What is the difference between Catholics and Orthodox


Having become acquainted in Europe with the traditions of the Catholic Church and talking about returning with the father, found that there was a lot of common between the two directions of Christianity, but there are also the fundamental differences between Orthodoxy from Catholicism, among other things that influenced the split once of the Unified Christian Church.

In his article, I decided to tell an affordable language about the differences in the Catholic Church from the Orthodox and their shallons.

A bit of theory: how and for what reasons the Christian church divided

Although the clergy prove that the case in "irreconcilable religious discrepancies", scientists are confident that it was, above all, a political decision. The tension between Constantinople and Rome made the confessors to seek a reason to find out the relationship and ways to resolve the conflict.

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What is the difference between Catholics and Orthodox 4946_1

I have not to notice even then I have established themselves in the West, where Rome dominated, features other than those accepted in Constantinople, it was difficult, so for this and they caught: a different device in the issues of hierarchy, aspects of the creed, the sacraments - everything was used.

Due to political tensions, the existing difference between the two traditions existing in different parts of the broken Roman Empire was revealed. The cause of the established originality was the differences in culture, mentality of the Western and Eastern parts.

And if the existence of one strong large state did the church of one, with its disappearance, the relationship between Rome and Constantinople weakened, contributing to the creation and rooting in the western part of some unusual east traditions.

The separation of the once unified Christian church in the territorial sign occurred not at one moment. East and West went to this years by arranging culmination in the 11th century. In 1054, during the Cathedral of Patriarch, Constantinople was lowered by the Messengers of Pope of Roman.

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In response, he betrayed the anathema of Pope envoys. The heads of the rest of the patriarchy divided the position of Patriarch Mikhail, and the split deepened. The final gap belongs to the times of 4 crusades, exposed to Constantinople. So, the church of Christians split into Catholic and Orthodox.

Now Christianity unites three different directions: the Orthodox and Catholic Church, Protestantism. Unified Church, uniting Protestants, no: denominations are calculated by hundreds. The Catholic Church is monolith, leads her Pope, who is subject to all believers and dioceses.

15 independent and recognizing each other churches are an asset of Orthodoxy. Both directions are religious systems, including their own hierarchy and domestic rules, creeding and worship, cultural traditions.

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General features of Catholicism and Orthodoxy

Followers of both churches believe in Christ, consider it an example for imitation, try to follow His commandments. Scripture for them - Bible.

At the foundation of the traditions of Catholicism and Orthodoxy, there are apostles-students of Christ, founded Christian centers in major world cities (the Christian world has relied on these communities). Thanks to them, both directions have the sacraments similar to the creed, they attire the same saints, have the same symbol of faith.

Followers of both churches believe in virtue of the Holy Trinity.

A look at the formation of a family in both directions converges. The conclusion of marriage between a man and a woman occurs with the blessing of the church, considering the sacrament. Same-sex marriages are not recognized. Entry into intimate relations to marriage is unworthy of Christian and is considered to be sin, and same-sex - a serious fall.

The followers of both directions agree that both the Catholic and the Orthodox direction of the Church are Christianity, albeit in different ways. The difference for them is significantly substantially and irreconcilable that more than a thousand years there is no unity in the method of the worship and communion of the body and the blood of Christ, so they do not commit communities together.

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Orthodox and Catholics: what's the difference

The result of deep religious discrepancies between the East and the West was a schism that occurred in 1054. Representatives of both directions declare the existing differences between them in a religious worldview. This contradictions will be discussed. For simplicity, the understanding was a special table of differences.

The essence of the difference Catholics Orthodox
1 Opinion regarding the unity of the church They consider it necessary for the presence of a single faith, the sacraments and the head of the church (Pope, naturally) Consider the unity of faith and the molding
2. Various understanding of the Universal Church The belonging to the universal church is confirmed by communication with the Roman Catholic Church The Ecumenical Church finds an incarnation in the local churches under the leadership of the bishop
3. Various Interpretation Symbol of Faith The Holy Spirit is emitted by the son and Father The Holy Spirit is emitted by the Father or comes from the Father through the Son
4 The sacrament of marriage The conclusion of the marriage union between a man and a woman who is blessed by the minister of the Church, is happening for life without the possibility of divorce The marriage between a man and a woman blessed by the Church is the end of the earthly period of spouses (in some situations, divorces are allowed)
5 The presence of an intermediate state of the souls after death The proclaimed dogma on purgatory suggests the presence of a souls prepared after the death of the physical shell of the souls, but they can not climb into heaven. Purgatory, as a concept, in Orthodoxy is not provided for (there are Nataria), however, in prayers for the deceased, we are talking about souls that remain in an indefinable state and having the hope of gaining a paradise life after the end of a terrible court
6. Conception of the Virgin Mary Mary In Catholicity, she adopted dogma of the immaculate conception of the Virgin. It is in mind that at the birth of the mother of Jesus, the firstborn sin was not committed Worship Mary Maria as holy, but believe that the birth of Mother of Christ has happened to a primary sin, like any other person
7. The presence of a dogmat about the stay of the body and the soul of the Virgin Mary in the kingdom of heavenly Dogmatically fixed Dogmatically fixed, although followers of the Orthodox Church maintain this judgment
eight The primacy of Pope Rimsky According to the appropriate dogma, Pope is considered the head of the Church, having an indisputable authority on key religious and managerial issues. The majority of Pope does not recognize
nine Number of rituals Several rites are used, including Byzantine Dominates the only (Byzantine) rite
ten Adoption of higher church solutions He is guided by the dogma, proclaiming the accuracy of the head of the Church on the issues of faith and morality, subject to the approval of the decision agreed with the bishops We are convinced of the infrequitability of exclusively universal cathedrals
eleven Management in the activities of the decisions of the Universal Councils Guided by decisions 21 of the Universal Cathedral Supports and guided by decisions taken on the first 7 universal cathedrals

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Let's sum up

Despite the centuries-old split between the Catholic and Orthodox churches, the overcoming of which in the near future is not expected, there are a lot of similar moments indicating common sources.

There are many differences, so significant that the combination of two directions is not possible. However, regardless of differences, Catholics and Orthodox believe in Jesus Christ, they carry his teachings and value in the world. Human errors were divided by Christians, but faith in the Lord gives the unity, which Christ prayed.

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