Icon Annunciation: what to pray what helps


My cousin could not conceive a child, although the tests were good. How many doctors went around, and there was no sense. One believer woman advised her to pray for the Mother of God for infant to the infant, and for this you need an imposition.

After a year, sister informed the joyful news that she would have a baby. In the article, I will tell you about the celebration of the Annunciation, about the evangelical history of visiting the Virgin Mary Arkhangel and what the Annunciation Iconer helps.

Icon Annunciation

History of the Virgin Mary.

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In those distant times, all the girls were brought up with temples and retained chastity. At the achievement of 14 years, many were married, the rest were returning to the parent house. Virgo Maria wished to remain virgin, and her request was approved by priests. The holy Maria had gained old Joseph, who was 80 years old at that time. The righteous guarded the chastity of his bride, staying in holiness.

4 months after the engagement of the Virgin, Maria visited Archangel Gabriel and told her the news from God: she was elected to become the mother of the Savior of the world. Righteous Maria did not refuse to become the mother of the Son of God, because he had a strong faith in his heart and completely trusted God. Immaculate conception is considered a miracle, an inexplicable mind of man. Despite the skepticism of atheists, believers fully recognize the fact of the divine conception.

Having learned about the pregnancy of the bride Pious Joseph wanted to go secret secretly, but the angel of the Lord stopped him:

Icon Annunciation: what to pray what helps 4954_2

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The elder listened to the angel and left the righteous Maria at himself. After a certain time, Jesus was born, the Savior of the world.

Icon of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Holiday of Annunciation

This is one of the most revered holidays of the Orthodox world. Believers remember the Annunciation of the Archangel Gabriel, when he told the Virgin Mary on the immaculate conception of the Savior of the world. This is a joyful and bright holiday for all believers when the hearts are filled with bliss from the thought of salvation.

Previously, tables were covered in tsarist Russia and invited all believers to treat themselves, fed the poor and low-income peasants. Nowadays, this tradition has been revived, and some charitable funds arrange a treat for everyone in need. Orthodox Christians can also visit the houses of people with disabilities or orphans to distribute gifts and treats. This good deed will bring blessing to those who hung.

Annunciation is celebrated on the same day - April 7. This is not a passing date that remains unchanged.

In the Annunciation Accepted:

  • do good
  • Avoid sins and bad thoughts;
  • do not work at home and utility farming;
  • to give all people a smile and welcome;
  • give alms.

Previously, the Annunciation was produced from bird cells as a symbol of freedom. This tradition is reviving both in modern days. In April, the first agricultural works begins, so the seeds for the future rich crop blessed the icon.

Under the icons, the consecrated antifreeze water. It was believed that she could raise even a sick person from bed. Water was given a cattle to protect against the case.

Holiday Annunciation

Church traditions

On this day, on the festive liturgy, it is customary to bring white lilies as a symbol of the good news of the Archangel Gabriel. Believers are given church notes about health, fell missile. Progos can be taken home and there is an empty stomach, drinking with holy water. With this read the prayers of Our Lady.

Festive prayer for the Blessed Virgin Mary:

Icon Annunciation: what to pray what helps 4954_5

Icon Annunciation

The Icon of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary is raised by prayers for healing from the ailments and release from the conclusion. Annunciation is good news, good news for every believer. Icon is an intercession of disadvantaged, desperate and diligent. Prayer of faith cleans the souls and hearts of people, fills with joy and confidence in God's intercession. Grief leave a person, the body acquires healing, and the soul is liberation from sins.

The Mother of God is an ideal for all Orthodox women, an example of humble and purity.

Women are praying for the Virgin to fill their hearts as strong faith, which was the Mother of God. Contemplating the Holy Lick on the icon, the hearts of believers are filled with joy, the spirit is strengthened, and faith becomes unshakable.

The icon is customary to keep in the house to protect against evil and trouble.

What helps icon:

  • from soul and body diseases;
  • from dependencies (alcohol, drugs);
  • from unfair accusation;
  • For speedy liberation from the dungeon;
  • from the influence of black magic;
  • From the oppression of man by a person;
  • Successfully conceive and give birth to a child.

In all matters when you need to get an affirmative answer, you can ask the icon of the Annunciation.

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