Which corner should hang icons in the house and how to hang them


My grandmother always said: Icons need to be kept in a red corner, near the eastern wall of the house, so so that the light falls from the windows. So she did, so Mom did ... But when I moved to live in a separate apartment, it turned out that from the east in my new dwelling there are only a bathroom and toilet. Where to hang the shelf for icons? Suggested Batyushka

Which corner should hang icons in the house and how to hang them 4948_1

Where can I post icons in an apartment or house

Yes, traditionally in the Russian skeins of the red angle (that is, the place where the icons and the flaws were played) were located in the eastern corner. Moreover: with the calculation to this angle, each house was built.

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Today's multi-apartment (and private too) create engineers, and religion - the last thing they are guided by planning the future premises. Fortunately for modern Orthodox, clear church prescription on placing icons on a particular wall there.

The main thing:

  • Select angle or wall where any family member will have access to both you and your parents or children can easily pray;
  • It should be free - icons can not be "hiding" between paintings, photos, colors in Cachepo and other interior decorations;

Which corner should hang icons in the house and how to hang them 4948_2

  • Creating an iconostasis, you should not be too involved, turning the shrine into the cult of the Golden Taurus (I mean too rich salaries) or the picture gallery (in the photo), it should be a place for prayer.

Is it possible to hang the image in the bedroom, the kitchen

  • Bedroom. Some people are afraid to hang the licks of the saints near the bed, because not only sleep. But if you are weddings, married hugs are not sin, but on the contrary, quite legal mutual joy. If you are embarrassed to do the red angle here, hang simply "Peter and Fevronia", you will have patrons of your pair. If you are only in civil marriage (or painted, but not crowned), then hang or do not hang icons, but what you are doing in bed is all the same sin.
  • Kitchen. This is also a good place. Even if the main iconostasis is placed elsewhere, in one of the kitchen angles (it is wiser to place it away from the plate so that there is no fat on the shrine and not falling water vapor) It is worth posting the image of the Savior or the "Last Supper". His family will be thanked for the bread pressing. An ideal place to accommodate: above the dining table. Or as an option: Choose a glazed shelf in a kitchen cabinet.
  • Living room. Probably, this is the best room for creating a red angle, and it doesn't matter which way of the walls of this room overlook.
  • The corridor. Here the red angle is not very accepted - after all, too much passing place. However, over the entrance to the apartment, many hang one icon. Often it is the "Pokrov of the Virgin", which should protect the entrance to the house from "knocking" evil here. Also strong defenders of the house are George Victorious, Saint Nicholas, the Virgin "Industrable Wall". The church is not very approved by this (after all, such accommodation smacks "intertwined", but still a talisman), but still it is better than Horseshoe - a frank pagan talisman.
  • Children's Making a red angle in this room is not accepted. However, to place the icon of the guardian angel of your baby - right and reasonable. She will guard the crumb, and he will be able to pray both in the event of difficulties and thanks to the joy. An ideal place to accommodate: above the headboard baby beds.
  • Study. Here, too, the icon will be to the place. Moreover: many people hold the face of their holy patron even in the workplace (let's say, in the office), and the church refers to this favorably, because here we spend about 8 hours a day, and at home - only a few (not counting sleep).
  • Bathroom, toilet, storage room. Here the red angle is prohibited is stupid and blaspheme.

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What exactly icons should be in the home red corner

  • Orthodox cross. They should be crowned iconostasis (this is not a strict requirement, but still the presence of the cross is preferably).
  • Jesus Christ and his mother. The first icon is put on to put on the right, the second - on the left. These sacred faces are the basis of a red corner, the rest choose (or choose) under their family.
  • Images of their saints patrons.
  • The icons to which you are inherent in particular need (for example, "an indeliable bowl" or "the doubt of evil hearts").

No need to collect a huge collection. The main thing is that each of the icons placed in your red corner was revered in your family and every child knew who was depicted on it, as in which case to pray.

Some people hang images that have done with their own hands (or loved ones). Embroidered or drawn icons are not sin. But before starting to pray to her, the icon needs to be consecrated. And ideally, before starting work, you need to visit the church and get a blessing for embroidery / drawing such an icon.

But calendars and posters (even with saints) are not icon, they should be stored separately from the red corner. But remember: when such a calendar drives, do not throw it away. Or burn, or derive to church. As - in no way, it is depicted by the Saint Lick - he can not be lying on a landfill.

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How to have icons

The image of the Savior and the Virgin Mary is hanging above other icons. If you have an old image that, let's say, got you from the grandmother, place it in the center. If the icon is old and paint on it almost erased, it can be put on a little further than the rest of the icons, for a while locked in kyot, and even to give to church.

All images are standing on one shelf? In this case, the most revered (Jesus) is put in the center, the Holy Trinity and the Virgin - on the right and left, the rest - at the edges.

You can also use a bedside table, a table or console instead of the shelf. Do not necessarily place icons under the ceiling. But if you use the nightstand, it should only be for icons - to post the photos of relatives here, looking for a cup of tea with tea.

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To put, lay icons alone can not be installed.

Some icons have a loop for hanging, others are not (they are put on the shelf). If there is no loops, it is impossible to nail the icon, punching it through (especially blasphemy to drive the nail into the image of the saint or his clothes).

It is believed that all icons should be written in one manner. Although, of course, this is a more style remark (after all, people often collect all their lives - they are inherited, a gift is brought from pilgrimage trips).

And last. It is believed that the images are better not to hang on the wall, but to put on the shelf. Although it is an old-fashioned tradition than the church rule. Otherwise, icons with special hinges for nail would be sold in church shops.

What else can be located next to the saints

  • Consecrated Willow Spots, Birch, Flowers.
  • Embroidered towel (in Ukraine or in Kuban, for example, no such towel of the iconostasis does not happen).
  • Consecrated candles (for example, thunder).
  • You can hang the lamp. It is not easy to light, but during prayer or an Orthodox holiday (on such a day she can burn a day for a day).

In the old days, the grandmother was hidden for icons money, hoping that thereby would be removed from the thieves. But worldly paper and saints are not the best neighborhood. If you want to save your funds, it is better to store money on the deposit.

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Family Iconostasis Care Rules

Always thoroughly rub dust, collect web. In the red corner there should always be "red", that is, beautiful, and this also means "purely".

Do not hang icons in rooms with high humidity, very hot. Here the paint on the images can quickly crack, fad. Battery, Fortochka - not the best neighbors of the red corner. Also do not let the straight sunlight all day to illuminate icons.

Even if, by tradition, they need to hang in the most illuminated place of the hut, no one has canceled the curtains on the windows (and embroidered towels on the icons are not just like that).

Many people love to decorate icons with napkins, alive (dried, artificial) flowers. But if you ignite near the edges of the lamp, all easily flammable items should be removed.

Which corner should hang icons in the house and how to hang them 4948_7

What is Kyot.

This is a special shelf or glazed box created to store icons. They are sold in the temples, and can also be ordered via the Internet.

Such a repository may also be called the Bodge.

But that we are all about the apartment, the house and the office ... After all, some people spend many hours a day at the wheel of their iron horse. Can I hang an icon in the car? This will tell this video:

But the wearing icon in the wallet church does not approve. Yes, their, small and laminated, sell even in church shops. But in order for such an image to take a military or traveler with him, in order to pray in a free minute. As for the wallet, it is better to leave it for money and credit cards.

In more detail about this will tell the Holy Father:

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