes?

It should be noted that the systematic performance of yoga exercises is perhaps the basic rule. If you even do just a little yoga, but daily, you can get a much more result than in case of non-permanent training.

Moreover, this principle is also suitable for beginners, and for those who have already been engaged in yoga long enough. Regular classes will help maintain muscles in a tone, and you will not have to recover after long breaks.

Plus, the appearance of gradual progress is always very positive effect on the body and delivers the practitioner to a lot of positive experiences.

Therefore, it is definitely better to practice daily than once a week. Moreover, you can not perform all the asians of the complex at once, but to do the most beloved or those who have already managed to master well. Soon it will be your habit, and you will wait for every lesson with enthusiasm.

Comfort Exercise Exercise

The most important principle is that in the process of fulfilling all Asan Hatha yoga, you felt comfort. So, the meaning in this case is not to deal with a constant internal protest or make any achievements.

Although, of course, when you will be engaged in more time-consuming asanas, you will probably feel a certain protest, and for their execution you will need more time.

However, the main rule will be the following - your body should be relaxed in the process of performing exercises, and the Asana themselves should make real pleasure. It is on this principle that you understand how much the exercises do.

Principle of compensation

When building your complex practices, do not forget about the compensatory principle. It lies in the fact that each of the movements should be supplemented with contrivosion.

For example, if you are leaning, then you need to progress. And if you strain, you should relax. After the inhalation it follows the exhalation - this is a simple principle, the observance of which ensures security in the practice of yoga for a long time, and then, according to the result, you can get the desired benefit and enrich the spiritual plan.

These were the basic principles of Hatha-yoga classes, in particular, for beginners.

At the end of the topic, be sure to browse the thematic video:

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